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Books I Read in 2007
Orville Boyd Jenkins
As of 31 December 2007
Last edited 6 February 2018

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My goal for 2007 was 115 books.  Originally I set a goal of 150, but my reading has proceeded more slowly this year, due to my extensive work on genealogical research.  So in June I revised the goal to a more realistic possiblity.  My reading pace picked up and I passed the new goal in early November.

Finished (135)

Akins, Wade.  Be a 24/7 Christian.  Garland, Texas:  Hannibal Books, 2005.  171p.  Received as a gift 9 July 2007.  Read 11-12 July 2007.  Faith and Life

Alcorn, Randy.  Heaven.  Vereeniging, South Africa:  Christian Art Publishers (originally published by Tyndale House Publishers), 2005.  516p.  Borrowed 26 July 2007.  Photo-read 12 August 2007.  Read in detail 13-18 August 2007.  Theology and Christian Faith

Alighieri, Dante.  The Inferno.  NY:  Barnes and Noble, 2003.  302p plus 43pp introduction.  (See my review of this classic of medieval literature on my website.  See the book with my review on Amazon.)  Bought May 2005 in Richmond, Virginia.  Read 20-22 October 2007.  Literature

Anderson, Kevin J and Rebecca Moesta.  The Lost Ones.  London:  Sapling, 1996.  232p.  (A book in the Young Jedi Knights series.  The story features the twin children of Princess Leia and Han Solo, Jacen and Jaina.  They are part of a new generation of New Republic citizens sensitive to the Force, being trained as an new Jedi force, under their uncle Luke Skywalker in the new Jedi Academy on the planet Yavin 4.)  Read 2 December 2007.  Sci Fi

Armstrong, Karen.  Islam:  A Short History.  London:  Phoenix Press (Orion), 2002.  192p.  Bought December 2006 in Martinsville, West Virginia.  Read 25 August 2007.  Religion (Islam)

Armstrong, Karen.  Muhammad:  A Biography of the Prophet.  NY:  HarperCollins, 1992.  290p.  Bought July 2006 in Gainesville, Texas.  Read 4-9 September 2007.  Religion (Islam)

Aune, David E.  The New Testament in Its Literary Environment.  Philadelphia:  Westminster Press, 1987.  182p.  (Another excellent volume in the superb series, Library of Early Christianity.  At the time of writing, the author was Professor of Religious Studies, Saint Xavier College, Chicago.  He is a renowned expert in Jewish, Greek and Latin literature of the period in focus in this book.)  Received June 2005.  Read 28-31 January 2007.  History (Literature)

Barton, J.  Isaiah 1-39.  London/NY:  T&T Clark Intl, 2003.  127p.  Bought 11 June 2007 in Irving, Texas.  Read 20 June 2007.  Bible

Becker, Peter.  Dingane.  NY:  Thomas Y Crowell, 1965.  283p.  Bought and begun 12 June 2007; finished 16 June 2007.  History (Peoples and Cultures)

Boyd, Gregory A.  God of the Impossible:  Does God Ever Change His Mind.  Grand Rapids:  Baker Books, 2000.  175p.  (The sub-title of the book further describes the theological task of this book:  A Biblical Introduction to the Open View of God.)  Bought 9 December 2006 in Martinsburg, West Virginia.  Read 17-19 April 2007.  Theology (Bible)

Boyd, Gregory A.  Is God to Blame?:  Beyond Pat Answers to the Problem of Suffering.  Downer's Grove, Illinois:  InterVarsity press, 2003.  211p.  Bought 25 May 2007 in Edenvale, South Africa.  Read 2-4 September 2007.  Theology (Bible)

Boyer, Pascal.  Religion Explained:  The Evolutionary Origins of Religious Thought.  NY:  Basic Books (Perseus), 2001.  375p.  Bought 2003 in Richmond, Virginia.  Read 17-23 July 2007.  Religion

Budge, E A Wallis.  Egyptian Magic.  London:  Arkana (Penguin), 1988 (reprint of 1899 edition by Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner).  234p, plus 15 pages introductory front matter.  Bought12 December in Edenvale, South Africa.  Read 29 December 2007.  Religions

Burrell, David B.  Aquinas:  God and Action.  London:  Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979.  194p.  Bought May 1985 in Little Rock, Arkansas.  Begun 5 February 2007, finished 3 March 2007.  Philosophy

Byron,William J.  The Power of Principles:  Ethics for the New Corporate Culture.  Maryknoll, NY:  Orbis, 2006.  235p.  Bought 8 June 2007 in Chicago, Illinois.  Read 9 June 2007.  Faith and Life (Culture and Trends)

Cabrera de Armida, Concepción.  Yo Soy (Colección "¿Quién Será El?"):  Meditaciones Eucarísticas en el Evangelio.  Mexico, DF:  Ediciones Cimiento y Editorial La Cruz, 2000.  144p.  Bought 8 June 2007 in Chicago, Illinois.  Read 9 June 2007.  Theology and Christian Faith

