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Books I Read in 2011
Orville Boyd Jenkins
As of 26 November 2012

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This reading list is one way of providing resources to others who may be interested in the topics I study, and also helps me be publicly accountable for the goals I have set.  My goal for 2011 was 150 books.  I fell short of this a few books with a total of 143.  This list includes links to the reviews of those for which I wrote reviews.

Finished (143)

Abanes, Richard.  The Truth Behind the Da Vinci Code:  A Challenging Response to the Bestselling Novel.  Eugene, Oregon:  Harvest House, 2004.  96p.  Bought 2 February 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 8 February 2011.  History (Religion)

Aikman, David.  The Mirage of Peace:  Understanding the Never-Ending Conflict in the Middle East.  Ventura, California:  Regal, 2009.  287p.  (This is an excellent background and analysis of the factors behind the current countries and conflicts in the what is now called the Middle East.  Aikman reconstructs the lines of history, culture, religion, politics, economics and ethnicity that has led to the individual political entities we know today.  Aikman analyzes the decisions, good and bad, of the European colonial powers in the middle East over the last few centuries and especially in the last two centuries.  (See my full review of this book on this website.  See this book with my review on Amazon.)  Bought 24 May 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 28-29 May 2011.  History (Middle East)

Aldwinkle, Russel F.  More than Man:  A Study in Christology.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1976.  311p.  Bought 6 November 1982 in Nairobi, Kenya.  Portions read previously.  Read 5-7 November 2011.  Theology (Philosophy)

Ankarlo, Darrell.  Another Man's Sombrero:  A Conservative Broadcaster's Undercover Journey Across the Mexican Border.  Nashville:  Thomas Nelson, 2008.  333p.  Bought 25 April 2009 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 26 August - 3 September 2011.  American Politics

Ankerberg, John and Dillon Burroughs.  What Can Be Found in Lost.  Eugene, Oregon:  Harvest House Publishers, 2008.  171p.  Bought 2 July 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 14 August 2011.  Faith and Life

Armstrong, Karen.  Holy War:  The Crusades and their Impact on Today's World.  NY:  Anchor, 2001.  628p.  Received as a gift February 2004.  Read 28 February – 23 March 2010.  Religions

Arnold, Henry O and Ben Peterson.  Kabul24:  The Story of a Taliban Kidnapping and Unwavering Faith in the Face of True Terror.  Nashville:  Thomas Nelson, 2009.  282p.  (This is the story that gained worldwide attention when an international aid agency's workers, two American members of the arrested group, Dayna Curry and Heather Mercer, were arrested and tortured by the Taliban in Afghanistan, and falsely accused of paying people to convert to Christianity and other illegal activities.  Under the Taliban onslaught against this volunteer service agency, food centers and occupational training projects were destroyed by the Taliban regime.  Georg Taubman, German Director of Shelter Now International, presents a quiet assurance and persistent appeal to the truth of their innocence and their transparent intentions to serve a needy populace because of their faith in Christ, without coercion or discrimination.  (See my review of this book on this website.  See this book with my review on Amazon.)  Bought 3 December 2010 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 23-25 January 2011.  History (Afghanistan, Taliban)

Bach, Stephen.  Final Cut.  NY:  William Morrow and Co, 1985 (republished by TSR, NY).  205p.  Bought 12 January 2011 in Ruidoso, New Mexico.  Read 14-15 January 2011.  Business (Movies)

Baggett, David and Shawn E Klein, eds.  Harry Potter and Philosophy:  If Aristotle Ran Hogwarts.  Chicago and LaSalle, Illinois:  Open Court, 2004.  243p.  Bought 1 October 1982 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 31 October – 1 November 2011.  Philosophy

Barton, James L.  The Unfinished Task of the Christian Church.  NY:  Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions, 1908.  211p.  (“Introductory Studies in the Problem of the World's Evangelization.”)  Received as a gift from a personal library in November 2010.  Read 14-17 April 2011.  Theology (Missiology)

Beaglehole, J C.  The Exploration of the Pacific.  Stanford, California:  Stanford University Press, 1968.  355p.  Bought 12 January 2011 in Ruidoso, New Mexico.  Read 15-19 January 2011.  History

Bennett, William.  A Century Turns:  New Hope, New Fears.  Nashville:  Thomas Nelson, 2009.  319p.  Bought 3 September 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 25-30 October 2011.  American Politics

Boortz, Neal.  Somebody's Gotta Say It.  NY:  HarperCollins, 2007.  322p.  Bought 10 July 2010 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 2-6 January 2011.  American Politics and Culture

Borg, Marcus J and John Dominic Crossan.  The First Christmas:  What the Gospels Really Teach About Jesus' Birth.  NY:  HarperCollins, 2007.  259p.  Bought 17 August 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 12-15 September 2011.  Bible (Gospels)

Borg, Marcus J and John Dominic Crossan.  The Last Week:  What the Gospels Really Teach About Jesus' Final Days in Jerusalem.  NY:  HarperCollins, 2006.  238p.  Bought 17 August 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 1-4 November 2011.  Bible (Gospels)

Brewin, Kester.  Signs of Emergence.  Grand Rapids:  Baker, 2007.  221p.  Bought 24 May 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 24-25 May 2011.  Church and Culture

Brodie, Richard.  Virus of the Mind:  The New Science of the Meme.  Seattle:  Integral Press, 1996.  251p.  Bought 1 October 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 9-13 October 2011.  Science (Science of Mind, Biology, Sociology)

