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Books I Read 2005
Orville Boyd Jenkins
As of 31 December 2005
Last edited 12 August 2012

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Since 2003, in addition to new books, I have been reading books from my library, which I had bought over the last three decades, but had not read.  Some I am also rereading in this new reading plan.

Finished (127)

Abrams, Ina.  What it Means to Be Jewish:  The Voices of Our Heritage.  NY:  St. Martin's Press, 2002. 242p.  (A collection of sayings and writings from various Jews, men and women, from many countries expressing aspects of their experience and understanding of life as Jews.)  Bought October 2004.  Begun 4 April 2005, finished 7 April 2005.  Peoples and Cultures

Achtemeier, Paul J. and Elizabeth.  The Old Testament Roots of our Faith.  Philadelphia:  Fortress Press, 1981.  158p.  Received 14 December 2005, Germiston, South Africa.  Read 18 December 2005.  Bible

Ackland, Donald F.  Studies in Deuteronomy.  Nashville:  Convention Press, 1964.  148p.  Received as a gift 1967.  Portions read previously.  Read 5-9 March 2005.  Bible

Allen, Clifton J.  The Gospel According to Paul:  A Study of the Letter to the Romans.  Nashville, Tennessee:  Convention Press, 1956.  148p.  Received 1983.  Read 8-12 January 2004.  Theology and Religion

Allen, Ronald B.  Lord of Song:  The Messiah Revealed in the Psalms.  Portland, Oregon:  Multnomah Press, 1985.  177p.  (A devotional-focus study of the Psalms, from a musician's point of view.)  See my review on this site.)  Bought 19 April 2005, read 26-27 April 2005.  Bible

Asian Ethnicity, Volume 6, Number 1, February 2005.  Philadelphia:  Carfax Publishing.  68p.  (Among topics in this issue:  Ethnicity and Religious Identity among China's Islamic Peoples; Differences between Hui (Muslim Chinese) and Han, on endogamy.)  Read 12-14 September 2005.  Peoples and Cultures

Asian Ethnicity, Volume 6, Number 2, June 2005.  Philadelphia:  Carfax Publishing.  72p.  (Among topics in this issue:  Role of Islam in China; State and Interethnic relations in Singapore; Chinese-speaking Dungan (Hui) Muslims.)  Read 14-16 September 2005.  Peoples and Cultures

Assessing the Church Growth Movement (Journal of Evangelism and Missions, Spring 2003, Volume 2).  Memphis, Tennessee:  Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary.  157p.  Begun 18 February 2005.  Finished 27 February 2005.  Theology and Religion (Missions)

Aunger, Robert.  The Electric Meme:  A New Theory of How We Think.  NY:  The Free Press, 2002.  374p.  Bought 3 August 2002.  Begun 13 February 2005.  Finished 6 March 2005.  Science (Science of Mind, Epistemology)

Baigent, Michael and Richard Leigh.  The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception.  London:  Corgi, 1993.  381p.  (See my review on this site.  Read my review of this and other books on Amazon.com.)  Received as a gift in 1994.  Portions read previously.  Begun 28 June 2005, finished 2 July 2005.  Theology and Religion

Balnaves, Mark and James Donald and Stephanie Hemelryk Donald.  The Penguin Atlas of Media and Information.  NY:  Penguin Putnam, 2001.  125p.  (An analysis of current media use in various parts of the world, by medium and country or continent.  Provides a picture of how media are being used and possible directions for the future.)  Borrowed 16 February 2005.  Begun 18 February 2005, finished 22 March 2005.  Culture and Trends (Business)

Benge, Janet and Geoff.  George Mueller:  The Guardian of Bristol's Orphans.  Seattle:  YWAM Publishers, 1999.  203p.  Read 30 May 2005.  History (Faith and Life)

Blake, Everett C. and Anna G. Edmonds.  Biblical Sites in Turkey.  Istanbul:  SEV, 1998.  160p. Bought in Efes (Ephesus), Turkey, February 2002.  Portions read in 2002.  Finished 12-14 January 2005.  History (Peoples and Cultures)

Blanchard, Ken and Phil Hodges, Lee Ross and Avery Willis.  Lead Like Jesus Study Guide.  Nashville:  Countryman, 2003.  192p.  (This was a good review after having the basic seminar, and two annual followup conferences, plus other on-going readings.  See my basic review on Amazon.com and my more extensive review on this site.)  Received as a gift from Avery Willis December 2003.  Read 4 July 2005.  History (Peoples and Cultures)

Brock, Charles.  Am Fost Nascut Din Nou, Ce Urmeaza?  Noesho, Missouri:  Church Growth International, 1986.  98p.  Bought June 2003.  Begun 10 June 2005, finished 19 June 2005.  (Series of Bible studies in the Romanian language on the basics of the Christian life, such as the Holy Spirit, how to study the Bible.)  Bible

Brock, Charles.  Indigenous Church Planting.  Neosho, Missouri:  Church Growth International, 1994.  270p.  Received 2005, Edenvale, South Africa.  Read 2-3 December 2005.  Theology and Religion (Mission)