Cahill, Thomas.  How the Irish Saved Civilization:  The Untold Story of Ireland's Heroic Role from the Fall of Rome to the Rise of Medieval Europe.  NY:  Anchor Books/Doubleday, 1995.  246p.  Bought April 1998 in Abilene, Texas.  Read 9-11 June 2007.  History (Peoples and Cultures)

Calvert, Stuart.  God's Plan … My Part.  Birmingham, Alabamaa:  Woman's Missionary Union, 2002.  136p.  Read 29 July 2007.  Faith and Life

Carter, Jimmy.  Living Faith.  NY:  Three Rivers Press, 2001.  273p.  Bought 9 December 2006 in Martinsburg, West Virginia.  Read 11-13 November 2007.  Faith and Life

Casarella, Peter J.  and George P. Schner, eds.  Christian Spirituality and the Culture of Modernity:  the Thought of Louis Dupré.  Grand Rapids, Michigan, and Cambridge, UK:  Eerdmans, 1998.  352p.  (Philosophers and some scholars of other disciplines present essays on topics related to the role of Christian faith in the current culture, discussing the premodern and modern influences behind our current shift to Postmodernity.  See my review of this book on this website.  See the book with my review on Amazon.)  Bought 8 July 2006 in Euless, Texas.  Read 5-10 November 2007.  Culture and Trends (Philosophy, Sociology, Theology)

Chesterton, G K.  Orthodoxy.  NY:  Image (Doubleday), 2001 (first published 1908).  170p.  Bought 12 May 2007 in Kempton Park, South Africa.  Begun 12-14 May 2007.  Theology and Christian Faith (Culture and Trends)

Collingridge, Vanessa.  Boudica.  London:  Ebury Press, 2005.  390p.  Bought 21 July 2007 in Edenvale, South Africa.  Read 27 August-1 September 2007.  History

Crockett, William, Zachary J. Hayes, Clark H. Pinnock and John F Walvoord.  Four Views on Hell.  Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 1996.  190p.  (This volume presents a perspective on the variety of views of afterlife, judgement and punishment in the history of the Christian tradition.  See my review of this book on this website.  See the book with my review on Amazon.)  Bought 25 May 2007 in Euless, Texas.  Read 24 June 2007.  Theology and Christian Faith (History)

Cummins, Tim A.  Gabriel:  An Angel's Angle.  Ebook:  Pre-publication edition received from the author 2006.  70p.  Partially read 2006, read fully 2 December 2007.  Literature

Davies, Paul.  About Time:  Einstein's Unfinished Revolution.  NY:  Simon and Schuster, 1995.  316p.  Bought 9 December 2006 in Martinsburg, West Virginia.  Read 21-24 April 2007.  Science

Davies, Paul.  God and the New Physics.  NY:  Simon and Schuster, 1983.  255p.  Bought 9 December 2006 in Martinsburg, West Virginia.  Read 25-28 January 2007.  Science

De Bellaigue, Christopher.  In the Rose Garden of the Martyrs:  A Memoir of Iran.  London:  HarperCollins, 2004.  283p.  (This is the story of experiences during and after the Islamic Revolution In Iran in the 1970s.  See my review of this book on this website.  See the book with my review on Amazon.)  Bought 4 September 2006 in Edenglen, South Africa.  Read 14-17 November 2007.  History

DeCandido, Keith R. A.  Satisfaction is not Guaranteed (Ferenginar); and David R. George III, Olympus Descending (The Dominion).  Worlds of Star Trek Deep Space Nine (Vol 3).  NY:  Pocket Books, 2005.  346p.  Bought February 2007; read 26 February-1 March 2007.  Science Fiction

Dodd, A H.  A Short History of Wales.  London:  B T Batsford, 1987.  173p.  Bought July 1989 in Brecon, Wales.  Portions previously read.  Read 11-12 June 2007.  History (Peoples and Cultures)

Downing, L. Crystal.  How Postmodernism Serves (My) Faith.  Downer's Grove, Illinois:  IVP Academic (InterVarsity), 2006.  240p.  Bought 11 June 2007 in Irving, Texas.  Read 10-13 September 2007.  Culture and Trends (Theology and Christian Faith)

Dundas, Paul.  The Jains.  London and NY:  Routledge, 1992.  276p.  (A volume in the series Library of Religious Beliefs and Practices.)  Bought July 2005 in Richmond, Virginia.  Read 16-20 December 2007.  Religions (Jainism)

Eldredge, John.  Wild at Heart.  Nashville, Tennessee:  Thomas Nelson, 2001.  288p.  Received as a gift Father's Day and read 17-18 June 2007.  Faith and Life

Emmerson, Grace I.  Isaiah 56-66.  London/NY:  T&T Clark Intl, 2004.  117p.  Bought 11 June 2007 in Irving, Texas.  Read 20-21 June 2007.  Bible

Erickson, Millard J.  How Shall They Be Saved?.  Grand Rapids:  Baker, 1996.  278p.  (Read my review of this book on this site.  See the book with my review on Amazon.  Read my review of this book on GoodReads.)  Bought 6 January 2007 in Four Ways, South Africa.  Read 22-23 May 2007.  Theology and Christian Faith