Brooks, Kix and Ronnie Dunn, with Bill Fitzhugh.  The Adventures of Slim and Howdy.  NY:  Center Street (Hachette), 2008.  257p.  Bought 28 September 2010 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 9-10 January 2011.  Fiction

Brun, Samuel Jacque.  Tales of Languedoc:  From the South of France.  NY:  Hippocrene Books, 1999 (reprint of original by The Macmillian Company 1899).  240p.  Bought 28 March 2010 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 14 August 2011.  Peoples and Cultures (Languedoc)

Buchanan, Mark.  The Rest of God.  Nashville:  W Publishing (Thomas Nelson), 2006.  224p.  Bought 2 February 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 23-24 February 2011.  Faith and Life

Buddle, Michael L and John Wright.  Conflicting Allegiances:  The Church-Based University in a Liberal Democratic Society.  Grand Rapids:  BrazosPress, 2004.  272p.  Bought 1 July 2010 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 30 November - 3 December 2011.  Church and Culture

Burnett, Virgil.  Towers at the Edge of a World.  NY:  St Martin's Press, 1980.  208p.  Bought 28 March 2010 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 15-18 September 2011.  Fiction (Culture – Medieval France)

Caro, Robert A.  The Years of Lyndon Johnson:  Means of Ascent.  NY:  Alfred A Knopf, 1990.  506p.  (This is an excellent chronological documentation of a key period in Lyndon B Johnson’s political life, running for the US Senate from Texas for the firs time.  Caro provides excellent background out of amazing extensive research over a long period of interviews with associates, family members, opponents, aides and others, as well as consulting formal published works and official documents.  He documents the unprincipled, amoral power orientation and roguish manipulation and deceit behind Johnson's whole life and career.  Caro is scrupulous in his documentation, with date, place, hour, and very careful to keep clear sequences and personalities, subtle changes in events and facts, tone and attitudes.  (See my full review of this book on this website.  See this book with my review on Amazon.)  Received as a gift 25 December 2010 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 22 July - 1 August 2011.  Biography

Carr, Caleb.  The Italian Secretary.  Prince Frederick, Maryland:  Recorded Books and Simon and Schuster Audio, 2006.  Audiobook.  (The stories of Sherlock Holmes continues with Caleb Carr's commissioned mysteries with the Arthur Conan Doyle characters.  This mystery involves a plot against Queen Victoria's life, and a mystery at Balmoral Royal Castle, tied in with a similar intrigue with Mary Queen of Scots and her Italian Secretary Rizzio, who was murdered in the castle.)  Borrowed 7 June 2010.  Heard 16-17 June 2011.  Fiction (Mystery)

Cashill, Jack.  Popes and Bankers:  A Cultural History of Credit and Debt, From Aristotle to AIG.  Nashville:  Thomas Nelson, 2010.  259p.  Bought 3 October 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 14-18 November 2011.  Business

Chittister, Joan.  The Liturgical Year.  Nashville:  Thomas Nelson, 2009.  217p.  Bought 3 September 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 20-23 November 2011.  Faith and Life

Christie, Agatha.  The ABC Murders.  NY:  Dodd, Mead & Co, 1937.  306p.  (An original edition of a Poirot Mystery.)  Bought February 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 20-24 December 2011.  Fiction

Clarke, Richard A.  Your Government Failed You:  Breaking the Cycle of National Security Disasters.  NY:  CCCO (HarperCollins), 2008.  408p.  (An excellent point-by-point analysis from a military-political insider of political-military shenanigans, misrepresentations, shenanigans and untruths that cost soldiers' lives and American prestige among the nations of the world and among the American public.  He explains chapter and verse of the incursions on personal privacy and freedoms by the government in the name of “Homeland Security” and details a long list of failures and ineptitude of the colossal new government department.  See this book with my review on Amazon.)  Bought 10 July 2010 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 29 June – 6 July 2011.  American Politics and Culture (History)

Clottes, Jean and David Lewis-Williams.  The Shamans of Prehistory:  Trance and Magic in the Painted Caves.  NY:  Harry N Abrams, 1996.  120p.  (A summary of the extensive cave drawings and artifacts of prehistory into modern times, from cultures around the world.  With beautiful color plates, Clottes and Lewis-Williams analyze and propose a unified and universal worldview of Shamanism common even today among concrete-relational societies around the world.  Of special interest is the San cave and open-air paintings across Southern Africa.  The authors discuss and compare features from the very well-documented European sites, and the similar sites from Asia, with some comments on South American cultures.  See this book with my review on Amazon.)  Received as a gift for Christmas 2010.  Read 18-20 September 2011.  Religions (Shamanism)

Coetzee, J M.  Disgrace.  NY:  Penguin Audio.  1999.  Audiobook.  (One of the NY Times Book Review's Eleven Best Books of 1999.  Also won the Nobel Prize for literature.  This is my first story by Coetzee.  But I learned he is known for his cultural novels.  This story portrays an Afrikaner professor trying to deal with the realities of the New South Africa, since the abolishment of Apartheid and the implementation of a new participatory government in South Africa in 1994.)  Bought 25 October 2010.  Heard 3-4 January 2011.  Fiction (Peoples and Cultures)

Davis, Kim, ed.  Voices of the Faithful, Book 2.  Nashville:  Thomas Nelson, 2009.  441p.  Received as a gift 27 December 2010 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 6 July - 13 August 2011.  Faith and Life

De la Vega, Ralph.  Obstacles Welcome:  Turn Adversity to Advantage in Business and Life.  Nashville:  Thomas Nelson, 2009.  262p.  (De la Vega details the process of combining Cingular Wireless with AT&T wireless into the largest wireless phone company in the world.  He provides rich background into family history and other personalities in the company and business world to suggest practical strategies for dealing with life challenges. This is very enlightening in regard to recent American business life and technology as well as the multicultural challenges of working in a global market in today's world.  (See my full review of this book on this website.  See this book with my review on Amazon.)  Bought 3 September 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 24-25 October 2011.  Business