Bruce F.F.  Peter, Stephen, James and John:  Studies in non-Pauline Christianity.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1979.  152p.  Bought 1984.  Read 28-29 July 2005.  Bible

Burckhardt, Tritus, trans. Matheson, D.M.  An Introduction to Sufi Doctrine.  Lahore, Pakistan:  Sh. Muhammad Ashraf Press, 1973.  156p.  Bought 12 November 2005, Irene Market, Jan Smuts Farm, South Africa.  Read 21-25 November 2005.  Religions (Islam)

Burnam, Will.  Chronology of Church History.  Kisumu, Kenya:  Evangel Publishing House, 1975.  127p.  Bought 1991, Nairobi, Kenya.  Read 21 June 2005.  History (Theology and Religion)

Cash, Johnny with Patrick Carr.  Cash, the Autobiography.  San Francisco:  HarperSanFrancisco, 1997.  310p.  Bought 2003.  Begun 10 September 2005, finished 17 September 2005.  Biography

Chu, Daniel and Elliot Skinner.  A Glorious Age in Africa.  Trenton, New Jersey:  Africa World Press, 1992.  120p.  A study of the great African empires of Ghana, Mali and Songhay.  Bought 27 July 2005.  Read 21 Augsut 2005.  History

Cobb, John B., Jr.  Christ in a Pluralistic Age.  Philadelphia, Westminster Press, 1975.  287p.  (Read my review of this book on this website.  See my earlier review of this and other books on Amazon.com.)  Bought 1983.  Begun 13 November 2005.  Theology and Religion (Culture and Trends)

Cobley, Paul and Litza Jansz.  Introducing Semiotics.  Duxford, Cambridge, UK:  Icon Books, 1999.  175p.  Bought 19 April 2005.  Read 25-26 April 2005.  Linguistics (Media)

Colson, Chuck and Ellen Vaughn.  Being the Body.  Nashville, Tennessee:  W Publishing (Thomas Nelson), 2003.   510p.  (Read my review of this book on this website.  See my earlier review of this and other books on Amazon.com.)  Received for Christmas 2003.  Begun 15 May 2005.  Finished 22 May 2005.  Theology and Religion

Comfort, W. Philip.  Essential Guide to Bible Versions.  Wheaton:  Tyndale House Publishers, 2000.  288p.  Bought June 2003 at Taylor University, Indiana.  Begun 23 May 2005, finished 31 May 2005.  Bible Translation

Connell, Evan C.  The White Lantern.  NY:  Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1981.   279p.  (An artfully written humourous history of concepts.   He covers modern concepts of origins, covering archaeology, hominid discoveries, and hoaxes.  He reports various incidents of culture and exploration, providing little known facts about how we got to where we are.  The author provides a serious critical history but exhibits a wry humour.  I can just see the gleam in his eye as he reflects on events and attitudes, while presenting the sum of our knowledge, up to his period.)  Bought 1984 in North Little Rock, Arkansas.  Begun 31 May 2005, finished 3 June 2005.  Science (History, Philosophy)

Corley, Bruce and Steve Lemke and Grant Lovejoy.  Biblical Hermeneutics.  Nashville:  Broadman and Holman, 1996.  419p.  Bought March 1998 in Abilene, Texas.  Begun 5 July 2005, finished 12 July 2005.  Theology and Religion

Cox, Simon.  Illuminating Angels and Demons.  NY:  Barnes and Noble, 2004.  160p.  (The author provides background and history, as well as some analysis, on themes, concepts, places and people in the Dan Brown novel Angels and Demons.)  Bought 29 July 2005 in Irving, Texas.  Read 31 July 2005.  History (Theology and Religion)

Delicostopoulos, Athan J.  St. Paul's Journeys to Greece and Cyprus.  Athens:  Efstathiadis Group, 2000.  126p.  (Some excellent, readable historical and cultural details in various eras, told around a critical summary of the ministry of the Apostle Paul. Some beautiful color plates.  See my review on Amazon.com.) Bought 2000 in Nicosia, Cyprus.  Read 3-4 January 2005.  History (Peoples and Cultures)

Denning, Troy.  Star Wars:  Tatooine Ghost.  London:  Century (Random House), 2003.  403p.  (First Sci Fi novel I have read in 6 or 7 years.  It was like going to another Star wars movie.)  Bought 8 December 2005 in East Gate Mall, Bedfordview, South Africa.  Read 9-12 December 2005.  Science Fiction

Dever, William G.  What Did the Biblical Writers Know and When Did They Know It?:  What Archaeology Can Tell Us About the Reality of Ancient Israel.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 2001.  313p.  (See my review on this site.  See this book and my review on Amazon.com.)  Bought 5 September 2005.  Read 9-12 November 2005.  Archaeology (History, Bible)