Fauconnier, Giles and Mark Turner.  NY:  Basic Books (Perseus), 2002.  The Way We Think:  Conceptual Blending and the Mind's Hidden Complexities.  440p.  Bought September 2002.  Read 5-8 October 2007. Science (Epistemology, Cognitive Science)

Fee, Gordon D.  1 and 2 Timothy, Titus.  Peabody, Massachusetts:  Hendrickson Publishers and Carlisle, Cumbria, UK:  Paternoster Press, 1985, 2005.  332p.  (A volume in the New International Biblical Commentary.)  Bought 9 December 2006 in Martinsburg, West Virginia.  Begun 29 January 2007, finished 4 February 2007.  Bible

Finkelstein, Israel and Neil Asher Silberman.  David and Solomon:  nbsp;In Search of the Bible's Sacred Kings and the Roots of the Western Tradition.  NY:  Free Press, 2006.  343p.  Bought 25 May 2007 in Euless, Texas.  Read 16-19 June 2007.  Bible (Archaeology, History)

Fox, Justin and Mike Copeland, Cameron Ewart-Smith and Don Pinnock. Just Add Dust:  Overland from Cape to Cairo.  244p.  Bought 18 December 2007 in Edenvale, South Africa.  Read 30-31 December 2007.  Peoples and Cultures

Furnish, Victor Paul.  The Moral Teaching of Paul:  Selected Issues.  Nashville:  Abingdon. 1985 (Second Edition).  142p. Bought 2 June 2007 in Irving, Texas.  Read 8 June 2007.  Bible (Theology and Christian Faith)

Ganssle, Gregory E, ed.  God and Time:  Four Views.  Downer's Grove, Illinois:  InterVarsity Press, 2001.  247p.  (Four noted Christian philosophers consider the question of God in relation to Time.  This serious philosophical discussion by four Christian theologians probes the depths of problems and solutions to possibilities about God and time. Each of the writers presents an essay, then the other three respond, critique and state objections or problems they see with the view.  This is one in the excellent InterVarsity Press series called "Four Views."  [See my 2006 reading list for Predestination and Free Will:  Four Views of Divine Sovereignty and Human Freedom.])  Bought 9 December 2006, Martinsburg, West Virginia.  Read 14-17 April 2007.  Philosophy

Gehman, Richard J.  African Traditional Religion in Biblical Perspective.  Nairobi:  East African Educational Publishers Ltd, 1993.  310p.  About half read 21-22 May 2007.  Finished 16 July 2007.  Religions (African Traditional)

Gills, James P.  The Prayerful Spirit:  Passion for God, Compassion for People.  Tarpon Springs, Florida:  Love Press, 1995.  153p.  Borrowed and read 19 May 2007.  Faith and Life

Gormley, Beatrice.  Miriam.  Grand Rapids/Cambridge:  Eerdmans, 1999.  192p.  Received as a gift 20 June 2007.  Read 25-28 June 2007.  Literature

Gould, Stephen Jay.  Wonderful Life.  347p.  (Gould celebrates the marvelous variety of  lifeforms with whom we share the Earth. His descriptions of the creatures and their various structures and life patterns are fascinating.)  Bought 1990 in Little Rock, Arkansas.  NY:  W W Norton, 1989.  Read 26-29 May 2007.  Science

Greene, Joshua M.  Here Comes the Sun:  The Spiritual and Musical Journey of George Harrison.  London:  Bantam Books, 2006.  384p.  Bought in Edenvale, South Africa 6 November 2007.  Read 17-21 November 2007.  Music (Biography, Hinduism)

Greenway, Paul, Robert Storey and Gabriel Lafitte.  Mongolia.  Oakland, California:  Lonely Planet,1997.  282p.  Obtained September 2005.  Read 14-15 August 2007.  Peoples and Cultures

Guadaluppi, Gianni and Antony Shugaar.  Latitude Zero:  Tales of the Equator.  London:  Robinson, 2002.  258p.  Bought 5 February 2007 in Edenvale, South Africa.  Read 20-25 February 2007.  History (Cultural Geography)

Gutzke, Manford George.  Plain Talk on Isaiah.  No Publication info.  Received 16 September 2007.  Read 11-13 October 2007.  Bible

Guy, Jeff.  The Destruction of the Zulu Kingdom.  Pietermaritzburg:  University of Natal Press, 1994.  273p.  Bought 28 December 2006.  Read 8-12 August 2007.  Peoples and Cultures

Hart, Rev Alvin V P and Satyaraja Dasa Adhikari.  Krsna Consciousness and Christianity:  East-West Dialogues.  No Publication Information, 1989. 105p.  (This is a lively and congenial discussion by a Christian pastor and professor with a Teacher of Krishna Consciousness, popularly known as Hare Krishna.  Read my review of this book on this site.)  nbsp;Bought 21 July 2007 in Edenvale, South Africa.  Read 25-27 July 2007.  Religions (Comparative)

Heurgon, Jacques.  Daily Life of the Etruscans.  London:  Phoenix Press, 2002.  308p.  Bought 9 January 2007 in Bedfordview, South Africa.  Read 5-7 May 2007.  (Peoples and Cultures) History