Diamant, Anita.  The Red Tent.  NY:  Picador, 1997.  321p.  Bought March 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 20-24 May 2011.  Fiction

Diamond Rio, with Tom Roland.  Beautiful Mess:  The Story of Diamond Rio. Nashville:  Thomas Nelson, 2009.  291p.  (Tom Roland presents the story of Diamond Rio with the members of the band telling the story of the rise and struggle of this country group.)  Bought 2 July 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 6-12 December 2011.  Music (Biography)

DiIulio, John J, Jr.  Godly Republic:  A Centrist Blueprint for America's Faith-Based Future.  Berkley:  Univ of California Press, 2007.  309p.  Bought 2 February 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 18-22 July 2011.  American Politics and Culture

Dighton, G L.  Light.  Enumclaw, Washington:  Pleasant World (Winepress), 2003.  140p.  Bought 2 February 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 20-21 February 2011.  Devotion

Dobson, James.  Marriage Under Fire.  Sisters, Oregon:  Multnomah, 2004.  123p.  Received as a gift 17 April 2011 in Ft Worth, Texas.  Read 17-18 April 2011.  American Politics and Culture

Edmunds, R David.  The Potawatomis, Keepers of the Fire.  Norman/London:  University of Oklahoma, 1987.  362p.  Bought 19 June 1991 in Harare, Zimbabwe.  Portions read previously.  Read 21-24 August 2011.  Peoples and Cultures

El Fadl, Khaled Abou.  The Great Theft:  Wrestling Islam from the Extremists.  NY:  HarperSanFrancisco, 2005.  308p.  (This is an excellent informed source for any western reader who wishes to understand the actual view of Islam on the world and non-Muslim societies.  The view of the small minority involved in “radical Islam” and their violent approaches toward both Muslims and non-Muslims get most pf the attention from the rather uninformed popular press in the west.  This renowned Muslim scholar speaks in terms westerners can understand, and writes from a broad perspective to analyze and critique the various movements acting in violence in the name of Islam.  He shows us how these aberrant groups contrast with the vast majority of Islam, how they have perverted history and selectively chosen certain aspects that focus on their control or others.  You will see here how these usurpers are seen by most who constitute the vast majority of followers of Islam.  El Fadl discusses what the mainline Muslim majority need to do to reclaim their faith and project the broader traditional view of Islam and its practices and teachings, in order to inform westerners and reclaim their movement from the violent usurpers.  El Fadl demonstrates clear and detailed knowledge of the Qur'an and Sunna and historical factors and streams of thought and politics in the Muslim world.  See this book with my review on Amazon.)  208p. Bought 19 September 2009 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 15-17 March 2011.  Religions (Islam)

Fesch, Jacques, Trans Matthew J O'Connell, ed Augustin-Michel Lemonnier.  Light on the Scaffold:  The Prison Letters of Jacques Fesch.  St Meinrad, Indiana:  Abbey Press, 1975.  153p.  Received as a gift 19 December 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 20 December 2011.  Biography

Gaebelein, A C.  Studies in Zechariah.  NY:  Our Hope Publication Office, 1911.  159p.  Received as a gift November 2010.  Read 14-15 March 2011.  Bible

Galli, Mark, ed (and translator?).  The Apostolic Fathers.  Chicago:  Moody Classics, 2009.  317p.  Bought 4 August 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 11-12 August 2011.  History (Theology)

Garlow, James L, with Timothy Paul Jones and April Williams.  The DaVinci Code Breaker:  An Easy-to-Use Fact Checker.  Minneapolis, Minnesota:  Bethany House, 2006.  203p.  Bought 2 February 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 3-6 February 2011.  History (Religion)

Graziosi, Dean.  Profit from Real Estate Now:  Finding and Funding Profitable Deals.  Dean Graziosi Education, 2010.  208p. Bought 24 February 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Partly read in March 2011.  Finished 21 October 2011.  Business

Graziosi, Dean.  Profit from Real Estate Now:  Marketing and Advertizing.  Dean Graziosi Education, 2010.  157p.  Bought 24 February 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 27 February – 1 March 2011.  Business

Graziosi, Dean.  Profit from Real Estate Right Now.  Dean Graziosi Education, 2010.  Audiobook.  (Training Course in 2 DVDs and 6 CDs.) Bought 24 February 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Heard 4-5 April 2011.  Business (Real Estate)

Greanias, Thomas.  The Atlantis Revelation.  NY:  Atria, 2009.  310p.  Bought 20 January 2011 in Ridgeland, Mississippi.  Read 3-12 April 2011.  Sci Fi

Greeley, Andrew M.  The Making of a the Pope 2005.  NY:  Little, Brown and Company, 2005.  254p.  Bought 20 May 2010 in Richmond, Virginia.  Read 18-20 March 2011.  Religion (Roman Catholic)

Green, John L.  Pioneer Evangelists of the Pacific Northwest.  Guthrie, Oklahoma:  Faith Publishing House, 1979.  164p.  Received as a gift from a personal library in November 2010.  Read 17-20 March 2011.  Autobiography

Guhl, E and W Koner.  The Romans:  Life and Customs.  Old Saybrook, Connecticut:  Konecky and Konecky, 2009.  300p.  Bought 5 February 2010 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 6-8 January 2011.  History (Peoples and Culture)

