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Books I Read in 2009
Orville Boyd Jenkins
Last edited 25 January 2018 Reading By Category for 2009 Books I Read 2008
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What I read in 2008This list is my way of keeping myself accountable for the goals I have set, and for providing resources to others who may be interested in the topics I study. My goal for 2009 was 135 books. Focuses this year have been Business and American Culture, History and Politics. My reading opportunities were unusually high and productive, and I continued optimizing my reading and time management. This led to a surprising early accomplishment of this goal, which I reached in August. My informal personal goal was 4 books a week. I reached that goal on 22 December.
Finished (214)
Advani, Asheesh. Business Loans from Family and Friends. Berkeley, California: Nolo, 2009. 287p. (Read my full review on this site and on Amazon.) Received as Publisher’s Advance Reading Copy 9 December 2009. Read 13-14 December 2009. Business
Aldridge, Dudan. Seeing Red and Feeling Blue. London: Century, 2000. 280p. Bought 7 August 2008 in Edenvale, South Africa. Read 7 January 2009. Psychology
Allmand, Reed. The Truth about Bankruptcy. Dallas, Texas: Allmand and Lee, 2009. Electronic Book accessed at www.allmandandlee.com. 64p. Read 15 July 2009. Business
Andersen, Christopher. American Evita: Hillary Clinton's Path to Power. NY: William Morrow (HarperCollins), 2004. 292p. (Andersen conducted personal interviews with many principals directly related to the Clintons to compile an inside portrait of Hillary, as well as Bill. Drawing upon public records and news reports as well as published works by many authors, including the Clintons themselves, Andersen presents a consistent and coherent picture of a very unattractive, disappointing and even frightening side of Hillary's character and practices.) Bought 7 April in Richmond, Virginia. Read 16-20 April 2009. Politics (Biography)
Angell, C Roy. Iron Shoes. Nashville: Broadman, 1953. 117p. Read 22-23 February 2009. Faith and Life
Armstrong, Karen. The Bible: Books that Changed the World. NY: Grove Press, 2007. Bought 12 January 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 13-14 January 2008. 302p. Religions (History, Peoples and Cultures)
Arsenault, Raymond. The Sound of Freedom. NY: Bloomsbury Press, 2009. 292p. (This is the biographical account of Marian Anderson's career and the effect she had on the whole of American society as the first black opera singer, accepted across racial barriers in an early wave that became the civil rights movement. Read my full review on this site and on Amazon.) Received as Publisher's Advance Reading Copy 25 April 2009. Read 27-29 April 2009. History (Peoples and Cultures)
Ashimolowo, Matthew. What is Wrong with Being Black?: Celebrating our Heritage, Confronting our Challenges. Shippensburg, Pennsylvania: Destiny Image Publishers, 2007. 348p. Bought 7 April in Drums, Pennsylvania. Read 15-17 April 2009. Peoples (History)
Assayas, Michka (foreword by Bono). Bono (in conversation with Michka Assayas). NY: Riverhead, 2006. 387p. (The French journalist Michka Assayas compiled his interviews with Bono from 2001-2005 into this book. You will gain insights into the music industry and into the personal life, spiritual and professional, of this famous member of the rock group U2. Bono provides personal insights into many of the personalities he relates to in the worldwide music business. Read my full review on this site and on Amazon.) Bought 25 April 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 30 October - 4 November 2009. Biography
Baigent, Michael. The Jesus Papers: Exposing the Greatest Coverup in History. NY: HarperSanFrancisco, 2006. 321p. (Another New Age rewriting of history as Baigent places the earliest Christian literature beside that of centuries later and weaves a new version of Roman history and faith into an intriguing imaginative mystery, joining a raft of new wave literature that postposes Gnostic myth and disconnected legends back to the first century to create a mosaic of conspiracy. Baigent claims to document among other things two manuscripts written by Jesus himself. Read my full review on this site and on Amazon.) Bought 12 November 2009 in Tempe, Arizona. Read 7-10 December 2009. History
Baker, T Lindsay. The First Polish Americans. College Station/London: Texas A&M Press, 1979. 268p. (This is a beautifully presented story of the first Polish settlements in the United States. The first settlers came from Upper Silesia, a part of Poland that was at that time part of the Prussian Empire. This excellent story flows here from the personal research from historical sources and personal interviews on site in the Hill Country of Texas by the author. This is a fascinating story and he details the story of US and world events from the Silesian Polish perspective from the 1830s and 1840s.) Bought 15 October 2009 in Richmond, Texas. Read 15-16 December 2009. Peoples and Cultures
Banks, James G. Cash In with Real Estare Probate. 243p. Dean Enterprises, 2009. Bought 3 December 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 11 December 2009. Business
Baptist History and Heritage. (October 1987, XXII:4). Nashville, Tennessee: Historical Commission SBC and Southern Baptist Historical Society. 65p. Read 2-3 April 2009. History
Barbero, Alessandro. The Day of the Barbarians: The Battle that Led to the Fall of the Roman Empire. NY: Walker and Company, 2005. 180p. Bought 5 May 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 24-26 June 2009. History
Bartlett, R E. The Personifid Project. Lake Mary, Florida: Realms (Strang), 2005. 292p. (This author presents an action adventure set in the future when artificial bodies have been developed and souls-minds can be transferred to these new commercial "personfid" bodies which never wear out. Industrial intrigue, underhanded business practices, assassination and other complications keep this story moving. Moral reflections add a dimension to ask that we think about the social and spiritual implications of questions of identity and freewill. These futuristic technological developments present challenging to our concepts of human identity and moral and spiritual implications of humans as a commodity. See my review of this book on this website. See the book with my review on Amazon.) Bought 20 April 2009 in Texarkana, Texas. Read 16-18 August 2009. Sci Fi
Baucum, Don. Psychology. Hauppauge, NY: Barron's, 1996. 232p. Bought 12 January 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 16-18 January 2009. Psychology
Behe, Michael J. The Edge of Evolution: The Search for the Limits of Darwinism. NY: Free Press, 2007. 320p. Bought 9 June 2009 in Irving, Texas. Read 9-13 June 2009. Science
Bing, Stanley. Rome, Inc. Prince Frederick, Maryland: W W Norton/Recorded Books, 2008. Audiobook. (Bing has taken a novel approach to ancient history. He recounts the early history of Rome, using a business model referencing the modern corporate culture. You will truly learn Roman history through this entertaining approach. Read my full review on this site. See the print version with my review on Amazon.) Borrowed 9 September 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Heard 10-11 September 2009. Business (History)
Bloom, Harold. Jesus and Yahweh. NY: Riverhead, 2005. 238p. Bought 3 June 2009 in Gainesville, Texas. Read 15-17 June 2009. Theology (History)
Blue, Ron. Storm Shelter: Projecting Your Personal Finances. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1994. 228p. Read 2 April 2009. Finance
Boa, Kenenth and John Alan Turner. The Gospel According to the Da Vinci Code: The Truth Behind the Writings of Dan Brown. Nashville: Broadman and Holman, 2006. 164p. Bought 22 October 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 27-28 October 2009. Culture and Trends (Theology)
Bock, Darrell L. The Missing Gospels: Unearthing the Truth Behind Alternative Christianities. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2006. 230p. Bought 1 May 2009 in Texarkana, Texas. Read 7-10 June 2009. Faith and Life (Popular Theology, Culture and Trends)
Bock, Darrel L and Daniel B Wallace. Dethroning Jesus: Exposing Popular Culture's Quest to Unseat the Biblical Christ. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2007. 237p. Bought 3 June 2009 in Gainesville, Texas. Read 14-16 August 2009. Theology (Culture and Trends)