Dever, William G.  Who Were the Israelites and Where Did They Come From?  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 2003.  259p.  (Dever compares the latest archaeological and historical knowledge with the biblical information about the origin and history of ancient Israel.  He assaults the "revisionists" and "nihilists" who say we cannot know details about ancient Israel or there was not an ancient Israel and provides archaeological evidence indicating clarification of Israel or proto-Israel from the 13th century, from an extra-biblical Egyptian textual source and archaeological sources.  Read my review of this and other books on Amazon.com.)  Bought 29 January 2005.  Read 9-12 February 2005.  History (Theological and Religion)

Deweese, Charles W.  Women Deacons and Deaconesses:  400 Years of Baptist Service.  Macon, Georgia:  Mercer University Press and Brentwood, Tennessee:  Baptist History and Heritage Society, 2005.  265p.  Read 24-26 August 2005. History (Culture and Trends)

Duffy, Kevin.  Who Were the Celts?  NY:  Barnes and Noble, 1999.  236p.  Bought October 2003.  Read 8-10 May 2005.  Peoples and Cultures (History)

Dugan, Bill.  Quanah Parker.  NY:  HaperPaperbacks (HarperCollins), 1993.  309p.  Read 17-22 September 2005.  History

Elliot, Elizabeth.  A Chance to Die:  The Life and Legacy of Amy Carmichael.  Grand Rapids:  Fleming H. Revell, 1987.  382p.  (A biography of an Irish missionary who spent 53 years in southern Japan and India in the late 19th and early 20th century.)  Borrowed 20 December 2005.  Begun 21-25 December 2005.  Faith and Life

Ellwood, Robert S.  1950:  Crossroads of American Religious Life.  Louisville, Kentucky:  Westminster John Knox, 2000.  239p.  Bought 18 June 2005.  Read 19-20 June 2005.  Culture and Trends (Theology and Religion)

Fallon, Steve.  Slovenia.  Oakland, California:  Lonely Planet Publishers, 2001.  336p.  Read 23 July 2005.  Peoples and Cultures

Farrel, Winslow.  How Hits Happen:  Forecasting Predictability in a Chaotic Marketplace..  NY:  HarperBusiness, 2000.  246p.  (An analysis of economic and marketing trends from the perspective of complexity theory, focusing on complex adaptive systems, or nonlinearity)  Bought November 2004.  Read 16-20 May 2005.  Business (Culture and Trends)

Fernandez Olmos, Margarite and Lizabeth Paravisini-Gebert.  Creole Religions of the Caribbean:  An Introduction to Obeah and Espiritismo.  NY:  NY University Press, 2003.  251p.  Borrowed 27 May 2005.  Read 1-4 June 2005.  Religions (Spiritism)

Francisco, Clyde.  Studies in Jeremiah.  Nashville, Tennessee:  Convention Press, 1961.  132p.  Received 1983.  Read 12-17 June 2005.  Portions read for reference along with other texts.  Bible

Fray, Marion G. (Bud).  It is Enough.  Columbus, Georgia:  brentwood Christian Press, 2000.  115p.  (The sub-title explains the intent and content of the book:  A Healthy Inner Life:  The Key to Christian Living and Ministry.  Read my review of this book on this website)  Borrowed 20 December 2005.  Read 20-21 December 2005  Faith and Life

Friedman, Richard Elliot.  The Hidden Book in the Bible.  San Francisco:  HarperSanFrancisco, 1998.  402p.  (One of the foremost scholars of Torah reconstructs the text of the oldest narrative of the Torah.  Freidman's analytical reconstruction differs from that of Harold Bloom, in "The Book of J."  Read my review of this book on this website.  Read my review of this and other books on Amazon.com.)  Bought August 2003.  Begun 23 May 2005, finished 29 May 2005.  Bible (Theology and Religions, Literature)

Frith, Nigel.  The Legend of Krishna.  London:  Sheldon Press, 1975.  238p.  Bought 1983.  Read 26-27 October 2005. Religions (Hinduism)

Gilkey, Langdon.  Religion and the Scientific Future:  Reflections on Myth, Science and Theology.  NY:  Harper and Row, 1970.  193p. (Gilkey analyzes the language forms of science, traditional theology (theologies of various faiths) and current western theological models to determine how modern science and religious thought have influenced each other.  Read my review of this book on this website.)  Bought 1982.  Portions read before.  Read 1-2 November 2005.  Science (Theology, Philosophy)

Ginzberg, Louis.  Legends of the Bible.  Old Saybrook, CT, USA:  Konecky and Konecky, 1956.  646p.  ("Variations of the stories in scriptures as told and retold in the ancient east from the days of Abraham, in synagogues and churches and the homes of a hundred generations of men."  Read my review of this book on this website and See the book with my review also on Amazon.com.)  Bought and begun April 2003. Portions read in June & September 2004.  Resumed March 2005, finished 23 March 2005.  Peoples and Cultures

Gordon, Robert J.  The Bushman Myth.  Oxford:  Westview Press, 1992.  320p.  (This is an anthropological review in great detail of the cultural history of the Bushmen peoples of Southern Africa, specifically focusing on the groups in Namibia. The cultural, political and economic hegemony of invaders, both African and European, is developed in a systematic analysis of available records from all sources. An excellent investigative critical summary and anthropological analysis.)  Bought 28 July 2005.  Begun 30 August 2005.  Peoples and Cultures