Hagel, Senator Chuck, with Peter Kaminsky.  America, Our Next Chapter:  Tough Questions, Straight Answers.  NY:  CCCO (HarperCollins), 2008.  306p.  Bought 16 September 2010 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 10-12 January 2011.  American Politics and Culture

Hapka, Catherine.  Midnight Ride.  NY:  Disney Press, 2008.  257p.  (National Treasure Series.  This book series lays the historical foundation of the hit movie series National Treasure with Nicolas Cage.  The historical political intrigue series is built on historical persons and events related to the American Revolution.)  Bought 17 March 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 23-24 April 2011.  History (Fictionalized)

Harford, Tim.  The Logic of Life:  The Rational Economics of an Irrational World.  NY:  Random House, 2008.  255p.  Bought 29 April 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 1-3 May 2011.  Business

Harper, Lisa.  Tough Love, Tender Mercies:  3 Short Stops in the Minor Prophets.  Wheaton, Illinois:  Tyndale Press, 2005.  172p.  (A thoughtful, practical life-centered look at the mercy prophets of the Hebrew Scriptures, Hosea, Zephaniah and Malachi.)  Bought 2 July 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 4-5 July 2011.  Bible (Prophets)

Haykin, Michael A.  Rediscovering the Church Fathers:  Who They Were and How They Shaped the Church.  Wheaton, Illinois:  Crossway, 2011.  172p.  Bought 5 November 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 8-9 November 2011.  Theology (History)

Helferich, Gerard.  Humboldt's Cosmos:  Alexander Humboldt and the Latin American Journey that Changed the Way We See the World.  NY:  Gotham (Penguin), 2004.  360p.  Bought 28 March 2010 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 5-10 September 2011.  History

Henderson, Dee.  True Valor:  Uncommon Heroes.  Sisters, Oregon: Multnomah, 2002.  Audiobook.  (A story of pilots and rescue units for US forces in the Iraq Front.)  Bought 12 January 2011 in Ruidoso, New Mexico.  Heard 12-13 July 2011.  Fiction

Henderson, Jim, Todd Hunter and Craig Spinks.  The Outsider Interviews:  A New Generation Speaks Out on Christianity.  Grand Rapids:  Baker Books, 2010.  199p.  (This book and the related Interview Project was inspired by the book by David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons, Unchristian:  What a New Generation Really Thinks about Christianity, and Why it Matters.  The book comes with a DVD of the personal and public group interviews with several non-Christians or non-traditional Christians, background on the project and discussion of the issues.  These three authors organized interview-dialogue sessions in three US venues with people outside the church, to get their perceptions on Christians and the organized churches of America.  This is very enlightening and can be instructive to churches and individual Christians who are really serious about understand and communicating with the people around them today. See my full review of this book on this website.  See this book with my review on Amazon.)  Bought 2 December 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 3-4 December 2011.  Church and Culture

Higgins, Jack.  Midnight Runner.  Prince Frederick, Maryland:  Recorded Books.  2002.  Audiobook.  (This is another international intrigue with Kate Rashid, the British Countess whose father was a wealthy Arab oil magnate.  Kate is back as a suave socialite leading an international terrorist ring from her father's home base in the Arabian country of Hazar.  The characters are intriguing and their multi-level love-hate relationships involve British Intelligence agent Sean Dillon, the IRA and other connections.)  Borrowed 7 June 2010.  Heard 13-15 June 2011.  Fiction (Intrigue)

Hill, Austin and Scott Rae.  The Virtues of Capitalism:  A Moral Case for Free Markets. Chicago:  Northfield, 2010.  153p.  (I was afraid this would be another simplistic attempt to baptize historical cultural capitalism with a Civil-Religion form of American popular cultural Christianity.  But the authors provide a thoughtful and balanced look at what has happened and has happened in the US and reasons why it has happened.  They look at historical economies and societies, and especially provide a good analysis of the biblical foundations for a just society in which the poor and powerless are cared for and protected.  Modern urban Americans will benefit from the picture they provide of the ancient agricultural and tribal society providing the biblical context.  This book will help readers think seriously about the terminology we use and the moral implications for living in a free society.  See my full review of this book on this website.  See this book with my review on Amazon.)  Bought 2 December 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 10-11 December 2011.  Business (Philosophy)

Hill, Ernest.  A Person of Interest.  Prince Frederick, Maryland:  Kensington Publishing/Recorded Books, 2003.  Audiobook.  Borrowed 6 January 2011.  Heard 22-25 January 2011.  Fiction (Mystery)

Hillerman, Tony.  The Sinister Pig.  Prince Frederick, Maryland:  Harper and Row/Recorded Books, 2003.  Audiobook.  (Sergeant Jim Chee of the Navajo Tribal Police and his retired partner Joe Leaphorn investigate related cases involving people and drug smuggling across the US-Mexico border and Indian oil-gas production fraud.  Their relationship with the Federal authorities again focus on the arrogance and incompetence of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the FBI.  Their colleague Bernie Manuelito, formerly with the Navajo Tribal Police and now with the Border Patrol, is instrumental in discovering the tie between the dope smuggling and the smuggling and exploitation of Mexicans entering the US.  The Navajo officers, with help from an Apache colleague put the pieces together to find the link between the fraud and border cases and the murder on tribal land that pointed to both.)  Borrowed 6 January 2011.  Heard 7, 15 January 2011.  Fiction (Mystery)