Bono. On the Move. Nashville: W Publishing (Thomas Nelson), 2006. 60p. (This is the text, in dramatic visual style, of a speech made by Bono to the President of the United States and other dignitaries in Washington.) Bought and read in Arlington, Texas,10 December 2009. Politics
Borg, Marcus J. Jesus: Uncovering the Life, Teachings, and Relevance of a Religious Revolutionary. NY: HarperSanFrancisco, 2006. 343p. Bought 18 January 2009 in Irving, Texas. Read 28-30 January 2009. Culture and Trends (Bible Backgrounds)
Brewer, John. The American Leonardo: A Tale of Obsession, Art and Money. Oxford/NY: Oxford University Press, 2009. 310p. (See my review of this book on this website. See the print version of this book with my review on Amazon.) Received as Publisher’s Advance Reading Copy 7 December 2009. Read 23-26 December 2009. Culture and Trends (Art)
Bridges, Erich and Jerry Rankin. Lives Given, not Taken: 21st Century Southern Baptist Martyrs. Richmond, Virginia: International Mission Board SBC, 2005. 244p. Borrowed and read 30 March 2009. Faith and Life
Brown, David E. Vampiro: The Vampire Bat in Fact and Fantasy. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1999. 147p. (This is a comprehensive study of bats, summarizing the history of their interaction with human cultures, the growth of our information about them, and their role in human myth, traditional and contemporary. He includes a summary of famous cases of vampire-like activities and trials from Europe. The last section of the book is a summary narrative of the books and movies featuring vampires, illustrating how the myth has developed and gradually absorbed aspects of the werewolf myth.) Bought 12 February 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 24-25 February 2009. Science
Brown, Elaine Meryl. Lemon City. NY: One World/Ballantine, 2004. 260p. (A murder mystery set in the Blue Ridge Mountains, in a fictitious community founded by free blacks in the early 1800s.) Bought 12 March 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 6 April 2009. Mystery
Brown, Michael L. What Do Jewish People Think About Jesus? Grand Rapids: Chosen, (Baker), 2007. 303p. Bought 10 December 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 15-17 December 2009. Theology
Bugliosi, Vincent. The Prosecution of George W Bush for Murder. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Vanguard (Perseus), 2008. 344p. Bought 18 December 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 27-29 December 2009. Politics
Caner, Ergun Mehmet. When Worldviews Collide: Christians Confronting Culture. Nashville: Lifeway, 2005. 142p. Read 2-3 February 2009. Religions
Carlton, Bob and Ariele Gentiles. Barack Obama: an American Story. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2008. 142p. Bought 26 February 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 27 February 2009. Biography (Politics)
Carter, Jimmy. We Can Have Peace in the Holy Land. NY: Simon and Schuster, 2009. 228p. Borrowed 20 August 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 21-22 August 2009. Politics
Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Canterbury Tales. Blackstone Audio, 2008. Audiobook. Translated by J U Nicholson, read by Martin Jarvis and a full cast. Borrowed 26 September 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Heard 26 September - 15 October 2009. Literature
Colbert, David. Michelle Obama: an American Story. Boston: Sandpiper (Houghton Mifflin), 2009. 151p. Bought 10 March 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 10-11 March 2009. Biography (Politics)
Collins, Ace. Stories Behind the Traditions and Songs of Easter. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2007. 183p. Bought 23 July 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Begun 10-11 August 2009. History (Music, Peoples and Cultures)
Corn, David. The Lies of George Bush: Mastering the Politics of Deception. NY: Crown Publishers, 2003. 338p. (Fans of George W Bush won't like the title of focus of the detailed documentation provided by this book. It is interesting that this volume was compiled during the first term of President W, so does not include the mounting count of events generated in the second term of office. The liner notes tell us this is "not a partisan whine - it is instead a carefully constructed, fact-based account that clearly denotes how Bush has relied on deception … to win political and policy battles.") Bought 19 September 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 21-26 October 2009. Politics
Cornwell, Patricia. At Risk. NY: G P Putnam's Sons, 2006. 212p. (A forensic murder mystery in the Cornwell style. This story is set in Massachusetts, and involves the Boston DA's office in investigating an old unsolved murder in Knoxville, Tennessee. The mystery turns out to be connected to crimes in Boston, and uncovers political corruption in the highest places and powers of Massachusetts.) Bought 25 March 2009 in Inwood, West Virginia. Read 28-30 March 2009. Fiction
Corsi, Jerome R. The Obama Nation. NY: Threshold Editions, 2008. 364p. Bought 7 November 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 9-11 November 2009. Politics
Cosby, Bill and Alvin F Toussaint. Come On, People. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2007. 265p. Bought 10 December 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 22-23 December 2009. Culture and Trends (African-American)
Cox, Simon. Illuminating Angels and Demons. NY: Fall River Press, 2004. 152p. Bought 30 May in Arlington, Texas. Read 30 May - 1 June 2009. History
Crossan, John Dominic. God and Empire: Jesus Against Rome, Then and Now. NY: HarperSanFrancisco, 2007. 257p. Bought 18 January 2009 in Irving, Texas. Read 7-9 February 2009. Culture and Trends (Bible Backgrounds)
Danaher, Kevin. Folktales from the Irish Countryside. NY: MJF Books, 1998. 128p. (The author has gathered Irish tales from oral sources in his family and acquaintances and translated them for us into English. We see here the rich and ancient Celtic worldview of a dynamic reality vested with spiritual and non-human entities that interact with humans. Here we see strange and imaginary realities. Many of these stories are obviously only in fun, but reveal a sense of wonder and dynamism in the human interaction with our world! See my review of this book on this website. See the book with my review on Amazon.) Bought 28 April 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 4-5 May 2009. Peoples and Cultures
Danforth, John (Senator). Faith and Politics: How the "Moral Values" Debate Divides America and How to Move Forward Together. NY: Viking (Penguin), 2006. 238p. Bought 25 April 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 19-20 October 2009. Politics (Faith and Life)
Darwin, Charles, ed Julian Huxley. The Essential Darwin. Mineola, NY: Dover, 2006 (reprint of The Living Thoughts of SDarwin, Longman, Green & Co, 1939). 151p. Bought 28 September 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 2-3 October 2009. Science
Date, S V. Quiet Passion: A Biography of Senator Bob Graham. NY: Jeremy P Tarcher/Penguin, 2004. 286p. Bought 3 June 2009 in Gainesville, Texas. Read 7-8 August 2009. Biography (Politics)
David, Peter. Star Trek: The Next Generation: Imzadi. NY: Pocket Books, 1993. 342p. Bought 10 February 2009 in Dallas, Texas. Read 3-6 April 2009. Science Fiction
Dekker, Ted. The Slumber of Christianity: Awakening a Passion for Heaven on Earth. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2005. 200p. Bought 3 June 2009 in Gainesville, Texas. Read 26 June 2009. Theology and Christian Faith
Dershowitz, Alan. America Declares Independence. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons, 2003. 196p. Bought 3 June 2009 in Gainesville, Texas. Read 13-15 July 2009. Philosophy (Culture and Trends)
Dibdin, Michael. Medusa. NY: G P Putnam’s Sons, 2006. 212p. This story reveals the political rivalry of various government departments and agencies as a 30-year-old murder is discovered. One conscientious investigator working on his own proceeds to unravel a historical and relational tangle. Excellent cultural and linguistic tidbits liven the intrigue and tension and add to the interest as Inspector Zen travels over northern Italy uncovering clues others want to keep buried or are too distracted to attend to.) Borrowed 11 November 2009 in Phoenix, Arizona. Read 11-14 November 2009. Fiction