Hiett, Peter.  Dance Lessons For Zombies.  Nashville:  Integrity Publishers, 2005.  258p.  Bought 28 June 2007 In Irving, Texas.  Read 23-24 August 2007.  Bible (Sermon On The Mount)

Hume, C R.  Reading Through Colossians and Ephesians.  London:  SCM Press, 1998.  152p.  Bought 2 June 2007 in Irving, Texas.  Begun 21 June 2007.  Bible

Hyden, Goran.  African Politics in Comparative Perspective.  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 2006.  306p.  (Read my review of this book on this site.  See the book with my review on Amazon.)  Bought 28 December 2006 in Bedfordview, South Africa.  Read 9 May 2007.  Culture and Trends (Peoples and Cultures)

Johnson, Trudy O, ed, compiled by Charlene J Gray.  No Longer Forgotten:  The Remarkable Story of the Christian Women's Job Corps.  Birmingham, Alabama:  New Hope Publishers, 1998.  138p.  Read 29-30 July 2007.  Faith and Life

Kastfelt, Niels.  Religion and African Civil Wars.  London:  Hurst and Company, 2005.  203p.  Bought 28 December 2006 in Bedfordview, South Africa.  Read 16-21 January 2007.  Culture and Trends (African Culture and Religion)

Kempe, Margery, trans. B A Windeatt.  The Book of Margery Kempe.  London:  Penguin, 2004.  336p.  (This was the first autobiography written in the English language, in the 1300s.  It is the story of the spiritual pilgrimage of a medieval mystic.)  Bought 8 November 2007 in Edenglen, South Africa.  Read 13-16 December 2007.  Faith and Life

Kimmel, Elizabeth Cody.  In the Stone Circle.  NY: Scholastic, 1998.  225p.  (This is a gothic mystery, set in modern Wales, involving a ghost girl and tied to the last Welsh Prince of Wales Owain Glyndwr [Owen Glendower].  (Read my review of this book on this site.  See the book with my review on Amazon.)  Received as a gift 20 June 2007.  Read 22 June 2007.  Literature

Klein, John and Adam Spears.  Devils and Demons and the Return of the Nephilim.  Xulon Press, 2005.  207p.  (Read my review of this book on this site.  See the book with my review on Amazon.)  Bought 25 May 2007 in Euless, Texas.  Read 28-30 June 2007.  Theology and Christian Faith (Bible)

Kourie, Celia and Louise Kretzschmar, Eds.  Christian Spirituality in South Africa.  Pietermaritzburg, South Africa:  Cluster Publications, 2000.  208p.  (Read my review of this book on this site.  See the book with my review on Amazon.)  Bought 6 January 2007 in Four Ways, South Africa.  Read 13-14 January 2007.  Faith and Life

Kraft, Marguerite G.  Understanding Spiritual Power:  A Forgotten Dimension of Cross-Cultural Mission and Ministry.  Maryknoll, NY:  Orbis Books, 1995.  144p.  (This book is not about "religion" — it is about worldviews and the assumptions hidden beneath the visible and organization structures we see.  The focus here is on concepts of the unseen world beyond our senses and visions.  See my review of this book on this website and on Amazon.)  Read 29-30 April 2007.  Culture and Trends (Theology and Christian Faith)

Kube-McDowell, Michael P and Michael McQuay.  Isaac Asimov's Robot City.  NY:  Pocket Books, 1999.  448p.  Read 26-30 April 2007.  Science Fiction

Lane, P J, ed.  Azania:  Journal of the British Institute in Eastern Africa, Vol XXXVIII, 2003.  Nairobi:  British Institute in Easter Africa, 2003.  220p.  Received as a gift 23 October 2007.  Read 30 October - 2 November 2007.  History (Archaeology)

Laudicina, Paul A.  World out of Balance:  Navigating Global Risks to Seize Competitive Advantage.  NY:  McGraw Hill, 2005.  (Paul A Laudicina performs an analysis of globalizing trends in business.  He draws an understandable picture of the international character of the world economy and moves us from "multinational" to global in understanding the current business patterns of the 2000s.  See my review of this book on this website and on Amazon.)  236p.  Bought 30 April 2007 in Edenglen, South Africa.  Read 18-19 May 2007.  Business (Economics)

Lockyer, Herbert Jr.  All the Music of the Bible:  An Exploration of Musical Expression in Scripture and Church Hymnody.  Peabody, Massachusetts:  Hendrickson Publishers, 2004.  209p.  Bought 25 May 2007 in Euless, Texas.  Read 13-15 September 2007.  Music (Bible Backgrounds)

Lewis, C S.  The Great Divorce.  Glasgow:  Collins Fount, 1946, republished 1986.  118p.  Bought 21 July 2007 in Edenvale, South Africa.  Read 24-25 July 2007.  Literature (Theology)

Lutzer, Erwin W.  The Da Vinci Deception.  Vereeniging, South Africa:  Christian Art Publishers, 2006 (first published by Tyndale House Publishers, 2004).  122p.  Bought in Randburg, South Africa and read 20-21 April 2007.  Theology and Religion Life