Hillerman, Tony.  The Wailing Wind.  Prince Frederick, Maryland:  Harper and Row/Recorded Books, 2002.  Audiobook.  (Hillerman's murder thriller involves a legendary wailing woman, anew murder, a lost gold mine and protection of sacred Navajo grounds.  Bernie Manuelito is a new officer with the Navajo Tribal Police, under the supervision of Sergeant Jim Chee, and a personal attraction develops that flusters both of them.  As usual, the new case seems to have ties with an old case of retired Lieutenant Joe Leaphorn, who teams up with Manuelito and Chee to solve a case for the FBI, who can't seem to get all the local details to come together.  See this book in several formats on Amazon, with my review notes.)  6 January 2011.  Heard 20 January 2011.  Fiction (Mystery)

Hooper, Kay.  Blood Ties.  NY:  Dell/Brilliance Audio, 2009.  Audiobook.  (This is somewhat of a murder thriller, but crosses the border into Sci Fi.  I do not recommend this book, though the basic story line is somewhat intriguing, with the Special Crimes Unit under attack by a sniper.  But much of the book is given over to a confused metaphysic that detracts and wanders.  The author attempts to weave an intrigue of wonder and mystery with an atmosphere of psychic drama, exploring unseen evil powers puppeteering the perpetrators of the crimes.  But the story founders on its preachment of a strange metaphysical universe of afterlife evil.  Maybe.  It is hard to tell what the theme of this is.  A love story of sorts is included, but it seems strained.  It seems the author could not decide what she really wanted to do with the story.  It drug on and on.  Hooper is billed as best-selling author.  I wonder who buys her books?  The vocal performance by Joyce Bean was read well enough, but the voices and vocal characterizations of the characters were not believable.  (See my review of this book on this website.  See this book with my review on Amazon.)  Borrowed 6 January 2011.  Heard 21-24 January 2011.  Fiction (Mystery, Sci Fi)

Hooper, Kay.  Illegal Possession.  North Kingstown, Rhode Island:  BBC Audiobooks America. 2008.  Audiobook.  (A female cat burglar is caught in the act one night by a fascinated famous entrepreneur and he falls in love with her, and learns why she does this service for clients whose works of art have been stolen.  A passable, engaging story with believable humor and character interaction, masterfully read by actress Deanna Hurst)  Borrowed 7 June 2010.  Heard 16 June 2011.  filename:  

Hopkins, Todd and Ray Hilbert.  The Janitor:  How an Unexpected Friendship Transformed a CEO and His Company.  Nashville:  Thomas Nelson, 2007.  149p.  Bought 4 August 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 6-7 August 2011.  Faith and Life (Business)

Hunter, George G.  The Celtic Way of Evangelism:  How Christianity Can Reach the West ... Again.  Nashville:  Abingdon, 2000.  144p.  Bought 5 November 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 9 November 2011.  Peoples and Cultures (History)

Jenkins, Mark.  Off the Map:  Bicycling Across Siberia.  NY:  Modern Times (Rodale), 2008.  248p.  Bought 23 June 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 24-29 November 2011.  Peoples and Cultures

Johnson, Amanda, General Editor.  Our Voices:  Issues Facing Black Women in America.  Chicago:  Moody Publishers, 2009.  229p.  Bought 3 December 2010 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 30 April - 1 May 2011.  Peoples and Cultures

Johnson, Joyce Miller.  Golden Prologue to the Future:  A History of Highland Park Methodist Church.  Dallas:  Highland Park Methodist Church, 1966.  143p.  Bought 26 August 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 23-24 October 2011.  History

Jones, Loflin and Todd Musig.  Juggling Elephants:  An Easier Way to Get Your Most Important Things Done – Now!.  NY:  Portfolio (Penguin), 2007.  131p.  Borrowed and read 10 April 2011.  Business

Jones, Susan K.  Creative Strategy in Direct Marketing.  Lincolnwood, Illinois:  NTC Business Books, 1990.  436p.  Bought 12 January 2011 in Ruidoso, New Mexico.  Read 24-27 February 2011.  Business

Kant, Immanuel, trans H B Nisbet.  An Answer to the Question:  What is Enlightenment? NY:  Penguin, 2009.  121p.  Bought 17 August 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 20 August 2011.  Philosophy

Keulman, Kenneth.  The Balance of Consciousness:  Eric Voegelin's Political Theory.  University Park/London:  Pennsylvania State University Press, 1990.  194p.  (The underlying theme all through this volume is Epistemology, the core of Veogelin's philosophy.  Epistemology is the science or philosophy of knowledge, how we know, how we can substantiate, verify, and understand ourselves and the external world.  Veogelin analyzes theories of worldview and consciousness, and deals with the role of religion in the problems of consciousness and government.  Keulman reviews how Veogelin critiques the key historical philosophies, and how he handles the problems of self-consciousness and personal identity in relation to objective reality.  Veogelin analyzes societal organization and government in light of his findings about consciousness and interpersonal relationships.  Hegel and Marx come in for serious criticism for using logical fallacies and other limitations.  Veogelin shows creative insights in clarifying the shift in ideas of reality resulting from modern science and the adjustments made by current society to move away from the naïve a priori assumptions and Rationalist limitations of the Modern period.  Writing in the 1940s to his death in 1985, Veogelin analyzed the great movements of the 20th century, fascism and communism.  He surveyed modern-era ideological movements in comparison to political systems of the historical period from Sumeria and Assyria, the Hebrew and Greek models, through the key social forms of Empire under Rome and its European successors.  Veogelin's key insights and conclusions show clearly how the perspective now called "Postmodernism" arose to correct the excesses and limitations of the Modern ideological mindset.  Veogelin developed a powerful and incisive theory of Consciousness within the context of Political Theory.  This was a rewarding and satisfying study.  (See my review of this book on this website.   See this book with my review on Amazon.)  Bought 3 June 2010 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 21-23 February 2011.  Philosophy