Gray, Elmer.  Luke for the Space Age.  Nashville:  Broadman, 1971.  129p.  Received 1983, read 20-21 April 2005.  Bible

Gribbin, John.  Timewarps.  NY:  Delacorte Press, 1979.  196p.  (Read my review of this book on this website.  Read my more extensive review on Amazon.com.)  Read 14-15 May 2005.  Science

Grisham, John.  The King of Torts.  Pössneck, Germany:  BCA, 2003.  376p.  Bought 21 December 2005.  Read 25-29 December 2005.  Literature

Gutiérrez, Natividad.  Nationalist Myths and Ethnic Identities:   Indigenous Intellectuals and the Mexican State.  Lincoln, Nebraska:  University of Nebraska Press, 1999.  242p.  Begun 1 August 2005, finished 8 August 2005.  Theology and Religion

Hale, Thomas.  Don't Let the Goats Eat the Loquat Trees.  Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 1986.  257p.  (True first-person story of a medical missionary couple working in Nepal.  Some hilarious and sympathetic insights into the people and their culture, and the differences in worldviews.)  Bought 1999 in Cyprus.  Read 16-20 August 2005.  Peoples and Cultures

Hawking, Stephen.  The Universe in a Nutshell.  NY:  Bantam, 2001.  216p.  Bought April 2002.  Read 9-10 September 2005.  Science

Hemphill, Ken.  Empowering Kingdom Growth.  Nashville:  Broadman and Holman, 2004.  308p.  (A study of the concept of "Kingdom of God" in the Bible, from the perspective of Jesus' life and teachings.  Practical and immediate concepts of the meaning of the kingdom in daily life and history, and the meaning of the church if taking Jesus' teachings seriously.)  Received 2004.  Read 5-8 June 2005.  Theology and Religion

Herm, Gerhard.  The Celts.  NY:  St. Martin's Press, 1976.  295p.  Bought 22 April 2005.  Begun 2 May 2005, finished 8 May 2005.  Peoples and Cultures

Hill, John L.  From Joshua to David.  Nashville:  Covention Press, 1959.  117p.  Received 1983.  Read 20 February 2005.  Theology and Religion

Hilts, Len.  Quanah Parker.  San Diego:  Odyssey (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich), 1987.  168p.  (A story-form report of the key events in the life of Quanah Parker, last chief of the Comanches, for whom my hometown in Texas was named.  Written up from eye-witness accounts of participants.  See my more extensive review on Amazon.com.)  Bought 13 April 2005, read 17-18 April 2005.  Peoples and Cultures (History)

Hobbs, Herschel H.  Studies in Hebrews.  Nashville:  Sunday School Board, SBC, 1954.  139p.  Received June 1983.  Read 26-27 July 2005.  Bible

Hyltenstam, Kenneth and Christopher Stroud.  Language Issues (INDE-National Institute for Education Development, II).  Sweden:  Stockholm Institute of Education, 1993.  138p.  Bought July 1995 in Maputo, Mozambique.  Read 2 January 2005.  Languages and Linguistics

Is Personal Witnessing Passé? (Journal of Evangelism and Missions, Spring 2002, Volume 1).  Memphis, Tennessee:  Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary.  157p.  (Includes an excellent summary of mission concepts in the period of 60-135 CE.  Presents the role of ecstatic prophets, who appear to have been the major missionaries in the post-apostolic period, before the monarchial episcopate model finally becomes the dominant ecclesial and missionary model of the Christian movement.  The writer examines the characteristics and activities of these New Testament prophets in the New Testament writings and early Church Fathers.)  Begun 05 May 2005.  Finished 13 May 2005.  Theology and Religion (Missions)

Itioka, Neuza.  Desafio da Umbanda a Comunidade Evangelica - o Baixo Espiritismo Brasileiro:  Implicações Teológicas e Pastorais.  Ann Arbor, Michigan:  University Microfilms, 1986.  428p (plus English version 187p).  (I first photoread the English version, then photoread the Portuguese version, before reading the Portuguese text for detail.  See my review on this website.  See this book on the Internet.)  Begun 24 June 2005, finished 12 July 2005.  Religions (Spiritism)

Izady, Mehrdad R.  The Kurds:  A Concise Handbook.  Washington, DC:  Taylor and Francis, 1992.  268p.  Bought 1999, in Nicosia, Cyprus.  Various portions read at different times since.  Finished 13 June 2005.  Peoples and Cultures

Jackson, George A.  The Post-Nicene Latin Fathers.  NY:  D. Appleton and Co., 1884.  231p.  Bought 1975.  Read 10-14 May 2005.  Theology and Religion

Jenkins, David L. and B.J. Dean.  God's People:  United for Conquest.  Nashville:  Convention Press, 1974.  162p.  (A summary study of the Bible books of Joshua through Lamentations.)  Begun 10 March 2005.   Finished 14 March 2004.  Bible