Dooley, Mike. Notes from the Universe: New Perspectives from an Old Friend. NY: Simon and Schuster, 2008. Audiobook. (This whole thesis sounded silly and naive. The principle is that whatever you want or think you need, you just focus on it and you will get it. The theory focuses on material values, personal comforts, rather than your moral value as a human contributing ho the good of the world. This is a mystical and magical cosmic Get-Rich-Quick scheme. See my review of this book on this website. See the print version of this book with my review on Amazon.) Borrowed 16-17 September 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Heard 16-17 September 2009. Faith and Life (New Age Spirituality)
Dorsey, Pat. The Little Book that Builds Wealth: the Knockout Formula for Finding Great Investments. Morningstar/Recorded Books, 2008. Audiobook. Borrowed 26 September 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Heard 7-8 October 2009. Business
Duane, Diane. Star Trek TNG: Intellivore. NY: Pocket Books, 1997. 239p. Bought in Edenvale, South Africa. Read 9-10 January 2009. Sci Fi
Dubner, Stephen J. Choosing My Religion: A Memoir of a Family Beyond Belief. NY: Harper Perennial, 1998. 320p. Bought 25 April 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 26-29 June 2009. Culture and Trends (Faith and Life)
Dyson, George. Project Orion: The True Story of the Atomic Spaceship. NY: Henry Holt and Company, 2002. 345p. Bought 10 February 2009 in Dallas, Texas. Read 14-21 February 2009. Science (Nuclear Propulsion)
E3 Partners. First Steps: Mobilize Your Church into God's Harvest Fields. Plano, Texas: e3 Partners Ministry, 2009. 140p. Received May 2009. Read 10 June 2009. Faith and Life
Ecklar, Julia. Star Trek: The Kobayashi Maru. NY: Pocket Books, 1989. 254p. Bought 10 February 2009 in Dallas, Texas. Read 25 March 2009. Science Fiction
Elmer, Duane. Cross-Cultural Servanthood: Serving the World in Christlike Humility. Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 2006. 212p. Borrowed 26 September 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 30 September - 1 October 2009. Cross-Cultural Communication (Faith and Life)
Erre, Mike. The Jesus of Suburbia: Have We Tamed the Son of God to Fit Our Lifestyle? Nashville: W Publishing Group (Thomas Nelson), 2006. 202p. (This is a serious but readable book by a pastor who has seen that the Jesus of the church is not the same as the Jesus of the gospels. Erre writes with an informal, passionate autobiographical style, allowing us to see his points as he came to them in his own experience. See my review of this book on this website. See the book with my review on Amazon.) Bought 20 April 2009 in Texarkana, Texas. Read 23-24 May 2009. Culture and Trends (Theology)
Fairservis, Walter A, Jr. Mesopotamia: The Civilization that Rose out of Clay. NY: Macmillan, 1964. 127p. (See also Leick, Gwendolyn, The Babylonians.) Bought 19 September 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 7-8 October 2009. Peoples and Cultures
Feldman, Noah. Divided By God: America's Church-State Problem - And What We Should Do about It. NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2005. 306p. Bought 25 April 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 11-13 August 2009. Politics (Faith and Life)
Fletcher, Richard. Moorish Spain. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992. 189p. Bought 23 June 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 9-10 August 2009. History
Fox, Michael J. Always Looking Up. NY: Hyperion, 2009. 279p. (This is Michael's story of his experience with ALS, or Parkinson's Disease. More specifically it is the story of his campaign on behalf of Parkinson's sufferers, especially since his retiring from his acting career due to the effects of the disease. He has an engaging and entertaining eloquence, writing with an expressive pathos to portray the details of ALS, and to relate encounters and events during this advocacy campaign. He details the political intrigues and betrayals that caused setbacks for research into a cure for ALS.) Bought 7 November 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 22 November 2009. Biography
Franck, Frederick. Pilgrimage to Now/Here: Christ-Buddha and the True Self of Man. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1974. 156p. Bought in 1980 in Dallas, Texas. read 11 March 2009. Religions (Buddhism, Theosophy)
Freedman, David Noel and Pam Fox Kuhlken. What are the Dead Seas Scrolls and Why do they Matter? Grand Rapids/Cambridge: William B Eerdmans, 2003. 131p. Bought 18 January 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 4 February 2009. Bible Backgrounds
Gaither, Gloria. He Started the Whole World Singing. NY: Warner Faith, 2004. 200p. (The subtitle expresses the focus of the book: "A Treasury of Gaither Christmas Songs, Reflections and Holiday Traditions." Includes a CD of songs. See my review of this book on this website. See the book with my review on Amazon.) Bought 12 January 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 14-15 January 2009. Faith and Life
Garlow, James L and Peter Jones. Cracking DaVinci's Code. Colorado Springs: Victor, 2004. 252p. (The authors critically evaluate the key claims and names in the novel, and present the actual historical information about the theories, places and personalities. The Subtitle reads: You've Read the Fiction Now Read the Facts) Bought 3 June 2009 in Gainesville, Texas. Read 6-7 June 2009. History (Intrigue)
Ghulam Ahmed, Hazrat Mirza. Jesus in India: Jesus' Escape from Death on the Cross and Journey to India. London: The London Mosque, 1978 (translated from the 1899 Urdu edition, first published in English 1944 in Qadian, Punjab, India, by Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya). 107p. Bought in Kenya in 1981. Read 18 February 2009. Religions (Ahmadiyya Islam)
Gingerich, Owen. The Book Nobody Read: Chasing the Revolutions of Nicolaus Copernicus. NY: Penguin, 2005. 306p. Bought 2 May 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 18-23 May 2009. Science (History, Hagiography)
Glazener, Clyde G and Mike Smith and Joe Blair. The Book of Revelation: Visions That Encourage and Challenge. Dallas, Texas: BaptistWay Press, 2005. 154p. Received 26 August 2009. Read 27-31 August 2009. Bible
Griffin, Bettye. The People Next Door. NY: Dafina Books (Kensington Publishing), 2005. 361p. Bought 12 March 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 31 March - 2 April 2009. Fiction
Gross, Andrew. The Blue Zone. HarperCollinsPublishers/Country Inns and Suites, 2007. Audiobook. (When a man's friend is murdered, his own life is in danger and he must go into hiding and enter the Witness Protection Program. His daughter sets out to uncover the secrets behind this series of events.) Complimentary copy received 11 November 2009 in Tempe, Arizona. Heard 19-23 November 2009. Fiction
Guide to Real Estate Investing. Cape Coral, Florida: Rich Dad Education, 2008. 320p. Bought 29 May 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read gradually through 7 December 2009. Business
Guinn, Jeff. Our Land Before We Die: The Proud Story of the Seminole Negro. NY: Jeremy T Tarcher/Putnam, 2002. 378p. Bought 19 September 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 16-19 October 2009. Peoples and Cultures (History)
Hart, William. Evil: A Primer (A History of a Bad Idea from Beelzebub to Bin Laden). NY: MJF Books, 2004. 204p. Bought 23 July 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 18 August 2009. Philosophy
Herzog, Chaim and Mordecai Gichon. Battles of the Bible. NY: Fall River Press, 2006. 320p. Bought 28 November 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 1-3 December 2009. History
Hillerman, Tony. The Fallen Man. HarperCollinsPublishers/Country Inns and Suites, 2005. Audiobook. (This is a murder mystery set on the Navajo reservation in Arizona. This was my first introduction to Hillerman. Hillerman has constructed an authentic narrative with action and dialogue that represents the cultural flavor of the characters and the situation. Gil Silverbird performs the reading and voices admirably, catching the nuances of Native American speech with consistent distinctions of enunciation style and voice quality between the various white and Indian characters.) Complimentary copy received 11 November 2009 in Tempe, Arizona. Heard 17-18 November 2009. Fiction
Hillman, Kathy Robinson and Dennis Foust and Leslie Hollon. 1 and 2 Samuel: Following God in Changing Times. Dallas, Texas: BaptistWayPress, 2006. 166p. Received 14 June 2009. Read 14-15 June 2009. Bible