Kilby, Karen.  Karl Rahner, A Brief Introduction.  NY:  Herder & Herder (Crossroad Publishing), 1997.  107p.  (This was an excellent summary and analysis of Karl Rahner, and his creative thinking that helped reinterpret the Roman Catholic Church in the modern and contemporary context.  I had had the pleasure of reading Rahner on occasions over the years, and found him thoughtful, refreshing and creative in trying to clarify the ideas and frames of reference behind the forms of faith and devotion.  He was particularly helpful with his compassionate attitude toward followers of other world religions, in reference to the exclusivist claims of Christianity.  One aspect Kilby really brings out well here is how integrated Rahner's personal and academic thought was.  Rahner was an active preacher, teacher, speaker, writer and devotional leader.  He wrote meditations and prayers and lived and worked in an active and practical worship context, integrating his thoughtful rational and historical analysis with an application to everyday life and personal worship.  (See my review of this book on this website.  See this book with my review on Amazon.)  Bought 2 February 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 22-23 March 2011.  Theology

Kiyosaki, Robert T.  Rich Dad's Prophecy.  NY:  Warner Business, 2002.  286p. (Written in 2002, this book predicted a great stock market crash, which came true in 2007-8 as part of the world-wide economic crisis caused by the deregulation of the banks in 2004 and the subsequent acceleration of fraudulent and exploitative mortgage loans under the Bush administration in order to package and commoditize them on the international stock exchanges.  In 2011 investigations have resulted in charges against several huge banks for their part in this fiasco that destroyed the world stock and currency systems.  The sub-title reads:  “Why the Biggest Stock Market Crash in History is Still Coming and How You Can Prepare Yourself and Profit From It.”)  Bought 27 March 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 15-17 June 2011.  Business

Kling, Fritz.  The Meeting of the Waters:  7 Global Currents that will Propel the Future Church.  Nashville:  David C Cook/Eames Literary Services, 2010.  233p.  Bought 18 November 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 29-30 November 2011.  Church and Culture

Kostenberger, Andreas J and Michael J Kruger.  The Heresy of Orthodoxy:  How Contemporary Culture's Fascination with Diversity has Reshaped our Understanding of Early Christianity.  Wheaton, Illinois:  Crossway, 2010.  250p.  Bought 5 November 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 18-20 November 2011.  History (Theology)

Kraybill, J Nelson.  Apocalypse and Allegiance:  Worship, Politics, and Devotion in the Book of Revelation.  Grand Rapids:  BrazoswPress, 2010.  224p.  Bought 2 December 2011. Read 30-31 December 2011.  Bible Backgrounds (History, Revelation)

Larson, Catherine Claire.  As We Forgive:  Stories of Reconciliation from Rwanda.  Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 2009.  284p.  Bought 2 October 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 13-20 October 2011.  Faith and Life

Leaky, Richard.  The Origin of Humankind.  NY:  Basic Books (Perseus), 1994.  171p.  Bought 16 August 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 16-17 August 2011.  Science

Lodahl, Michael.  Claiming Abraham:  Reading the Bible and the Qur'an Side by Side.  Grand Rapids:  BrazosPress, 2010.  227p.  Bought 1 July 2010 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 14-16 December 2011.  Religions (Christianity and other religions)

London, H B.  Family Feuds.  Colorado Springs, Colorado:  Focus on the Family, 2006.  Audiobook.  (An interview format with four guests or sets of guests, discussing family questions like adoption, teen challenges, learning problems, financial difficulties, blended families and singleness.  Focuses on how American churches can understand and address these situations.)  Bought 2 February 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Heard 5 February 2011.  Church and Culture

London, H B.  The Fragmented Church.  Colorado Springs, Colorado:  Focus on the Family, 2006.  Audiobook.  (An interview format with four experts in age-group and social-group focus in the church, discussing the problems of identity and communication in American culture and how American churches are or could be addressing the needs.)  Bought and heard 2 February 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Church and Culture

Lucado, Max.  In the Eye of the Storm.  Dallas:  Word, 1991.  284p.  Borrowed and read 30 November 2011.  Faith and Life

Lyons, Julie.  Holy Roller:  Finding Redemption and the Holy Ghost in a Forgotten Texas Church.  Colorado Springs:  Waterbrook Press, 2009.  244p.  Bought 24 May 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 9-10 June 2011.  Theology

Mansfield, Ken, with Brent Stoker.  The White Book:  The Beatles, the Bands, the Biz – An Insider's Look at an Era.  Nashville:  Thomas Nelson, 2007.  249p.  Bought 10 January 2010 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 20 September - 9 October 2011.  Biography (Music, Business)

Marozzi, Justin.  Tamerlane:  Sword of Islam, Conqueror of the World.  449p.  London:  Harper Perennial, 2004.  Bought 21 December 2007 in Bedfordview, South Africa.  Read 25-31 January 2011.  History (Biography; Islam)

McCarty, Doran.  Teilhard de Chardin.  Peabody, Massachusetts:  Hendrickson Publishers, 1976.  149p.  Bought 2 February 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 31 March – April 2011.  Theology McCarty, Doran.  Teilhard de Chardin.  Peabody, Massachusetts:  Hendrickson Publishers, 1976.  149p.  Bought 2 February 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 31 March – 1 April 2011.  Theology

