Worship as Communication
Dr. Orville Boyd Jenkins
I knew a newsmagazine editor who would share some spiritual insights with his readers in every issue. One topic he addressed was the purpose of worship. His comments provide a perspective on worship as the opportunity to meet with God. Here is a portion of his thought.
Every Christian needs the fellowship which is available in the corporate worship experience. The word fellowship carries with it the idea of partnership. The partnership is a two-way relationship with God and with one's fellow Christians.
Worship made a difference in the life of the prophet Isaiah. During worship God revealed to him God's position and person. When Isaiah saw God as he really is, he saw his own need for God and received cleansing. After finding a right relationship with God, Isaiah was ready to volunteer for the task which God had for him. It is likely that Isaiah would never have become the prophet that God needed him to be apart from this worship experience.
Worship, also, is important to encourage one another. If we are to accomplish what God would have us to do, it is essential that there be comrades in the church who will provide inspiration and hope when things seem to be dragging. Individuals with this type of positive attitude can mean much in the life of the church.
Many are defeated in Christian life because they have abandoned the assembling, where they can't see the shining examples of dedicated men and women who hold fast to their faith and live their lives in the splendor and courage of Christ himself. Corporate worship allows for individuals to have opportunities to know what God is doing in the lives of others.
Worship is partnership. Some go to listen, but not to contribute. They miss out on the partnership. Worship involves communication with God and with other believers. It is a source of new perspective, renewed purpose, clarified sense of calling, and increased energy for the spiritual warfare.
In worship we communicate with God in preparation for communicating with the "outside" world. Our communication with others then can take on the divine perspective demonstrated in the example of the Lord Jesus. Let us "have the mind of Christ."
This article first published in Focus on Communication Effectiveness, August 1992
First posted 27 May 2001
Posted on the Jenkins Millennium Culture Centre 28 May 2002
Last edited 22 November 2007
Orville Boyd Jenkins, Ed.D., Ph.D.
Copyright © 1992, 2001, 2007 Orville Boyd Jenkins
Permission granted for free download and transmission for personal or educational
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Email: orville@jenkins.nu |
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