Hirst, Michael. The Tudors: It's Good to Be King (Screenplay). NY: Simon Spotlight Entertainment, 2007. 332p. Bought 3 June 2009 in Gainesville, Texas. Read 11-14 June 2009. Historical Fiction
Hooper, Chloe. Tall Man: The Death of Doomadgee. NY: Scribner, 2009. 258p. (Hooper has written a murder mystery wrapped in the political cloak of political intrigue and racial persecution. Hooper has reviewed an actual case in Northern Australia, probing the case of Cameron Doomadgee, who died in custody after being arrested in in Palm Island for swearing at a white police officer. See my review of this book on this website. See the book with my review on Amazon.) Bought 5 May 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 24-28 May 2009. Forensics (Politics)
Hybels, Bill. Just Walk Across the Room. Grand Rapids: Zondervan/Willow Creek, 2006. 219p. Read 9 May 2009. Faith and Life
Jakes, T D. Not Easily Broken. NY: Faith Words, 2006. 245p. Bought 12 May 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 5 June 2009. Fiction (Faith and Life)
Jeremiah, David. Until Christ Returns: Living Faithfully Today While We Wait for Our Glorious Tomorrow. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1999. 209p. Bought 13 August 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 23 August 2009. Faith and Life
Johnson, Bill. The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind: Access to a Life of Miracles. Shippensburg, Pennsylvania: Destiny Image Publishers, 2005. 168p. Bought 13 February 2009 in Irving, Texas. Read 12 March 2009. Faith and Life
Johnson, Spencer (Foreword by Kenneth Blanchard). Who Moved My Cheese? NY: Simon and Schuster Audio, 1998. (This audio book begins with an engaging introduction by Johnson with Ken Blanchard, who has written the foreword to Johnson's book. The subtitle focuses the book's intention: "An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life." This audio version is a full text of the creative allegory of the challenge of dealing with change in the workplace. See my review of this book on this website. See the book with my review on Amazon.) Heard 24 May 2009. Business (Psychology)
Jones, Mary Ellen, Book Editor (Teresa O'Neill, Series Editor, American History Series). The American Frontier: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven, 1994. 303p. Bought 19 September 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Begun 3-13 October 2009. History (Peoples and Cultures)
Jordan, Elaine. White Path … "A Cherokee Chief." Ellijay, Georgia: Elaine Jordan, 2007. 32p. Bought in Blanchard Springs, Arkansas, and read 27 June 2009. Peoples and Cultures
Judd, Cameron. Dead Man's Gold. NY: St Martins, 2000 (original Bantam 1993). 265p. (A classic western reprint.) Bought 12 March 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 12 April 2009. Fiction
Judd, Cameron. Confederate Gold. NY: St Martins, 2000 (original Bantam 1993). 212p. (A classic western reprint.) Bought 12 March 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 11 April 2009. Fiction
Katz, Friedrich. The Ancient American Civilizations. Edison, NJ: Castle Books, 2004. 386p. Bought 55 August 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 23-25 November 2009. History
Kinnaman, David and Gabe Lyons. Unchristian: What a New Generation Really Thinks about Christianity, and Why it Matters. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2007. 255p. Read 2-4 May 2009. Culture and Trends
Kiyosaki, Robert T. Budgeting Your Money. Cape Coral, Florida: Rich Dad Education, 2008. Audio and Multimedia Book (read by Bill Cross). Heard 11 June 2009. Business
Kiyosaki, Robert T with Sharon Lechter. Cashflow Quadrant. NY: Business Plus (Hachette Book Group), 2008. 248p. (This volume introduces in detail an analysis presented in summary form as the framework for all Kiyosaki's training programs. He details the differences in 4 categories of income production activities, showing the dependent and limited aspects of the left side, quadrants E and S (Employee and Specialist or Self Employed) which depend on the effort, time and presence of the individual), and the right side Quadrants B and I (Business and Investment, which use money to produce other money on its own.) Bought 28 November in Arlington, Texas. Read 5 December 2009. Business
Kiyosaki, Robert T. The Conspiracy of the Rich. NY: Business Plus (Hachette Book Group), 2009. Video and text interactive Online Book, read while in progress and final. 112pp and under development. Print Version: Rich Dad's Conspiracy of the Rich: The 8 New Rules of Money. (Kiyosaki reviews the history of money and its basis in the US and international banking and legal systems, then analyzes how the system is organized to benefit those with money and victimize or exploit those who do not. He provides some practical suggestions for breaking the cycle and taking charge of your financial situation.) Read 27-30 May 2009. Business
Kiyosaki, Robert T with Sharon Lechter. Guide to Investing. NY: Business Plus (Hachette Book Group), 2008. 399p. Bought 28 November in Arlington, Texas. Read 6-7 December 2009. Business
Kiyosaki, Robert T. Increasing Your Financial IQ. NY: Business Plus (Hachette Book Group), 2008. 220p plus 18pp introduction and forewords. (Includes forewords by Steve Forbes and Donald Trump. The book addresses the current universal crisis in the US and world economy. This is not a how-to book, yet the reader should be equipped with a new perspective, informing and enabling ordinary people to take charge of their financial lives, rather than being victims of the system. See my review of this book on this website. See the book with my review on Amazon.) Bought 29 May in Arlington, Texas. Read 30 May 2009 Business
Kiyosaki, Robert T with Sharon Lechter. Rich Dad Poor Dad. NY: Business Plus (Hachette Book Group), 2008. 195p. (This is now a classic of financial management and wealth building, originally published in 1997. Robert Kiyosaki has developed his Rich Dad-Poor Dad philosophy into a worldwide financial training company providing specialized introductions into various areas of wealth development and protection, including real estate and stock trading. This is the title that started it all and is introduced in capsule form as the foundation of all the Kiyosaki training programs. Sharon Lechter appears in many of Kiyosaki's CD training courses.) Bought 28 November in Arlington, Texas. Read 3-5 December 2009. Business
Kiyosaki, Robert T. You Can Choose to be Rich. Cape Coral, Florida: Cashflow Technologies, 2008. Audio Book Series. Heard 3 June - 25 August 2009. Business
Know Your Bible. (No Author.) Urichsville, Ohio: Barbour Publishing, 2008. 95p. Bought 13 February 2009 in Irving, Texas. Read 13-14 February 2009. Bible Backgrounds
Langewiesche, William. The Atomic Bazaar: The Rise of the Nuclear Poor. NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007. 179p. (This is an excellent review of the progress towards Nuclear Nonproliferation, and the process of poor countries to obtain nuclear weapons or develop them in defiance of the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty. The core focus becomes the development of a nuclear bomb project in Pakistan and its funding by selling the technology and becoming a conduit for components worldwide. See my review of this book on this website. See the book with my review on Amazon.) Bought 18 December 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 22 December 2009. Politics
Larson, Edward J. A Magnificent Catastrophe: The Tumultuous Election of 1800, America's First Presidential Campaign. NY: Free Press, 2007. 335p. Bought 25 April 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 22-25 July 2009. History (Politics)
Leakey, Richard and Roger Lewin. The Sixth Extinction: Patterns of Life and the Future of Humankind. NY: Anchor (Random House), 1995. 271p. Bought 16 June 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 19-23 June 2009. Science
Leick, Gwendolyn, The Babylonians. NY/London: Routledge, 2003. 182p. Bought 19 September 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 8 October 2009. Peoples and Cultures
Leonetti, Robert. Absolute Wealth: A Financial Strategy to Last a Lifetime. Salt Lake City: Sterling Consulting, 2001. 188p. Bought 19 September 2009 in Arlington, Texas. read 23-27 September 2009. Business
Lerner, Michael. The Left Hand of God: Taking Back Our Country from the Religious Right. NY: HarperCollinsBooks, 2006. 408p. Bought 25 April 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 19-21 August 2009. Politics (Faith and Life)