McDowell, W F et al.  Effective Workers in Needy Fields.  NY:  Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions, 1902.  195p.  (The story of 5 missionaries.  The first essay is about David Livingstone.  Other stories cover George Leslie Mackay, Isabella Thoburn, Cyrus Hamlin and Joseph Hardy Neesima.)  Received as a gift from a personal library in November 2010.  Read 12-14 April 2011.  Biography

McGarrity, Michael.  Nothing But Trouble.  Prince Frederick, Maryland:  Recorded Books and Penguin Group, 2006.  Audiobook.  (This tight thriller weaves together a border smuggling ring on the New Mexico-Mexico border, a modern western movie shooting in the same location, international military plots and high-level coverups with a challenging murder mystery.)  Borrowed 13 October 2011.  Heard 24-27 October 2011.  Fiction (Mystery)

McKain, Scott.  Collapse of Distinction.  Nashville:  Thomas Nelson, 2009.  250p.  Bought 24 May 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 12-14 June 2011.  Business

McLaren, Brian.  Finding Our Way Again:  The Return of the Ancient Practices.  Nashville:  Thomas Nelson, 2008.  216p.  Bought 2 July 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 20 August 2011.  Faith and Life

Meier, Samuel A.  Themes and Transformations in Old Testament Prophecy.  Downers Grove, Illinois:  IVP Academic (InterVarsity), 2009.  240p.  Bought 2 October 2010 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 31 January – 2 February 2011.  Bible (Prophets)

Mezzrow, Mezz (Milton).  Really the Blues.  NY:  Barnes and Noble, 2009 (reprint of original 1946 edition by Mezzrow with 1948 comments and essay by Wolfe).  433p.  (This is Mezzrow's own account of his early life, musical influences, bands he played with and led, and the development of blues/jazz from his involvement in the early days.  Mezzrow was a Polish-American Chicago Jew who became fascinated with the creative sounds arising out of the Southern black cultural music we know as blues.  He developed what came to be known as Chicago Jazz.  He was a good friend of Louis Armstrong, and in 1931 was hired by Louis as his musical director for recording sessions, organizing a top studio band for Louis' national live radio show.  This was an exciting and rewarding saga of the seamy as well as the glorious side of American music in the 20th century.  (See my review of this book on this website.  See this book with my review on Amazon.)  Bought 20 January 2011 in Ridgeland, Mississippi.  Read 20-23 January 2011.  Autobiography (Music)

Miller, Donald.  Searching for God Knows What.  Nashville:  Thomas Nelson, 2010.  256p.  (See my review of this book on my website.  See the book with my review on Amazon.)  Bought 4 August 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  First read in 2009.  Read again 3-5 September 2011.  Faith and Life

Mittleberg, Mark.  Choosing Your Faith in a World of Spiritual Options.  Carol Stream, Illinois: Tyndale/Willow Creek, 2008.  266p.  Bought 16 July 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 25 August 2011.  Faith and Life

Mohler, R Albert.  Desire and Deceit:  The Real Cost of the New Sexual Tolerance.  NY:  Multnomah (Random House), 2008.  160p.  Bought 24 May 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 9 June 2011.  Church and Culture

Moffet, Shannon.  The Three-Pound Enigma:  The Human Brain and the Quest to Unlock its Mysteries.  Chapel Hill, North Carolina:  Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 2006.  309p.  Bought 10 July 2010 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 20-22 April 2011.  Science (Neurophysiology, Science of Mind)

Morley, John David.  Pictures from the Water Trade.  NY:  The Atlantic Monthly Press, 1985 (republished by TSR, NY).  118p.  Bought 12 January 2011 in Ruidoso, New Mexico.  Read 14 January 2011.  Peoples and Cultures (Japan)

Morrison, Anthony.  Advertising Profits from Home.  (No location) Visionary Strategies, 2009.  181p.  Borrowed 10 March 2011, read 10-14 March 2011.  Business

Morrison, Anthony.  The Hidden Millionaire.  Madison, Mississippi:  Morrison Publishing, 2008.  169p.  Borrowed 7 March 2011, read 1-7 March 2011.  Business

Mullins, E Y.  Baptist Beliefs.  Louisville, Kentucky:  Baptist World Publishing Company, 1913.  96p.   Received as a gift from a personal library in November 2010.  Read 17-20 May 2011.  Theology

Norris, Chuck.  Black Belt Patriotism: How to Reawaken America.  Nashville:  Fidelis Books (Broadman & Holman), 2010.  282p.  Bought 2010 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 23 November 2011.  American Politics and Culture (Faith and Life)

Ordway, Holly.  Not God's Type:  A Rational Academic Finds a Radical Faith.  Chicago:  Moody Press, 2010.  158p.  (Ordway details her experience of progressing through rational analysis and questioning from atheist to believer in Christ.  A very interesting dynamic is how this was entwined with her career as a tournament fencer, and engaged in philosophical and faith dialogue with her philosophy-focused Christian fencing coach.)  Read 12 January 2011.  Philosophy

Ortberg, John.  Know Doubt.  Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 2008.  186p.  (Ortberg has some good perspectives on the value of doubt, and good practical suggestions of how to use and respond to doubt to deepen your understanding of serious and difficult questions and how to grow in your skills of coping with life challenges.)  Read 12 January 2011.  Faith and Life

Price, J M.  Christianity and Social Problems.  Nashville:  Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, 1928.  271p.  Received as a gift from a personal library in November 2010.  Read 2-3 August 2011.  Theology

Rendell, Ruth.  End in Tears.  Westminster, Maryland:  Books on Tape/Random, House Audio, 2005.  Audiobook.  (An Inspector Wexford mystery.  A complex story involving two murders that wind up being connected to an adoption racket and assorted other intricacies.  10 disks.  While I generally like Chief Inspector Wexford and the Rendell stories, I found this tedious and somewhat strained.)  Borrowed 13 October 2010.  Heard 14-16, 27-28 October 2011.  Fiction (Murder Mystery)