Johansson, Frans.  The Medici Effect:  Breakthrough Insights at the Intersection of Ideas, Concepts and Cultures.  Boston:  Harvard School of Business, 2004.  200p.  (Johansson investigates how creativity occurs between the disciplines.  He outlines why and how interdisciplinary approaches produce creativity and new ideas.  Many practical examples from many areas of business and science.)  Borrowed 07 February 2005.  Finished 14 February 2005.  Culture and Trends

Kelber, Werner H.  The Oral Gospel and the Written Gospel.  Bloomington and Indianapolis:  Indiana University Press, 1997.  (The sub-title gives a good concept of the theme of the book:  "The Hermeneutics of Speaking and Writing in the Synoptic Tradition, Mark, Paul and Q.  The writer analyzes the gospels and looks at early gospel forms in the teachings of Jesus and Paul, finding the forms we find in oral societies today.  He explains primary and secondary orality.  For reference to these concepts you might like to view my own studies in article and PowerPoint form on orality.  Read my review of this book on this site.)  Bought April 2005.  Read 20-25 October 2005.  Literature (Theology and Religion)

Kirby, Robert.  The Secret Letters of Jan Van Riebeeck.  London:  Penguin, 1992.  127p.  (A spoof satire on the Dutch colonial history and Afrikaner culture.  hilarious and insightful in its anachronisms and cultural barbs.)  Bought at Irene Market, Jan Smuts Farm, South Africa, and read 12 November 2005.  Historical Fiction, (Comedy)

Lancaster, Christopher.  Aramaic Peshitta Primacy for Dummies.  Internet Book:  http://www.aramaicpeshitta.com/.  50 printed pages.  (This book is no longer available and now renounced by the author.  It attempted to prove that the whole New Testament was first written in Aramaic, rather than Greek, as most textual scholars think.  Read my article on the problems facing Aramaic Primacy, linking to my other articles and external sources on the subject.)  Finished 3 February 2005.  Bible (Languages and Linguistics, Theology and Religion)

Law, Robert.  The Tests of Life:  A Study of the First Epistle of St. John.  Grand Rapids:  Baker, 1979.  422p.  Received 29 November 2005, Edenvale, South Africa.  Begun 07 December 2005, finished 17 December 2005.  Bible

Leakey, Richard E. and Roger Lewin.  Origins.  London:  Macdonald and Jane's, 1979.  264p.  (I met Richard Leakey in 1972 in Nairobi, when my wife and I were members of the Kenya Museum Society.  Leakey and Lewin make important connections from various disciplines of science to explain aspects of human culture and suggest possible ways these practices and social structures arose in human history.  Read my full review of this book on this site.)  Bought December 1983.  Portions read previously.  Read 2-3 September 2005.  Science

Lewis, Richard D.  The Cultural Imperative:  Global Trends in the 21st Century.  Yarmouth, Maine:  Intercultural Press, 2003.  324p.  (Good presentation of worldview and how that affects approaches to decision-making in the international business context.  Read my full review of this book on this site.)  Borrowed 20 January 2005.  Finished 04 February 2005.  Culture and Trends

Lucado, Max.  Grace for the Moment.  Nashville:  Countryman (Thomas Nelson), 2000.  396p.  (A book of devotional reflections.)  Received for Christmas 2004.  Read 25-28 June 2005.  Theology and Religion

MacPherson, Dave.  The Incredible Coverup:  Exposing the Origins of Rapture Theories.  Medford, Oregon:  Omega Publications, 1975, 2001.  166p.  (The author traces down and fully documents the origins of the Pre-tribulation "Rapture" belief to the ecstatic prophetic utterance of a Mary McDonald in Glasgow in 1830.  Read my full review of this book on this website.)  Bought April 2005.  Read 25 October 2005.  Theology and Religion (Eschatology)

Mazarr, Michael J.  Global Trends 2005:  An Owner's Manual for the Next Decade.  NY:  Palgrave, 2005.  330p.  (Detailed description and analysis, presenting six trends for coming decades.  Of particular interest is his description of the interplay of Globalization and Tribalization/Regionalization, which has implications for ethnic identities.  Read my review of this and other books on Amazon.com.)  Read February and March 2005.  Finished 23 March 2005.  Cultural Trends (Business, Communication)

McGrath, Alister.  Understanding the Trinity.  Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 1990.  154p.  Borrowed 25 December 2005.  Read 29-31 December 2005.  Theology and Religion

McKuen, Rod.   Fields of Wonder.  NY:  Cheval (Random House), 1971.  108p.  (A book of poems by this thoughtful song writer, poet and composer.  He presents reflections on life and relationships in the surrealistic and mystical style of the late 60's and early 70's, and has some insightful comments about religious structures that bind rather than free people.  (Read my review of this book on this website.  See my earlier review of this and other books on Amazon.com.  Bought 19 April 2005, read 25 April 2005. Literature (Culture and Trends)

Metcalf, Paul.  Waters of Potowmack.  San Francisco:  North Point Press, 1982.  246p.  (A History of the Potomac River Basin territories. The author tells the story using actual documents from each period, diaries, newspapers, books, official documents, etc., in their original spellings and grammar.)  Bought 1984.  Read 30 October - 1 November 2005.  History