Levin, Mark R. Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto. NY: Threshold (Simon and Schuster), 2009. 245p. Bought 11 October 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 11-13 October 2009. Politics and American Culture
Lewis, H D and Robert Lawson Slater. The Study of Religion. Hammondsworth, Middlesex, England: Pelican, 1966. 222p. Bought and read in 1972. Read again 13-14 March 2009. Religion
Lightfoot, Neil R. How We Got the Bible. NY: MJF Books, 2003. 224p. Bought 23 July 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 1-3 August 2009. Biblical Backgrounds
Losch, Richard R. The Uttermost Part of the Earth: A Guide to Places in the Bible. Grand Rapids/Cambridge: Eerdmans, 2005. 260p. Bought 20 April 2009 in Texarkana, Texas. Read 22-27 April 2009. Bible Backgrounds
Lucado, Max. The Christmas Candle. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2006. 191p. Bought 13 August 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 14 August 2009. Literature
Marinaccio, Dave. All the Other Things I Really Need to Know I Learned from Watching Star Trek: The Next Generation. NY: Pocket Books (Simon and Schuster), 1998. 165p. Bought 19 September 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 20-21 September 2009. Philosophy (Ethics)
Martin, Steve. Born Standing Up. Prince Frederick, Maryland: Recorded Books/Simon and Schuster, 2007. Audiobook. Borrowed 8 December 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Heard 17 December 2009. Autobiography
McClellan, Scott. What Happened (Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception). NY: Public Affairs (Perseus Books Group), 2008. 341p. (Scott McClellan was a top strategist for Governor George Bush and followed him to the White House, becoming his press secretary at a later point. Scott tells the inside story of his growing disillusionment with the Bush administration and its culture of secrecy and deception. See my review of this book on this website. See the book with my review on Amazon.) Bought 25 April 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 23-25 August 2009. Politics (Faith and Life)
McCoo, Marilyn and Billy Davis, With Mike Yorkey. Up, Up and Away: How We Found Love, Faith, and a Lasting Marriage in the Entertainment World. Chicago: Northfield Publishing, 2004. 222p. Bought 3 June 2009 in Gainesville, Texas. Read 21-22 July 2009. Autobiography (Music)
McLaren, Brian D. Finding Faith: A Search for What is Real. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2007. 192p. (McLaren explores the ways in which people "experience God." In this book he addresses those who have not yet come to belief, who have not yet come to experience God. His stated goal is to help the reader discover how to believe. See my review of this book on this website. See the book with my review on Amazon.) Bought 12 May 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 16-17 May 2009. Faith and Life
McLaren, Brian D. The Secret Message of Jesus: Uncovering the Truth that Could Change Everything. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2006. 263p. . (McLaren notes that the current generation of Americans are often quite positive attitude toward Jesus, but not Christianity as an established religious system. He takes a look at Jesus' actual teachings in the Gospels and to make sense of the radical, revolutionary message of Jesus, and portrays the dangerous role of his message of a new Rule of God that challenged the established Divine Empire of Rome with its Emperor Cult. See my review of this book on this website. See the book with my review on Amazon.) Bought 1 May 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 6-7 May 2009. Culture and Trends
McLaren, Brian. The Voice of Luke: Not Even Sandals. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2007. 204p. (This is a volume in a new Bible translation series from Ecclesia Bible Society. The approach is to retell the biblical stories in modern narrative and oral literary form that grasps the oral story culture of the First Century. See my review of this book on this website. See the book with my review on Amazon.) Bought 23 July 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 25-27 August 2009. Bible
McManus, Erwin Raphael. The Barbarian Way. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2005. 148p. (McManus draws upon various personal experiences and events or stories involving others to illustrate the danger of the tame, safe, accommodating life of organized religion. But while thrilling and rewarding, this kind life is dangerous. It got Jesus killed. There is Good News here. See my review of this book on this website. See the book with my review on Amazon.) Read 25-26 February 2009. Faith and Life
Medefind, Jedd and Erik Lokkesmore. The Revolutionary Communicator: Seven Principles Jesus Lived to Impact, Connect and Lead. Lake Mary, Florida: Relevant Books, 2004. 165p. (These writers analyze the communication methods of Jesus and discuss the implications for communicators today. Medefind and Lokkesmoe present and discuss 7 characteristics or principles of good communication that they find in Jesus' teachings and actions as reported in the Gospels. See my review of this book on this website. See the book with my review on Amazon.) Bought 12 May 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 17-18 June 2009. Faith and Life
Mendel, David. Obama: From Promise to Power. NY: Amistad (HarperCollins), 2007. 406p. Read 27-28 January 2009. Culture and Trends (Biography)
Mehrabian, Albert. Your Inner Path to Investment Success: Insights into the Psychology of Investing. Chicago: Probus, 1991. 250p. Bought 15 October 2009 in Richmond, Texas. Read 15 October 2009. Business
Merchant, Dan. Lord, Save Us From Your Followers: Why is the Gospel of Love Dividing America? Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2008. 216p. Bought 23 July 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 25-27 July 2009. Culture and Trends
Merrifield, William R, ed. Studies in Otomanguean Phonology. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and University of Texas at Arlington, 1977. 180p. Bought 12 January 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 13 January 2009. Linguistics
Miller, Donald. Jazz Notes: Non-Religious Thoughts on Christian Inspiration. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2008. 143p. ( See my review of this book on this website. See the book with my review on Amazon.) Bought 25 April 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 25-26 April 2009. Faith and Life
Miller, Donald. Searching for God Knows What. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2004. 239p. ( See my review of this book on this website. See the book with my review on Amazon.) Received as a gift in Gaines, Pennsylvania 12 April 2009. Read 13-15 April 2009. Faith and Life
Misner, Ivan et al. Truth or Delusion? Busting Networking's Biggest Myths. Nashville: Nelson Business, 2006. 164p. Bought 10 December 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 17 December 2009. Business
Mittleberg, Mark. Building a Contagious Church: Revolutionizing the Way We View and Do Evangelism. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2001. 404p. Bought 20 April 2009 in Texarkana, Texas. Read Read 7-9 November 2009. Faith and Life
Moltmann, Jurgen. The Trinity and the Kingdom. San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1981. 256p. Bought 9 September 1982 in Nairobi, Kenya. Read previously. Reread 20-21 2009. Theology and Christian Faith
Moore, Beth. The Beloved Disciple. Nashville: Broadman and Holman, 2003. 340p. Read 27 February - 3 March 2009. Bible (Apostle John)
Moore, Beth. Breaking Free: Making Liberty in Christ a Reality in Life. Nashville: Broadman and Holman, 2000. 289p. (This funny and erudite writer-teacher has produced a dynamic study on the freedom faith brings in relationship with Christ. Her careful research into scriptural backgrounds and themes is underscored by her explanation of all the key words from Hebrew or Greek. See my review of this book on this website. See the book with my review on Amazon.) Bought 10 September 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 29 October 2009. Faith and Life (Bible)
Morrison, Nancy K and Sally K Severino. Sacred Desire: Growing in Compassionate Living. West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania: Templeton Foundation Press, 2009. 196p. (This book scientifically explores the connection between brain and emotion no the one hand and belief and mystical experience on the other. See my review of this book on this website. See the book with my review on Amazon.) Received as Publisher's Advance Review Proof Copy 5 May 2009. Read 7-8 May 2009. Psychology (Faith and Life)