Malina, Bruce J.  The New Testament World:  Insights from Cultural Anthropology.  Louisville, Kentucky:  Westminster John Knox, 2001.  256p.  Bought 9 December 2006 in Martinsburg, West Virginia.  Read 24-26 May 2007.  Peoples and Cultures (Anthropology, History)

Maranz, David.  African Friends and Money Matters.  Dallas:  SIL and Int'l Museum of Cultures.  224p.  Received as a gift March 2007.  Read 16-19 March 2007.  Peoples and Cultures

Marzulli, Lynn A.  Nephilim:  The Truth is Here.  Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 1999.  458p.  (This is the third in a series of "Christian" fiction, but the content and story line are Science Fiction.  The series is about the Nephilim, the ancient heroes or giants mentioned in Jewish folklore.  It ties this idea out of Jewish folklore to the modern concept of aliens and their flying saucers, built around the mystery of Roswell and the supposed crash of an advanced-technology space ship.  It is a little hard to tell just how seriously the author means to take this work of fiction.  Read my review of this book on this site.  See the book with my review on Amazon.)  Bought 29 September 2006 in Irving, Texas.  Read 4-13 March 2007.  Science Fiction

Mason, Rex.  Micah, Nahum and Obadiah.  London/NY:  T&T Clark Intl, 2004.  116p.  Bought 11 June 2007 in Irving, Texas.  Read 21 June 2007.  Bible

Matthews, John.  The Book of Arthur:  Lost Tales from the Round Table.  Old Saybrook, Connecticut:  Konecky & Konecky, 2002.  416p.  (Read my review of this book on this site.  See the book with my review on Amazon.)  Bought 2004 in Richmond, Virginia.  Begun 1 January 2007, finished 8 April 2007.  Literature (History)

Matthews, Victor H.  Manners and Customs in the Bible.  Peabody, Massachusetts:  Hendrickson Publishers,1991.283p, plus 28 pages of introductory front matter.  Bought 25 May 2007 in Euless, Texas.  Read 20-22 August 2007.  History (Peoples and Cultures)

McIntyre, Vonda N.  Star Wars:  The Crystal Star.  NY:  Bantam Books, 1994. 309p.  Read 30 May - 4 June 2007.  Science Fiction

McKee, Gabriel.  The Gospel According to Science Fiction.  Louisville/London:  Westminster John Knox, 2007.  291p.  Bought 25 May 2007.  Read 21-24 June 2007.  Literature (Culture and Trends)

McLaren, Brian D.  A Generous Orthodoxy.  Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2004.  297p. Bought 29 September 2006 in Irving, Texas.  Read 7-9 May 2007.  Theology (Culture and Trends)

Messadié, Gerald, trans. Masc Romano.  A History of the Devil.  NY:  Kodansha International, 1996.  377p.  Bought 25 May 2007 in Euless, Texas.  Read 8-11 July 2007.  Theology (Culture and Trends)

Morris, Leon.   1 and 2 Thessalonians.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1984 (revised edition).  152p.  (A volume in the Tyndale New Testament Commentaries.)  Bought 2 June 2007 in Irving, Texas.  Read 5-6 June 2007.  Bible (Faith and Life)

Motyer, Stephen.  Ephesians:  Free to Be One.  Grand Rapids:  Baker Books, 1996.  191p.  Bought 11 June 2007 in Irving, Texas.  Read 19-20 August 2007.  Bible

Munza, Kasongo.  A Letter to Africa about Africa.  Ndola, Zambia:  Kafakumba Training Center, 2005.  78p.  (This professor analyzes the African world view, possibilities for the Christian church and approaches to addressing current problems in the continent.)  Borrowed 12 July 2007; read 12-13 July 2007.  Theology (Culture and Trends)

Murphy, Dean Debra.  Teaching that Transforms:  Worship as the Heart of Christian Education.  Grand Rapids:  Brazos Press, 2004.  254p.  Bought 30 April 2007 in Edenglen, South Africa.  Read 1-3 May 2007.  Faith and Life (Theology and Christian Faith)

Neill, Humphrey B.  The Art of Contrary Thinking.  Caldwell, Idaho:  Caxton Press, 2004 (reprint of 5th Edition 1963).  201p.  Bought 27 September 2007.  Read 20 October 2007.  Business

Newbigin, Lesslie.  The Gospel in a Pluralist Society.  Grand Rapids/Cambridge, UK:  Eerdmans, 1989.  252p.  Bought 25 May 2007 in Euless, Texas.  Read 18-22 September 2007.  Culture and Trends (Theology)

O'Brien, Dellanna W.  Beyond Belief!  Birmingham, Alabama:  Woman's Missionary Union, 2000.  133p.  (I have known Dellanna O'Brien since 1971.  I first met her when she and her husband Bill were in the United States for a period from their creative cross-cultural work in Bali, in Indonesia.  Read my review of Dellana's book on this site.  See the book with my similar review on Amazon.)  Borrowed and read 19 May 2007.  Faith and Life (Theology and Christian Faith)

Niven, Larry.  Ringworld Throne.  London:  Orbit, 1996.  376p.  Begun 15 September 2007, finished 3 October.  Science Fiction