Miles, Jack.  Christ, a Crisis in the Life of God.  NY:  Alfred A. Knopf, 2001.  332p.  (A literary analysis of the New Testament as a literary unity, in contrast to textual and historical critical analysis.  Some keen, challenging insights on the meaning of the Incarnation in the composite story of the New Testament writers.  Read my more extensive review of this book on Amazon.com.)  Bought June 2003.  Begun 22 March, finished 3 April 2005.  Theology and Religion

Miles, Jack.  God, A Biography.  NY:  Vintage Books (Random House), 1996.  431p.  (Read my full review of this book on this website.  See this book with my review my more extensive review of this book on Amazon.com.)  Bought August 2003.  Begun 17 July 2005, finished 25 July 2005.  Theology and Religion

Miller, Calvin.  The Empowered Leader.  Nashville:  Broadman and Holman, 1995.  227p.  Received as a gift 2004.  Read 22 June 2005.  Personal Development

Mojtabai, A.G.  Blessèd Assurance:  At Home with the Bomb in Amarillo, Texas.  London:  Secker and Warburg, 1986, 1986.  249p.  (The author evaluates moral ideas of religious individuals and denomination in Amarillo about the presence of the Pantex nuclear weapons assembly plant.  Read my review of this book on this site.)  Bought July 2004.  Read 4-6 June 2005.  Culture and Trends

Monroe, Ann.  The Word:  Imagining the Gospel in Modern America.  Louisville, Ky:  Westminster John Knox Press, 2000.  217p.  (The author reports on and analyzes the way various churches view the Bible, study it and use it in life.  See my review on this website.)  Bought June 2003.  Read 14-17 January 2005.  Theology and Religion (Faith and Life)

Morris, Leon.  Understanding the New Testament:   1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James.  London:  Scripture Union, 1969.  91p.  Begun 31 July 2005, finished 5 August 2005.  Theology and Religion

Moule, C.F.D.   The Origin of Christology.   Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 1977.  176p.  Received as a gift 1993, from the library of my childhood pastor.  Read 8-12 April 2005.  Theology and Religion

Murphy, Joseph M.  Santería:  African Spirit in America.  Boston:  Beacon Press, 1993. 200p.  (The author investigates the Santería religion in the USA.  This is a Cuban version of traditional Yoruba religion which underlies the Catholic Cult of the Saints.  Read my full review of this book on this website.)  Received 29 June 2005.  Read 27 August 2005.  Religions (Spiritism)

Naugle, David K.  Worldview:  The History of a Concept.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 2002.  356p.  (An exploration of the history and meaning of "worldview."  Naugle surveys the history of the word and its use under various meanings, as defined or used in Philosophy, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Theology and Political Theory.  Read my full review of this book on this website.)  Bought November 2003.  Begun 3 November 2005, finished 8 November 2005.  Philosophy Culture and Trends

Nida, Eugene A.  God's Word in Man's Language.  NY:  Harper and Row, 1952.  177p.  (A classic in techniques of Bible translation.  In popular style for non-specialists, it deals with basic concepts of language in worldview interpretation through language use, with examples drawn from many languages of the world.  He gives many examples of how key biblical concepts are understood in various cultural worldviews and rendered in those languages.)  Bought 1999 in Nicosia, Cyprus.  Read 4-8 January 2004.  Languages and Linguistics (Bible Translation)

No author.  Thaiways.  Bangkok:  Mag Publishing, 2001 (Vol.18 No.9).  168p.  (A journal/booklet published several times a year for tourists to Thailand.  Contains good overview of culture, history, religion, ethnicity, and interesting facts about various aspects of the culture.  This issue features the Hill Peoples.)  Obtained and portions read September 2001.  Read 14-17 February 2005.  Peoples and Cultures

Oaklander, L. Nathan.  The Ontology of Time.  (In the series Studies in Analytic Philosophy.)  Amherst, NY:  Prometheus Books, 2004.  366p.  Bought 29 January 2005.  Read 12-16 October 2005.  Philosophy

Oden, Thomas C.  The Rebirth of Orthodoxy.  San Francisco:  HarperSanFrancisco, 2003.  212p.  Bought October 2003.  Partially read 2003.  Read 25-27 November 2005.  Theology and Religion (Culture and Trends)

Owens, Virginia Stem.  Looking for Jesus.  Louisville:  Westminster John Knox, 1998.  261p.  (A portrayal of Jesus from the perspective of the people he interacted with in the gospel stories.  Some very helpful cultural and personal insights presented.  This portrayal takes the gospel stories seriously on their own terms, rather than imposing abstract theories of theology or literature on them from various traditional perspectives.)  Bought December 2003.  Read 22-25 April 2005.  Bible

Palmer, Catherine.  The Treasure of Zanzibar.  Wheaton:  Tyndale House, 1997.  261p.  (This is a murder mystery, adventure romance, set in the island of Zanzibar.  Memories from a visit there arose as I read this.  This writer grew up in Kenya, and I knew her there when she was in high school.  Her parents were good friends of ours.  She writes adventure romance books, many based on her experiences in Africa.  Later republished under the title Whisper of Danger [Treasures of the Heart #2].)  Read 13-16 August 2004.  History, Adventure