Mueenuddin, Daniyal. In Other Rooms, Other Wonders. NY: W W Norton, 2009. 249p. (This is the first collection of short stories from a Pakistani author who has published short stories previously in various periodicals. The stories provide rich portrayals and insights into Pakistani culture. See my review of this book on this website. See the book with my review on Amazon.) Received as Publisher's Advance Reading Copy 9 January 2009. Stories read gradually in January and February 2009. Literature (Peoples and Cultures)
Mueller, John. Atomic Obsession. Oxford/NY: Oxford University Press, 2010. 320p. See my review of this book on this website. See the book with my review on Amazon. Received as Publisher’s Advance Reading Copy 7 December 2009. Read 20-21 December 2009. Politics
Munson, Sammye. Our Tejano Heroes: Outstanding Mexican-Americans in Texas. Austin, Texas: Panda Books, 1989. 86p. (This is a well-written short summary of the lives and feats of key Hispanic leaders of Texas. A welcome addition to the overwhelming Anglo focus. Now out of print, still available used from private vendors on Amazon.) Bought 19 September 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 22 September 2009. Peoples and Cultures
Myers, Dee Dee. Why Women Should Rule the World. NY: Harper-Collins, 2008. 280p. Bought 18 January 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 22-26 January 2009. Culture and Trends
Nash, Laura and Scotty McLennan (foreword by Ken Blanchard). Church on Sunday, Work on Monday: The Challenge of Fusing Christian Values with Business Life. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2001. 317p plus 31 pages of introductory essays. (This is an excellent discussion of research into the relationship between personal or institutional faith and business in the United States. The authors take a sociological approach, interviewing huge numbers of businesspeople and clergy, about their attitudes, understandings and needs. They probe how believers understand the relationship of their faith to their business calling and activities. See my review of this book on this website. See the book with my review on Amazon.) Bought 3 June 2009 in Gainesville, Texas. Read 15- July 2009. Business (Faith and Life)
Neeley, Bill. The Last Comanche Chief: The Life and Times of Quanah Parker. Edison, NJ: Castle Books, 2007. 276p. Bought 7 April in Richmond, Virginia. Read 21-23 April 2009. Biography (History, Cultures)
Newberg, Andrew and Eugene D'Aquili and Vince Rause. Why God Won't Go Away: Brain Science and the Biology of Belief. NY: Ballantine, 2001. 234p. Bought 16 June 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 29-30 June 2009. Science
Norris, Christopher. On Truth and Meaning: Language, Logic and the Grounds of Belief. London/NY: Continuum, 2006. 205p. Bought 25 April 2009 in Arlington, Texas. . Read 5-6 June 2009. Linguistics (Epistemology)
Nouwen, Henri J M. Here and Now: Living in Spirit. NY: Crossroad, 1995. 144p. Bought 19 September 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 22 September 2009. Faith and Life
Oakes, James. The Radical and the Republican: Frederick Douglass, Abraham Lincoln, and the Triumph of Antislavery Politics. NY: W W Norton, 2007. 328p. Bought 25 April 2009 in Arlington, Texas Read 28 April - 1 May 2009. History
Obama, Barack. The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream. NY: Three Rivers Press, 2006. 375p. Bought 26 February 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 21-23 March 2009. Politics (Biography)
Obama, Barack. Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance (2nd Edition). NY: Three Rivers Press, 2004. 442p. Bought 28 March 2009 in Midlothian, Virginia. Read 6-8 April 2009. Biography
O'Connor, Thomas H. The Boston Irish: A Political History. Old Claybrook, Connecticut: Konecky and Konecky, 1995. 363p. Bought 7 April 2009 in Richmond, Virginia. Read 14 December 2009. History (Politics)
Ortberg, John. If You Want to Walk on Water, You've Got to Get out of the Boat. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2001. 228p. Read February 26-27 2009. Faith and Life
Perrin, Nicholas. Lost in Transmission?: What We Can Know about the Words of Jesus. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2007. 198p. (Perrin takes a scholarly but personal approach to the historical factors in considering the reliability of the early documents of the Jewish movement in the Roman Empire that became known as Christianity. Perrin does not present an academic, abstract and theoretical discussion, but a very practical and historical approach. See my review of this book on this website. See the book with my review on Amazon.) Bought 3 June 2009 in Gainesville, Texas. Read 23-24 June 2009. History (Theology)
Phillips, Kevin. American Theocracy: The Peril and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil, and Borrowed Money in the 21st Century. NY: Viking (Penguin), 2006. 462p. Bought 18 January 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read March 14-19 2009. Culture and Trends
Pickens, T Boone. The First Billion is the Hardest. Westminster, Maryland: Books on Tape/Random House, 2008. Audiobook. Borrowed 8 December 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Heard 18-28 December 2009. Business
Powell, Paul W. The Night Cometh. Tyler, Texas: Paul W Powell, 2002. 125p. Read 17-18 February 2009. Faith and Life
Prabhavananda, Swami. Vedic Religion and Philosophy. Madras, India: Sri Ramakrishna Math, no date. 172p. Bought in the early 1980s in Nairobi, Kenya. Used for shelf reference. Read again 3 March 2009. Religions (Hinduism, Vedic Religions)
Primack, Joel R and Nancy Ellen Abrams. The View from the Center of the Universe: Discovering our Extraordinary Place in the Cosmos. NY: Riverhead Books (Penguin), 2006. 386p. Bought 25 April 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 11-14 May 2009. Science
Rabb, Jonathan. Shadow and Light. NY: Sarah Crichton Books/Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, 2009. 249p. (A historical novel probing the connection between the development of sound films and the rise of the Nazis in the German Weimar Republic of 1927. See my review of this book on this website. See the book with my review on Amazon.) Received as Publisher's Advance Reading Copy 9 January 2009. Read 5-10 March 2009. Mystery
Ramos, Jorge. The Latino Wave: How Hispanics Are Transforming Politics in America. NY: Rayo (HarperCollins), 2005. 288p. Bought 3 June 2009 in Gainesville, Texas. Read 9-14 September 2009. Culture and Trends (Politics)
Ramsay, Richard B. The Certainty of Faith: Apologetics in an Uncertain World. Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R Publishing, 2007. 280p. Bought 10 September 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 15-16 November 2009. Culture and Trends (Theology)
Reichenbach, Hans. The Direction of Time. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, 1999 (reissue of 1956 edition by University of California Press, Berkeley). 280p. Bought 27 May 2008 in Irving, Texas. Read 10-12 January 2008. Philosophy (Physics)
Renshon, Stanley A, ed. One America? Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2001. 406p. Bought 12 January 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 28 November - 1 December 2009. Sociology
Robinson, George G. Strinking the Match: How God is Using Ordinary People to Change the World through Short-Term Missions. Franklin, Tennessee: E3 Resources, 2008. 187p. Received as a gift 23 April 2009 in Plano, Texas. Read 26 April 2009. Theology (Missiology)
Robeck, Cecil M. The Azusa Street Mission and Revival. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2006. 342p. Bought 22 October 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 26-28 November 2009. History
Roediger, David R. How Race Survived US History: From Settlement and Slavery to the Obama Phenomenon. London/NY: Verso, 2008. 240p. Borrowed 26 August. Read 14-30 September 2009. Peoples and Cultures (Politics)
Rogers, Jim. Hot Commodities. NY: Random House, 2004. 250p. (A Discussion of the commodities trading market. A very good introduction to the history, geography and politics of many of the products we use every day.) Bought 23 July 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Begun 6-7 July 2009. Business