O'Carroll, Michael, CSSp.  Bearer of the Light, Vassula.  Belfast, Northern Ireland:  JMJ Publications, 1994.  177p.  (Vassula was a Greek mystic of our time who received a great burden for the unity of the Eastern and Western Christian Churches.  She was a true mystic in the Medieval sense, with a great concern for focus on the person and character of God in contemplation, prayer and worship.  There is a great emphasis on the Holy Spirit in her ministry and throughout the portrayal in O'Carroll's book.  Read my review of this book on this site.)  Bought 9 March 2007 in Edenvale, South Africa.  Read 14-16 March 2007.  Faith and Life

Palmer, Catherine.  Sunrise Song.  Wheaton, Illinois:  Tyndale House Publishers, 2003.  330p.  Bought in Irving, Texas, June 2007.  Read 27-30 November 2007.  Literature

Palmer, Catherine et al.  A Victorian Christmas Quilt.  Wheaton:  Tyndale House, 1998.  386p.  (A collection of 4 novellas.  The stories are all Christmas stories set in the Victorian period, built around the theme of a certain quilting pattern.   The first is by Catherine Palmer, and its title was chosen as the title for the collection.  I knew Catherine when she was in high school in Kenya, where she grew up in a missionary family.  Her parents, Harold and Betty Cummins, were very close friends of ours since 1971 and were our neighbours at one point in the same apartment building in Nairobi in their last years in Kenya.)  Bought June 2007 in Irving, Texas.  Read 15-20 October 2007.  Literature

Phelps, Vickie.  101 Thanksgiving Blessings.  Urichsville, Ohio:  Barbour Publishing, 2007.  96p.  Received as a gift and read 26 November 2007.  Faith and Life

Pirolo, Neal.  Serving As Senders:  Six Ways to Support Your Missionaries.  San Diego:  Emmaus Road International, 1991.  207p.  (Publisher summary:  This key book makes the strategic point that the senders are as crucial to the cause of missions as the front-line missionaries. It is a book crammed with solid, exciting insights on a very important aspect in today's mission movement.  See this book on Amazon.com.)  Received and Photo-read 9 May 2007.  Sections read periodically; finished 31 December 2007.  Faith and Life

Pohlman, Martin.  Equally Good News:  The Gospel I Never Knew.  Randburg, South Africa:  Pohlman, Martin , 2007.  124p.  Bought 28 October 2007, in Edenvale, South Africa.  Read 3 November 2007.  Bible Backgrounds

Powell, T G E.  The Celts.  London:  Thames and Hudson, 1980.  232p.  Bought 25 February 2007 at Rosebank, South Africa.  Read 12-14 July 2007.  Peoples and Cultures

Pretorius, Major P J.  Jungle Man: The Autobiography of Major P J Pretorius.  South Africa:  Dassie Books (Central News Agency), 1954 (reprint from London:  George G Harrap & Co, 1947).  Bought 21 December 2007 in Bedforview, South Africa.  Read 23-26 December 2007.  History

Ragg, Lonsdale and Laura, trans.  The Gospel of Barnabas.  Cadar Rapids, Iowa:  Unity Publishing Co, 1980.  273p.  (Translated from the Italian manuscript in the Imperial Library at Vienna.  This is the medieval apocryphal gospel claimed by Muslims to be the original Gospel [injil], which they say Christians changed into the four standard versions now included in the New Testament.  Read my full review of this apocryphal medieval book on this site and on Amazon.)  Bought in 2001 in Larnaca, Cyprus.  Read 21-24 November 2007.  Religions (Theology, History, Literature)

Rankin, Jerry and Phyllis Tadlock.  Basic Training for Mission Teams.  Nashville, Tennessee:  Lifeway Press, 2006.  127p.  Received July 2007.  Read 10-11 August 2007.  Faith and Life

Reardon, Bernard M. G.  Liberal Protestantism.  London:  Adam & Charles Black, 1968.  244p.  (This is a classic analysis of this social and theological movement.  I bought this volume years ago in Kenya, largely for its historical value, but did not read it until 2007.  See my review of this book on this website.  See the book with my review on Amazon.)  Bought 1984 in Nairobi, Kenya.  Read 4-9 December 2007.  Theology (Culture and Trends)

Reichenbach, Hans.  The Philosophy of Space and Time.  NY:  Dover Publications, 1958.  295p.  Bought 9 December 2006 in Martinsburg, West Virginia.  Read 2 March 2007.  Philosophy

Rogers, Dale Evans.  My Spiritual Diary.  Westwood, New Jersey:  Fleming H Revell, 1955.  144p.  Borrowed and read 28 May 2007 in Martinsburg, West Virginia.  Read 2 March 2007.  Faith and Life

Romer, John.  Ancient Lives:  The Story of the Pharaoh's Tombmakers.  London:  Phoenix Press, 1984.  235p.  Bought 9 January 2007 in Bedfordview, South Africa.  Read 10-13 April 2007.  History

Ross, Anne.  Druids:  Preachers of Immortality.  Stroud, Gloucestershire, 2004.  222p.  Bought 21 July 2007, Edenvale, South Africa.  Read 26-27 August 2007.  Peoples and Cultures (Religions)