Patterson, Paige.  Anatomy of a Reformation:  The Southern Baptist Convention 1978-2004.  Ft. Worth:  Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2004.  28p.  (A testimonial monograph by one of the authors of the "Conservative Resurgence" or "Fundamentalist Takeover" of the SBC.  An excellent annotated bibliography of resources on the topic.)  Borrowed and read 8 March 2004.  Theology and Religion

Perrin, Norman and Dennis C. Duling.  The New Testament:  An Introduction.  NY:  Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1974.  483p.  Bought 1981.  Portions read previously.  Resumed 16 November 2005.  Finished 24 November 2005.  Bible

Peterson, Hugh R.  A Study of the Gospel of Mark.  Nashville: Convention Press, 1958.  148p.  Received 1983, read 21-22 April 2005.  Bible

Pettifer, James.  Albania (Blue Guide).  London:  A&C Black, 1994.  230p.  (Published as a tourist guide, this book is packed with historical and cultural perspective, great detail of architectural and artistic information, and extensive local detail providing insights into the life of various cultures that lived in the area now known as Albania over many centuries.)  Received 2003.  Begun 28 February 2005, finished 19 March 2005.  History (Peoples and Culture)

Price, Huw.  Time's Arrow and Archimedes' Point.  NY:  Oxford University Press, 1996.  306p.  Bought 5 September 2005.  Begun 30 September 2005, finished 11 October 2005.  Philosophy (Physics)

Price, J.M.  Jesus the Teacher.  Nashville:  Convention Press, 1946.  134p.  Received June 1983.  Read 20-21 August 2005.  Bible

Raj, P. Solomon.  A Christian Folk Religion in India: A Study of the Small Church Movement in Andhra Pradesh, with Special Reference to the Bible Mission of the Devadas.  Bangalore:  Centre for Contemporary Christianity, 2004.  321p.  Borrowed 27 May 2005.  Begun 14 June 2005, finished 22 June 2005.  Theology and Religion

Rankin, Jerry.  To the Ends of the Earth.  Richmond, Virginia:  International Mission Board, 2005.  204p.  Received as a gift from the author 15 June 2005.  Read 16-17 July 2005.  Theology and Religion (Missions)

Ransom, Roger L.  The Confederate States of America:  What Might Have Been.  NY:  W. W. Norton, 2005.  352p.  (What if the South had won?  Read my full review of this book on this website and on Amazon.)  Bought 1 July 2005.  Read 12-16 July 2005.  History, Economics

Register, Ray.  Back to Jerusalem:  Church Planting Movements in the Holy Land.  Enumclaw, Washington:  Winepress Publishing, 2000.  261p.  Bought July 2002 Glorieta, New Mexico, inscribed by the author.  Read 5-7 December 2005.  Theology and Religion (Mission)

Renshaw, J. Parke.  A Sociological Analysis of Spiritism in Brazil.  University of Florida, 1969.  (Doctoral Dissertation of a missionary who spent many years in Brazil, working with the people and formally researching Spiritism.)  Begun 12 July 2005, finished 22 July 2005.  Religions (Spiritism)

Robinson, John A. T.  In the End God.  NY:  Fontana (Collins), 1968.  148p.  Bought 1982.  Read 17 October 2005.  Theology and Religion.

Rogers, Everett M.  Diffusion of Innovations.  NY:  Free Press, 2003.  477p.  (This is a definitive reference on Diffusion Theory, but focuses on defining and clarifying concepts of diffusion.  A history of the discipline and summary of the current concept's principles, it seems to serve mainly as a comprehensive introduction to the discipline.  Presents a detailed theory, with excellent and numerous examples of Diffusion, illustrating the various principles presented.  Not much on synthesis and trends.  Read my full review of this book on this website and on Amazon.)  Borrowed November 2004.  Surveyed and portions read in detail through February 2005, as a resource for a research project in my work.  Finished 09 February 2005.  Culture and Trends (Sociology, Economics)

Sakae, Kubo and Walter F. Specht.  So Many Versions?:  20th Century English Versions of the Bible.  Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 1983.  401p.  Bought 1985.  Portions read previously.  Read 3-5 September 2005.  Theology and Religion (History)

Sarker, Abraham.  Understand My Muslim People.  Newberg, Oregon:  Barclay Press, 2004.  286p.  Received as a gift 12 October 2005.  Read 17-19 October 2005.  Religions (Islam)

Scott, Joseph and Lenore.  Egyptian Hieroglyphs for Everyone:  An Introduction to the Writing of Ancient Egypt.  NY:  Barnes and Noble,1993.  95p.  (A good introduction to the written language of Ancient Egypt, with lots of good historical and cultural information about the people and culture.)  Bought January 2002.  Read 23 August 2005.  Language

Scheele, Paul R.  PhotoReading.  Minnetonka, Minnesota:  Learning Strategies Corporation, 1999.  156p.  Read 19 April 2005.  Education