Ross, George H. Trump Strategies for Real Estate. Prince Frederick, Maryland: Morningstar/Recorded Books, 2008. Audiobook. Borrowed 26 September 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Heard 7 October 2009. Business
Ruditis, Paul (from Screenplay by Rick Berman and Brannon Braga). Enterprise: Shockwave. NY: Pocket Books, 2002. 244p. Bought 3 June 2009 in Gainesville, Texas. Read 1-3 July 2009. Sci Fi
Rusesabagina, Paul. An Ordinary Man. NY: Viking (Penguin), 2006. 207p. (This is the story of "Hotel Rwanda" by the central character. This includes a brief autobiography, but primarily tells the tale of the genocidal massacres that occurred in Paul's home country of Rwanda in 1993. See my review of this book on this website. See the book with my review on Amazon.) Bought 18 January 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 4-6 February 2009. Peoples and Cultures (Autobiography)
Sabo, George III. Paths of Our Children: Historic Indian Life of Arkansas (Arkansas Archeological Survey Popular Series 3). Fayetteville, Arkansas: Arkansas Archeological Survey, 1889. 132p. Bought 27 June 2009 in Blanchard Springs, Arkansas. Read 28-29 June 2009. Peoples and Cultures
Saggs, H W F. Civilization Before Greece and Rome. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1989. 322p. Bought 19 September 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 16-22 November 2009. History
Sandlund, Chris. Buying a House. Prince Frederick, Maryland: Barnes and Noble/Recorded Books, 2004. Audiobook. Borrowed 8 September 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Heard 12-13 September 2009. Business
Sanneh, Lamin. Whose Religion is Christianity?: The Gospel Beyond the West. Grand Rapids/Cambridge: William B Eerdmans, 2003. 138p. (See my review of this book on this website. See the book with my review on Amazon.) Bought 8 January 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 31 January - 2 February 2009. Religions (Culture and Trends)
Santosuosso, Antonio. Barbarians, Marauders, and Infidels: The Ways of Medieval Warfare. NY: MJF Books, 2004. 344p. Bought 25 April 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 1-6 July 2009. History
Schambach, Frank and Leslie Newell. Crossroads of the Past: 12,000 Years of Indian Life in Arkansas (Arkansas Archeological Survey Popular Series 2). Little Rock, Arkansas: Arkansas Humanities Council and Fayetteville, Arkansas: Arkansas Archeological Survey, 1889. 59p. Bought 27 June 2009 in Blanchard Springs, Arkansas. Read 27-28 June 2009. Peoples and Cultures
Schick, Edwin A. Revelation - the Last Book of the Bible. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1977. 77p. Bought 1980. Previously read 12 December 2004. Reread 31 August 2009. Theology and Religion
Schutt, Christine. A Day, a Night, Another Day, Summer. Orlando: Harvest (Harcourt), 2005. 157p. ( See my review of this book on this website. See the book with my review on Amazon.) Bought 13 January 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 25 March 2009. Sociology
Seay, Chris and David Capes. The Last Eyewitness: The Final Week. Nashville: World Publishing, 2006. 134p. (The Fourth Gospel, from the Voice translation Bible book series.) Bought 22 October 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 28-29 October 2009. Bible (John)
Senna, Danzy. Where Did You Sleep Last Night?: A Personal History. NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2009. 204p. (Senna is a novelist, but writes her own story here. She is the daughter of a black American father and white American mother. She tells the story of her life in race-torn Boston, Massachusetts. Her parents married in 1968, in the midst of race strife and war resistance, but divorced 8 years later. The story is billed as "a potent statement of personal identity, a challenging look at the murky waters of American ancestry." Senna's adventure makes a gripping and rewarding read. (See my review of this book on this website. See the book with my review on Amazon.) Received Advanced Reader's Copy from the publisher 10 June 2009. Read 19-20 July 2009. Biography (Culture and Trends)
Sheler, Jeffrey L. Believers: A Journey into Evangelical America. NY: Viking (Penguin), 2006. 324p. (A good sociological analysis of the "Evangelical" movement, history and characteristics, in the US. Written in a popular by reflective and analytical style. The author starts with his personal experience and moves into a journalistic engagement, reporting on field interviews and personal observations over a period of years. See my review of this book on this website. See the book with my review on Amazon.) Bought 12 February 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 27-28 August 2009. Culture and Trends
Smiley, Tavis. Accountable: Making America as Good as its Promise. NY: Atria Books, 2009. 391p. (See my review of this book on this website. See the book with my review on Amazon.) Received as Publisher's Advance Reading Copy 11 March 2009. Read 19-20 March 2009. Politics
Smith, Charles R. Tongues in Biblical Perspective. Winona Lake, Indiana: BMH Books, 1976. Borrowed and read 24 March 2009 in Martinsburg, West Virginia. Theology and Christian Faith
Smyth, J Paterson. How We Got Our Bible. Nashville: Cokesbury, 1925. 153p. (The author reviews how the versions of the Bible through history brought us to the 20th Century English version available by the time he wrote in 1925. He discusses the transmission and translation processes of the ancient texts into the various copies in the original language and in current languages. He includes samples of the various early Anglo-Saxon language and later versions of language in the English stream of our heritage.) Received as a gift 15 September 2009. Read 1-2 October 2009. Language (History)
Southwestern Journal of Theology. (Spring 2005, 47:2). Ft Worth, Texas: Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. 127p. Read 20-21 March 2009. Theology and Religion
Spong, John Shelby. Jesus for the Non-Religious: Recovering the Divine at the Heart of the Human. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 2007. 316p. Bought 18 January 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 18-20 January 2009. Theology (Faith and Life)
Spong, John Shelby. Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism. NY: HarperOne (Harper Collins), 1992. 267p. Bought 18 January 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 20-22 January 2009. Theology (Culture and Trends)
Steingold, Fred S. Legal Guide for Starting and Running a Small Business. Berkeley, California: Nolo, 2009. 458p. (See my review of this book on this website. See the book with my review on Amazon.) Received as Publisher's Advance Reading Copy 27 October 2009. Read 26 November - 1 December 2009. Business
Stewart, Rory. The Prince of the Marches (and Other Occupational Hazards of a Year in Iraq). Orlando/NY: Harvest (Harcourt, Inc), 2007. 405p. (This is chronological journal of Stewart's experiences with the various local and occupation military and the formal and informal leadership of Iraq in the confusing aftermath of the Second Gulf War. Stewart was the British administrator in the Maysan district of Iraq in the reconstruction after the Coalition invasion in 2003. See my review of this book on this website. See the book with my review on Amazon.) Bought 2 May 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 28 May - 5 June 2009. Peoples and Cultures (International Politics)
Talbot, John R. Obamanomics: How Bottom-Up Economic Prosperity will Replace Trickle-Down Economics. NY: Seven Stories, 2008. 218p. Bought 13 March 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 26-28 March 2009. Politics (Economics)
Teresa, Mother (Agnes Gonxha Jojaxhiu). Love. Boulder, Colorado: Blue Mountain Press, 2007. 345p. Bought 7 November in Arlington, Texas. Read 16 November 2009. Faith and Life
Thomas, Gary. Pure Pleasure: Why Do Christians Feel So Bad About Feeling So Good. Grand Rapids: Michigan, 2009. 251p. (See my review of this book on this website. See the book with my review on Amazon.) Received as a Publisher's Advanced Copy 28 December 2009. Read 30 December 2009. Faith and Life (Christian Spirituality)
Tingle, Tim. Crossing Bok Chitto: A Choctaw Tale of Friendship and Freedom. El Paso, Texas: Cinco Puntos Press, 2006. Unpaged. (a traditional Choctaw tale retold by master storyteller Tim Tingle, who specializes in telling the stories of his Choctaw heritage.) Received as a gift 16 October 2009 in Sugarland, Texas. Read 21 October 2009. Peoples and Cultures (Choctaw)