Sada, Georges.  Saddam's Secrets:  How an Iraqi General Defied and Survived Saddam Hussein.  NY:  Thomas Nelson, 2006.  315p.  (Read my review of this book on this site.)  Bought December 2006 in Boxburg, South Africa.  Read 4-10 January 2007.  Faith and Life (History)

Sarna, Nahum M.  Understanding Genesis:  The World of the Bible in the Light of History.  NY:  Schocken Books, 1966, 1970.  267p.  (This book is Volume 1 of the Melton Research Series The Heritage of Israel.  The author is Professor of Biblical Studies and Chairman of the Department of Near Eastern and Judaic Studies at Brandeis University.  This book provides a comparative critical study of Genesis from a Jewish scholarly point of view.)  Bought 29 September 2007 in Irving, Texas.  Read 23-24 May 2007.  Bible (Old Testament; History)

Sayers, Dorothy Leigh (trans and commentator).  The Song of Roland.  NY: Penguin Books, 1957.  206p.  Bought 11 June 2007 in Irving, Texas.  Read 25 August 2007.  Literature (History)

Schaeffer, Bernie.  The Option Advisor:  Wealth-Building Techniques Using Equity and Index Options.  NY:  John Wiley, 1997.  316p. Bought 27 September 2007.  Read 8-10 October 2007.  Business

Schaeffer, Edith.  Christianity is Jewish.  Wheaton:  Tyndale, 1975 (reissue 1994).  224p.  (I am familiar with Schaeffer from earlier knowledge of the L'Abri movement founded by her husband Francis.  I don't recall ever reading anything by her before, but I was familiar with the L'Abri study centers.  I have one other book of hers, in Spanish, that is on my current reading list.  Shaeffer refers to encounters with Jews in situations where she had opportunities to sympathetically tell these Jewish acquaintances how the basics of Christian faith and claims arise from Jewish foundations.  But I was quite disappointed in the book.  See my complete review on this website.  See my similar review on Amazon.)  Bought 9 December 2006 in Martinsburg, West Virginia.  Read 23-24 January 2007.  Religions

Schaeffer, Edith.  Diez Pasos a la Vida [Ten Steps for Living] (originally published under the English Title Lifelines:  The Ten Commandments for Today).  Miami:  Editorial Betania, 1987 (Westchester, Illinois:  Crossway Books, 1982).  192p.  Received as a gift 11 December 2006.  Read 4-9 April 2007.  Bible

Sether, Laura, ed.  Online Trading (SFO Personal Investor Series).  Cedar Falls, Iowa:  W&A Publishing, 2007.  266p.  Bought 27 September 2007.  Read 10-11 November 2007.  Business

Shakespeare, William.  Henry IV, Part One.  London:  Penguin, 1996 256p.  Bought 28 December 2006 in Bedfordview, South Africa.  Read 29 March - 3 April 2007.   Literature (History)

Shatner, William, with Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens.  Star Trek: Captain's Peril.  NY:  Pocket Books, 2002.  389p.  Bought 11 June 2007 in Irving, Texas.  Begun 27 July 2007, finished 8 August 2007.  Sci Fi

Shere, Dennis.  Cain's Redemption.  Chicago:  Northfield Publishing 2005.  180p.  (Subtitle:  A Story of Hope and Transformation in America's Bloodiest Prison.)  Bought 26 November 2007 in Boxburg, South Africa.  Read 10-13 December 2007.  History (Faith and Life)

Silvoso, Ed.  Anointed for Business.  Ventura, California:  Regal (Gospel Light), 2002.  195p.  (Subtitle:  How Christians can use their Influence to Change the World.)  Bought 26 November 2007 in Boxburg, South Africa.  Read 3-4 December 2007.  Biblical Backgrounds (Faith and Life)

Sizemore, Susan.  I Burn for You.  NY:  Pocket Star Books, 2003.  345p.  (A vampire love story murder mystery! Very engaging diversion that distracted and entertained me without turning my mind to mush.)  Bought 18 December 2007 in Edenvale, South Africa.  Read 20-22 December 2007.  Literature

Soros, George.  The Age of Fallibility:  The Consequences of the War of Terror.  London:  Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 2006.  259p, plus 25 pages of introductory front matter information.  Bought 18 December 2007 in Edenvale, South Africa.  Read 27-28 December 2007.  Culture and Trends (Epistemology, Economics, Sociology, Politics and War)

Smith, Ralph L.  Micah-Malachi.  Waco, Texas:  Word Publishers, 1984.  358p.  (A volume in the Word Biblical Commentary.)  Borrowed 2 April 2006.  Photo-read at the first, studied variously for reference purposes, some portions read over the period, and photo-read again at the end.  Finished 5 September 2007.  Bible

Stapleton, Timothy.  Maqoma:  Xhosa Resistance to Colonial Advance 1798-1873.  Johannesburg:  Jonathan Ball Publishers, 1994.  261p.  Bought 9 January 2006 in Bedfordview, South Africa.  Read 3-5 November 2007.  Peoples and Cultures

Thompson, Thomas L.  Mythic Past:  Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel.  412p.  Bought July 2006 in Irving, Texas.  Read 22-29 October 2007.  Bible (History, Archaeology)

