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Bibliography of Articles on Computing
Orville Boyd Jenkins, EdD, PhD


KenKug Newsletter. Limuru, Kenya: Kenya Christian Workers Komputer Users' Group.

Editor, (9 issues per year) November 1986 - June 1989, inclusive. Regular news stories on Club activities and services, software and industry updates, plus the following selected by-line stories.
Articles and Series continued through 1993.

1986     Nov     "Updates"

1987     Jan       "Software Updates: dBase and 1-2-3 Clones"
                         "Technology Updates: Disk Drives"
                         "WordStar: Screen Dump or Memo Print"

            Feb       "Computers '87;" "WordStar Questions;" "First Number Cruncher"
                         "BDOS Error: Is Your Disk Full?"  "WordStar Questions"
                         "Maximizing MailMerge Efficiency"
                         "Start Your Own Library"

            Mar       "WordStar Questions: Alien Trails"

            May       "A Public Domain Manual;" "System Operation: Answers" (1)

             Jun        "System Operation: Answers" (2)

             Jul         "WordStar: Command Series;" "Multi-Lingual Scribe"

             Sep        "DOS BDOS;" "Go Up, Not Out"
                           "Model 30 and the Operating Systems"

            Oct         "WordStar: Columns and Blocks"
                           "Frenchplay, Fairplay;" "Print-Pause for WordStar"
                           "User Report: WordStar 4.0;" "Public Domain Support"

            Nov        "Files in a Squeeze;" "Computerized Maasai"
                           "Program and Copyright Considerations"
                           "Amazing Things"

1988     Jan         "Overlay Failure;" "Krunch, Crunch"
                           "Elite Letter Quality on Gemini 10X"

            Feb         "WordStar Tips: More on Column Blocks"
                           "The Computer Connection" (with Galen Currah)

            Mar         "Additional Tips on DataStar" (with Lynn Raburn)
                           "A New Index or Modified Form for a DataStar File"
                           "WordStar Overprint;" "WS4 CP/M Edition – Review"
                           "WS Tips: Using the <ESC>ape Key"

            May        "Things I like about WS 4.0 (CP/M)"
                           "WordStar 4.0 (CP/M) Bugs;" "Gemini Tips"
                           "User Report: C/NIX – Unix under CP/M"

            Jun          "Installation Tips;" "Notes on WS4"

            Jul            "Virus Epidemic Affects Computer World"
                            "Songwright III;" "WS4 (CP/M) Bugs"
                            "System Tips: SAVEing your Memory"

            Sep          "Personalize your System Prompt"
                            "USA High Tech Symposium;" "Computer AIDS"
                            "WordStar Version 4.0 Notes;" "WS Tips: Extra Lines"

            Oct          "Focus on Viruses"

1989     Jan           "Initial Impressions of MicroSoft Word (Not Too Good)"
                             "FileVision – Graphics Data Base"
                             "Quicken Your Keys;" "CGA Shortcut, Free!"

             Feb          "Chip Shortage Eases;" "WordStar 5.0 is Here!"
                             "Resetting your Ruler (and Tabs) in WordStar"
                             "Computers 89 Introduces New Lines"
                             "The Apple Shines"
                             "Spreadsheets in the Sixth Dimension"

             Mar          "Shelve your Equipment"
                             "WordStar 5.0, Features and Faults"
                             "DOS Incompatibilities;" "DR-DOS Available"
                             "DOS 4.0 in Operation"

             May         "New Generation Microchips;" "Help Prevent Viruses"

             Jun           "L'Ordinateur Individuel;" "OBJ's Industry Updates"

            (The following items were published in the KenKug Newsletter under the next Editor.)

1989     Jul            "Industry Updates"
             Nov         "Scrolling in a File"

1991     May          "The Dull Edge"

            Jun            "Undelete Your Heart Out;" "Xerox Strikes Gold!"

             Jul             "Draft Shortcut"

             Sep            "Relogging Disks in WordStar"

             Nov           "Ventura Publisher Tips and Notes"

1992     Feb            "The Development of Disk Drives"
                               "A DTP Configuration"

             Mar            "How High is High Memory?"

             Jul              "Problems in Memory Definition"

             Sep             "DOS Tip"

             Oct             "Just the Fax, Ma'am;" "Phantom Directory"

1993      Jan             "Library Spotlight: A Program Odyssey"

              Feb            "Computer Fun-Raising"

              Mar            "PC Tools 8.0: The Beauty of Mouse Traps"

              May            "Whence KenKug?"

               Jul              "WordStar Perspectives"

1994       Nov           "The Numbers Can Be Confusing (Notes of DOS Versions)"

KenKug Newsletter Series: "You Win Some ..."

1988         Oct         Nov
1989         Jan          Mar         Jun         Jul

KenKug Newsletter Series: "The Cutting Edge"

1991         Feb   July    Oct    Nov
1992         Jan    Mar    May    Jun    Jul     Sep     Oct     Nov
1993         Jan    Feb    Mar     May  Jun     Jul      Sep     Nov

KenKug Newsletter Series: "Library Spotlight"

1992         May     Jun     Jul     Sep    Nov
1993         Feb      Mar    May   Jun     Jul

KenKug Newsletter Series: "Software Corner"

1992         Mar      May    Jun    Jul     Sep     Oct     Nov
1993         Jan

KenKug Newsletter Series: "What's Up, DOS?"

1993         Jan      Feb     Mar     May
                 Jun      Jul       Sep     Nov

East Africa Computer News. Nairobi, Kenya: Compunews Publishers, Ltd.

1987     August     "The Mix Editor: A Sound Investment"

Contributing Editor from January 1990

1990     January-February     "WordStar Professional Release 5" (Cover Feature)

1991     May         "Ventura Publisher Gold Series (3.0)" (Cover Feature)

1992     February     "User to User: News Updates"

             March     "User to User: Disk Drives – A Short History "

             May         "New Updates"

             June         "New Updates"

             July          "User to User: Ventura Publisher tips and notes"

             August     "User to User: Memory Definition"

             September   "User to User"

EACN Columun "Computer Bits"

1992     November
1993     Jan/February     March     April/May     November

CompuNotes series in Afri-Com journal.

1993     Vol. 6, No. 1.     "When Your Hard Disk Gets Lost"

             Vol. 6, No. 2.     "DOS COPY Shorthand"

             Vol. 6, No. 3.     "How We Got Computers or Bet You Never Heard This"

1995     Vol. 8, No. 1.     "Utilities"

1997     Vol. 9, No. 1.     "Good Times"
                                        "Upgrading Your CPU"

             Vol. 9, No. 2.     "Out of Windows Resources"


1986     WordStar Tips in KUGRAM, Nov-Dec.

1987     WordStar Tips in Scroll, Mar-Apr.

1988     WordStar Tips in Scroll, May-June.


The KenKug Utilities – A freeware and Shareware Collection
                1992 version 1.0
                1993 version 1.5

Msamiati Sahihi – A Swahili Language Spell-Checking Dictionary List
            (with Lynn Raburn) version 1.0
            (with Bruce Riggins) version 2.0

Posted on Thoughts and Resources 19 May 2001
Last updated 3 May 2010
Email: orville@jenkins.nu