Orville Jenkins Thoughts and Resources Peoples and Cultures
Peoples and Cultures
Orville Jenkins Home Articles Menu Afar, Ophir and the Mists of History Amhara Clothing Amhara-Tigrinya Names Bantu Languages and Peoples: Sorting Popular and Technical Terms of Reference Barabaig and Datooga Blacks, Nubians and New Guinea "Burakumin" in Japan: Meaning and Connotation of an Ethnic Name Catalonians Classifying Ethnicity: Coding and Comparing Ethnic Information: How the Peoples and Languages Codes of the Harvest Information System Facilitate a Broader Knowledge Base of World Ethnicity Colour, Race and Genetics in the Horn of Africa Cushite Peoples Cyprus: Notes and Perceptions Dialects, Peoples and Cultural Change Egyptians and Egyptians: Distinguishing Ethnicity from Nationality Esau, Blessings and Judaism Ethnic Distinction Among the Oromo Ethnolinguistic Germanic and Celtic Glaswegians and Houstonians — English Placename Adjective Forms Hamyan Bedouin: The Phantom People Hima, Ham and Cush Hima People of Eastern Africa How Did the Tutsi Conquer? Hyksos and Hebrews Indians of South Africa Italian and Caucasian Italians, Africans and Hannibal Italians, Etruscans and Greeks: Genetics and Ethnicity Italians and Race The Kore of Kenya — Maasai or Somali? Kurdish Peoples Kwavi, Baraguyu and Maasai — Dialects, Names and Ethnicities Language Continuums and People Clusters: Adjusting Ethnic Entities in Reference to Language Research Updates (Ndengereko/Yao) Language, Tribe and Ethnic Clusters: Analyzing the Ndengereko Cluster in Tanzania Latins, Italians and Mexicans Peoples and Languages Population Analysis of the Arabic Languages Qizilbash: Names and Designations in Ethno-Religious Identities Race and Ethnicity in the Horn of Africa Scots, Irish and English Tigre, Tigray, Tigrinya — Ethnicities, Languages and Politics Tutsi and Chwezi: History and Pre-History Tutsi, Hutu and German Tutsi, Hutu and Hima — Cultural Background in Rwanda Tutsis — the Ethiopia-Somali Connection Who are the "Somali Bantu"? Yazidis — An Angelic Sect Yezidis, Kurds and Zoroastrianism Cultural People Profiles Contact the author: orville@jenkins.nu Last Updated 11 August 2020 Orville Jenkins Home Articles Menu
Afar, Ophir and the Mists of History Amhara Clothing Amhara-Tigrinya Names Bantu Languages and Peoples: Sorting Popular and Technical Terms of Reference Barabaig and Datooga Blacks, Nubians and New Guinea "Burakumin" in Japan: Meaning and Connotation of an Ethnic Name Catalonians Classifying Ethnicity: Coding and Comparing Ethnic Information: How the Peoples and Languages Codes of the Harvest Information System Facilitate a Broader Knowledge Base of World Ethnicity Colour, Race and Genetics in the Horn of Africa Cushite Peoples Cyprus: Notes and Perceptions Dialects, Peoples and Cultural Change Egyptians and Egyptians: Distinguishing Ethnicity from Nationality Esau, Blessings and Judaism Ethnic Distinction Among the Oromo Ethnolinguistic Germanic and Celtic Glaswegians and Houstonians — English Placename Adjective Forms Hamyan Bedouin: The Phantom People Hima, Ham and Cush Hima People of Eastern Africa How Did the Tutsi Conquer? Hyksos and Hebrews Indians of South Africa Italian and Caucasian Italians, Africans and Hannibal Italians, Etruscans and Greeks: Genetics and Ethnicity Italians and Race The Kore of Kenya — Maasai or Somali? Kurdish Peoples Kwavi, Baraguyu and Maasai — Dialects, Names and Ethnicities Language Continuums and People Clusters: Adjusting Ethnic Entities in Reference to Language Research Updates (Ndengereko/Yao) Language, Tribe and Ethnic Clusters: Analyzing the Ndengereko Cluster in Tanzania Latins, Italians and Mexicans Peoples and Languages Population Analysis of the Arabic Languages Qizilbash: Names and Designations in Ethno-Religious Identities Race and Ethnicity in the Horn of Africa Scots, Irish and English Tigre, Tigray, Tigrinya — Ethnicities, Languages and Politics Tutsi and Chwezi: History and Pre-History Tutsi, Hutu and German Tutsi, Hutu and Hima — Cultural Background in Rwanda Tutsis — the Ethiopia-Somali Connection Who are the "Somali Bantu"? Yazidis — An Angelic Sect Yezidis, Kurds and Zoroastrianism Cultural People Profiles Contact the author: orville@jenkins.nu Last Updated 11 August 2020
Contact the author: orville@jenkins.nu