Trent, John.  Choosing to Live the Blessing.  Colorado Springs:  Waterbrook Press, 1998.  Read 13-15 October 2007.  Faith and Life

Tutu, Desmond, ed John Allen.  The Rainbow People of God:  A Spiritual Journey from Apartheid to Freedom.  Cape Town:  Double Story, 2006.  287p.  Bought 28 December 2006 in Bedfordview, South Africa.  Read 1-6 August 2007.  Culture and Trends (History)

Tutu, Desmond Mpilo.  No Future Without Forgiveness.  NY:  Image (Doubleday), 1999 294p.  Bought 13 January 2007 in Edenvale, South Africa.  Begun 20 May 2007.  Culture and Trends

Van Dijk, Lutz.  A History of Africa.  Capetown:  Tafelberg, 2006.  258p.  Bought 28 December 2006 in Bedfordview, South Africa.  Read 24-25 April 2007.  Peoples and Cultures (History)

Van Rheenen, Gailyn.  Communicating Christ in Animistic Contexts.  Pasadena:  William Carey Library, 1991. 342p.  (Now online. In this book Van Rheenen presents a comparative analysis of western dualistic secular culture and its worldview with the dynamic integrated worldview of what are often referred to as "traditional" or "animistic" peoples. Van Rheenen's book is a great foundational resource in a field that has been neglected.  See my review of this book on my website.  See this book with my similar review on Amazon.)  Borrowed and begun 8 February 2007; finished 14 February 2007.  Anthropology (Religions, Cross-Cultural Communication)

Van Wyk, Chris.  Shirley, Goodness and Mercy:  A Childhood Memoir.  Johannesburg:  Picador Africa (Pan Macmillan), 2005.  313p.  (This South African author, poet, novelist and short story writer writes autobiographically about the situation in the Coloured Community of South Africa where he grew up.  See my review of this book on this website.  See this book with my review on Barnes and Noble.  See this book with my review on Amazon.)  Bought 28 December 2006 in Bedfordview, South Africa.  Read 20-28 March 2007.  Peoples and Cultures

Varner, Iris and Linda Beamer.  Intercultural Communication in the Global Workplace.  Boston:  McGraw Hill Irwin, 2005.  409p.  Bought 30 April 2007 in Edenglen, South Africa.  Begun 14 May 2007.  Peoples and Cultures (Business)

Watson, David Lowes.   God Does Not Foreclose:  The Universal Promise of Salvation.  Nashville:  Abingdon, 1990.  160p. Bought 25 May 2007 in Irving, Texas.  Read 7 June 2007.  Theology and Christian Faith

Wilhelm, Peter.  The Mask of Freedom.  Parklands, South Africa:  Ad Donker, 1994.  191p.  Bought 18 December 2007.  Read 26-27 December 2007.  Literature (Fiction)

Wilkinson, Bruce.  The Dream Giver.  158p.  Wellington, South Africa:  Lux VerbiSisters, Oregon:  Multnomah Publishers, 2003.  Read 30 October 2007.  Faith and Life

Williams, Rowan.  Christ on Trial:  How the Gopspel Unsettles our Judgement.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 2000.  141p.  (This is a comparative study of the reports of the trial of Jesus and its meaning for a life of faith today.)  Bought 25 May 2007 in Irving, Texas.  Read 5 June 2007.  Theology and Christian Faith

Williams, Rowan.  Silence and Honey Cakes:  The Wisdom of the Desert.  Oxford:  MedioMedia/Lion, 2003.  125p.  Bought 6 January 2007 in Four Ways, South Africa.  Read 10-11 January 2007.  Faith and Life (Christian Contemplation)

Williams, Rowan.  The Wound of Knowledge:  Christian Spirituality from the New Testament to Saint John of the Cross.  Cambridge, Massachusetts:  Cowley Publications, 1990 (revised edition).  207p. (Williams writes on his speciality here, presenting the major personalities and themes in Christian Spirituality throughout history to the Middle ages.  See my review of this book on this website.  See this book with my review on Amazon.)  Bought 9 December 2006 in Martinsburg, West Virginia.  Read 12 May 2007.  Faith and Life

Wilson, Stuart and Joanna Prentis.  The Essenes, Children of Light.  Huntsville, Arkansas:  Ozark Mountain Publishers, 2005.  357p.  Bought 9 December 2006, Martinsburg, West Virginia.  Read 13-15 April 2007.  General Literature (Psychology)

Woolfson, Adrian.  An Intelligent Person's Guide to Genetics.  London:  Duckworth Overlook, 2004.  240p.  Bought 6 January 2007 in Edenvale, South Africa.  Read 4 May 2007.  Science

Yohannan, K P.  Revolution in World Missions.  Carrollton, Texas:  GFA Books, 2004.  248p.  Received as a gift in 2006.  Read 28 April 2007.  Faith and Life

Young, Brad H.  Jesus the Jewish Theologian.  Peabody, Mass:   Hendrickson Publishers, (1995) 2004.  308p, plus 36 pages of Introductory matter.  Bought 25 May 2007 in Euless, Texas.  Read 2-3 November 2007.  Bible Backgrounds

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