Tracy, Brian. Flight Plan: The Real Secret of Success. Prince Frederick, Maryland: Gildan Media/Recorded Books, 2008. Audiobook. Boorrowed 3 September 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Heard 4 September 2009. Business
Trump, Donald J. The Best Real Estate Advice I Ever Received. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2007. 273p. Bought 22 October 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 30 October 2009. Business
Trump, Donald and Robert T Kiyosaki, with Meredith McIver and Sharon Lechter. Why We Want You to be Rich. (no location): Rich Press, 2006. 345p. Bought 2 October in Arlington, Texas. Read 13-16 October 2009. Business
Tutu, Desmond. Believe. Boulder, Colorado: Blue Mountain Press, 2007. 345p. Bought 7 November 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 12 November 2009. Faith and Life
Uris, Leon. Exodus. London: Corgi/Transworld, 1970 (Original 1958). 598p. Borrowed 25 December 2008. Read 1-6 January 2009. Literature (Historical Fiction)
Van Cleve, John Vickrey and Barry A. Crouch. A Place of Their Own: Creating the Deaf Community in America. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press, 1989. 212p. (This is an excellent history for deaf education in the United States. It is a readable and insightful treasure of names, dates and institutions, developed against the broader canvas of world deaf education. See my review of this book on this website. See the book with my review on Amazon.) Bought 13 January 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 10-11 May 2009. Peoples and Cultures
Van Gelder, Craig. The Ministry of the Missional Church. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2007. 204p. Bought 18 December 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 20 December 2009. Theology
Vera, Yvonne. The Stone Virgins. NY: Simon and Schuster/Recorded Books, 2008. Audiobook. (This is the story of how one of the most prosperous countries in Africa deteriorated into primitive poverty and genocide due to the egomania of one cruel despot. As periodic waves of repressions, murder, expropriation and cruel violence wracked this country, by the 2000s, Mugabe had managed to totally destroy the infrastructure and economy of the nation by killing and intimidating opponents and the populace who called for democracy. See my review of this book on this website. See the book with my review on Amazon.) Borrowed 16 September 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Heard September 2009. Peoples and Cultures (International Politics, Sociology)
Wall, Robert W. Revelation. Peabody, Massachusetts: Hendrickson/Paternoster, 1991. 295p. (A volume in the New International Biblical Commentary.) Borrowed 21 August 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 1-22 September 2009. Bible
Wallace-Murray, Tim. Cracking the Symbol Code: Revealing the Secret Heretical Messages within the Church and Renaissance Art. London: Watkins Publishing, 2005. 309p. (Wallace-Murray probes the connection in form, practice and concept between ancient Hebrew religion and Egyptian religion. He explores how heretical, suppressed groups in medieval Europe expressed their unpopular faith through participation in the art of the church and the culture. See my review of this book on this website. See the book with my review on Amazon.) Bought 15 August 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 5-8 September 2009. Religions (History)
Wellard, James. The Search for the Etruscans. NY: Saturday Review Press, 1973. 223p. Bought 19 September 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 5-7 November 2009. Peoples and Cultures
Wells, Spencer. Deep Ancestry Inside the Genographic Project. Washington: National Geographic, 2006. 247p. (This is the story of a fascinating visual geographic reconstruction of human genetic history, from an analysis of comparative DNA. Wells develops the picture derived from the genetic negative showing a linear connection of the whole human race to a common origin in Africa. What Wells focuses on here is the project developed at National Geographic to graphically show how this human journey developed. See also Wells' earlier book where he presents his analysis and reconstruction of our common human history, migrating to all parts of the world from a common origin point. See my review of Journey of Man on this website. See Journey of Man with my review on Amazon.) Bought 12 February 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 19-20 February 2009. Science (Genetics; History)
Willard, Dallas. The Divine Conspiracy: Rediscovering our Hidden Life in God. NY: HarperOne, 1997. 428p. (See my review of this book on this website. See the book with my review on Amazon.) Bought 18 January 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 11-17 February 2009. Bible (Faith and Life)
Williams, Juan and Quinton Dixie. This Far By Faith Stories from the African American Religious Experience. NY: William Morrow (HarperCollinsPublishers), 2003. 326p. Bought 16 April 2009 in Hagerstown, Maryland. Read 3-5 August 2009. Peoples and Cultures (Faith and Life, Music)
Williams, Rowan. Tokens of Trust: An Introduction to Christian Belief. Louisville/London: Westminster John Knox Press, 2007. 170p. (This book is a delightful and thoughtful presentation of the dynamics of faith in practice, rather than an abstract set of beliefs one must accept. Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, explores the personal and historical meaning of key practices and worship themes of the Christian community of faith. See my review of this book on this website. See the book with my review on Amazon.) Bought 12 May 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 15 May 2009. Theology
Willis, David. Notes on the Holiness of God. Grand Rapids/Cambridge: William B Eerdmans, 2002. 179p. Bought 12 February 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 4-5 February 2009. Philosophy (Philosophical Theology)
Wills, Garry. "Negro President": Jefferson and the Slave Power. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2003. 274p. Bought 23 July 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 28-31 July. History
Wilson, Ken. Jesus Brand Spirituality: He Wants His Religion Back. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2008. 230p. Bought 10 December 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 15 December 2009. Theology
Wolpe, David J. Why Faith Matters. NY: Harper One (HarperCollins), 2008. 208p. (Wolpe was named America's #1 pulpit rabbi by Newsweek Magazine. He is the rabbi of Sinai Temple in Los Angeles and a teacher of modern Jewish religious thought at UCLA. Rabbi Wolpe presents some worthy and substantial reflections that provide challenges for the religious and the non-religious.) Bought 7 April in Richmond, Virginia. Read 9-10 April 2009. Faith and Life
Wolverton, Dave. Star Wars: The Courtship of Princess Leia. NY: Bantam/Spectra, 1995. 374p. Read 2009. Sci Fi
Wright, N T. Judas and the Gospel of Jesus. Grand Rapids: Baker Publishing, 2006. 155p. Bought 13 February 2009 in Irving, Texas. Read 24 February 2009. Theology (History)
Wright, Ronald. A Short History of Progress. NY: Carroll and Graf, 2004. 211p. Bought 13 January 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 30-31 January 2009. History (Sociology)
Yancey, Philip. Disappointment with God. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1995. 295p. Bought 26 February 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 23 November 2009. Theology
Yancey, Philip. The Jesus I Never Knew. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1995. 290p. Bought 26 February 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 6-9 July 2009. Theology
Yancey, Philip. Rumours of another World: What on Earth are We Missing? Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2004. 262p. Bought 13 February 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 21-23 February 2009. Culture and Trends (Faith and Life)
Zimmerman, Larry J. Native North America: Belief and Ritual, Spirits of Earth and Sky. London: Duncan Baird Publishers, 1996. 184p. Bought 12 November 2009 in Arlington, Texas. Read 11-15 November 2009. Peoples and Cultures
Zukav, Gary. Soul to Soul: Communications from the Heart. NY: Simon and Schuster, 2008. Audiobook. Borrowed 4 September 2009. Heard 4-5 September 2009. Faith and Life (New Age Spirituality)
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