Sgammato, Jo.  American Thunder:  The Garth Brooks Story.  NY:  Ballentine Books, 1999.  243p. Begun 23 September 2005, finished 30 September. Biography

Shumaker, Bill.  Lost Pulse.  Humboldt, Tennessee:  Deo Volente Publishing, 2004.  287p.  (A historical fiction set in Germany in WWII, dealing with the dynamics of Nazi Germany and the challenge to Christians in that era.  An extensive bibliography is included.  I learned some historical and cultural details previously unknown to me. Read my full review of this book on this website.  Find this book and read my separate review on Amazon.  This was the first book reviewed on Amazon.)  Received as a gift from the author 05 January 2005.  Begun 17 January 2004.   History (Culture and Trends)

Spong, John Shelby.  A New Christianity for a New World.  San Francisco:  HarperSanFrancisco, 2001.  266p.  Bought 19 April 2005, read 27 April - 02 May 2005.  Theology and Religion

Spong, John Shelby.  Liberating the Gospels:  Reading the Gospels with Jewish Eyes.  San Francisco:  HarperSanFrancisco, 1997.  365p.  (An analysis of the four gospels in reference to the Jewish worship calendar, with insights into the cultural and religious context in which and to which the gospels were written.  See my review on this site.  Find this book and read my separate review on Amazon.)  Bought July 2003.  Read 13-16 April 2005.  Bible

Sproul, R. C.  The Last Days According to Jesus.  Grand Rapids, Michigan:  Baker Book House, 1998.  252p.  (A study of the Olivet Discourse in Matthew, in conjunction with other apocalyptic passages of the New Testament and passages about the end time, resurrection and second coming of Christ.)  Bought 2001.  Read 28-30 October 2005.  Theology and Religion (Eschatology)

Stockstill, Larry.  The Cell Church.  Ventura, California:  Regal, 1998.  136p.  Received 14 November 2005 Edenvale, South Africa.   Read 1-2 December 2005.  Theology and Religion

Strobel, Lee.  The Case for a Creator.  Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 2004.  340p.  (Lots of good scientific information on how various biological and physical systems of the universe work, but the book has some puzzling logic and simplistic arguments.  See my review of the book on this website and more extensive critical review of this book on Amazon.com)  Bought 26 July 2005.  Begun 08 August 2005, finished 13 August 2005.  Science (Science and Faith)

Strobel, Lee.  The Case for Faith.  Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 2000.  409p.  Received 2001.  Read 6-9 September 2005.  Theology and Religion

Telchin, Stan.  Messianic Judaism is not Christianity.  Grand Rapids, Michigan:  Chosen Books, 2004.  169p.  Bought 29 February 2005.  Read 6-8 January 2005.  Theology and Religion (Culture and Trends)

Tenney, Tommy.  The God Catchers:  Experiencing the Manifest Presence of God.  Nashville:  Thomas Nelson, 2000.  Bought January 2005.  Begun 31 January 2005.  Finished 06 February.  Faith and Life

The Voice of Truth International, Vol. 43.  Winona Lake, Mississippi:  Churches of Christ (no date).  110p.  (Various articles on topics of religion and culture.)  Received 24 October 2005.  Read 27 October 2005.  Theology and Religion

Trentham, C.A.  Studies in Timothy.  Nashville:  Convention Press, 1959.  144p.  Received June 1983.  Read 21-22 August 2005.  Bible

Wilckens, Ulrich.  Resurrection.  Atlanta:  John Knox Press, 1978.  132p.  (Subtitle Biblical Testimony to the Resurrection:  An Historical Examination and Explanation.  See my review of this book on this website.  See my review on Amazon.com.)  Bought 1985.  Read 22-24 June 2005.  Theology and Religion (Eschatology)

Wolff, Hans Walter, translated by Margaret Kohl.  Anthropology of the Old Testament.  Philadelphia:  Fortress Press, 1974.  293p.  Bought 1984 in Limuru, Kenya.  Read 25-30 November 2005.  Culture and Trends (Theology and Religion, History)

Wood, Gordon S.  The Americanization of Benjamin Franklin.  NY:  Penguin, 2004.  299p.  Bought 01 July 2005.  Read 1-4 July 2005.  History

Yohannan, K.P.  The Road to Reality:  Coming Home to Jesus from the Unreal World.  Carrollton, Texas:  GFA Books, 2004.  200p.  Received July 2005.  Read 29-31 July 2005.  Theology and Religion

Yuanfuang, Shen and Penny Edwards, eds.  Beyond China:  Migrating Entities.  Australian National University, 2002.  108p.  Begun 25-27 July 2005.  Peoples and Cultures

Yung, Hwa.  Mangoes or Bananas:  The Quest for an Authentic Asian Christian Theology.  Oxford, England and Irvine, California:  Regnum Books International, 1997.  266p.  (An excellent critical and constructive analysis of aspects of Asian cultural worldview and society.  See my review of this book on this website I have met several of the authors he cites.  Read my review on Amazon.com.)  Bought April 2002.  Begun 21 January 2005.  Finished 30 January 2005.  Culture and Trends

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