Robertson, Archibald Thomas.  The Gospel According to Luke (Volume 2 in Word Pictures in the New Testament).  Nashville:  Broadman Press. 1930 (reprint).  298p.  Bought 10 September 2009 in Arlington, Texas.  Read casually from February to December 2010.  Bible (Greek Language)

Sakellarakis, J A.  Heraklion Museum, Illustrated Guide to the Museum.  Athens:  Ekdotike Athenon SA, 1979.  144p.  (This guide has a great illustrated overview of Cretan Archaeology, and presents the findings and theories concerning the history and culture of the island and the region.  The author was at the time an Associate Professor of Archaeology at the University of Athens.)  Received as a gift from a personal library in November 2010.  Read 4-5 November 2011.  History (Peoples and Cultures)

Salvatore, Nick.  Singing in a Strange Land:  C L Franklin, the Black Church, and the Transformation of America.  NY/Boston:  Little, Brown and Co, 2005.  420p.  Bought 20 May 2010 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 9-11 November 2011.  Peoples and Cultures (History)

Sanders, Richard.  If a Pirate I Must Be...:  The True Story of “Black Bart,” King of the Caribbean Pirates.  NY:  Fall River Press, 2007.  278p.  Bought 5 February 2010 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 14 August 2011.  History (Peoples and Cultures)

Seay, Chris.  The Gospel According to Jesus:  A Faith that Restores All Things.  Nashville:  Thomas Nelson, 2010.  210p.  Bought 3 September 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 20-23 October 2011.  Faith and Life

Sills, M David.  Reaching and Teaching:  A Call to Great Commission Obedience.  Chicago:  Moody Publishers, 2010.  251p.  Bought 5 November 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 17-20 December 2011.  Theology (Mission Strategy)

Singular, Stephen.  When Men Become Gods:  Mormon Polygamist Warren Jeffs, His Cult of Fear, and the Women Who Fought Back.  NY:  St Martin's Press, 2008.  294p.  Bought 10 July 2010 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 24-28 June 2011.  Religions (Fundamentalist LDS)

Sloyan, Gerard S.  Why Jesus Died.  Minneapolis:  Fortress Press, 2004.  154p.  Bought 2 February 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 18-20 February 2011.  Christian Theology (Bible)

Souza, Pete.  The Rise of Barack Obama.  Chicago:  Triumph Books, 2008.  160p.  Bought 15 August 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 11-12 September 2011.  History

Spelling, Tori.  Stori Telling.  NY:  Simon and Schuster Audioworks, 2008.  Audiobook.  (An autobiography that helps set straight some of the tabloid rumours and evokes a sympathy for the family stress and injustice from the industry and the public, as well as within the family for this rich girl as she grows into the realities of life in Hollywood.  Read by the author.)  Bought 12 January 2011 in Ruidoso, New Mexico.  Heard 28-29 January 2011.  Autobiography

Spiegel, James S.  The Making of an Atheist.  Chicago:  Moody Publishers, 2010.  141p.  (This professor of Philosophy and Religion discusses the moral implications of belief or non-belief in God.  He draws on practical examples as well as writings by famous atheist scientists and philosophers.  He makes some good points and draws upon religious and non-religious scientists as he analyzes the topic and recent writings an discussions of the subject.  Some of his analysis seems solid and helpful.  Some of it seems superficial and simplistic.  Good, stimulating discussion a propos to today's discussions in American public and academic life.)  Bought 18 November 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 5 December 2011.  Philosophy (Theology)

Stabenow, Dana.  Better to Rest.  Westminster, Maryland:  Books on Tape.  2002.  Audiobook.  (This is a murder mystery set in Alaska.  An old plane crash on the side of a glacier opens up a mystery from WWII.  Local intrigue plays the harmony of a second story line intersecting with the old mystery.  This story was just OK, nothing special and I won't be reading or listening to anything else by Stabenow.  I was put off by the gratuitous and generous use of offensive language.  Stabenow went out of his way to include irreverent and abusive uses of God's name, which added nothing to the story or the characterization.  It troubles me that stories like this abuse their readers and distract from the story line itself with their jarring and distracting vulgar dialogue.  How does that help the story?  Why can't they just use normal language like we hear around us in everyday speech?  Where do these writers grow up?)  Borrowed 7 June 2010.  Heard 9-13 June 2011.  Fiction (Murder Mystery)

Stableford, Brian.  Architects of Emortality.  NY:  Tor Books (Tom Doherty), 1999.  356p.  Bought 12 June 2011 in Ridgeland, Mississippi.  Read 12-29 June 2011.  Sci Fi

Stashower, Daniel.  The Beautiful Cigar Girl:  Mary Rogers, Edgar Allan Poe and the Invention of Murder.  NY:  Dutton (Penguin), 2006.  (This is an excellent volume centered around the sensational murder of a young woman in New York in 1841, which became a world sensation and the most famous unsolved murder in the the world.  Edgar Allan Poe, a writer and editor in New York at the time, wrote a novellette about the story, reviewing the mystery and all the facts in detail, setting it in Paris, investigated by Inspector Dupin, whom he had created for the famous Murders in the the Rue Morgue.  Stashower tells the story of Mary Rogers' life and murder, the life story of Edgar Allan Poe with its self-destructive ups and downs and burst of poetic and narrative genius.  He intertwines these two life stories around the mystery of the murder and the events of culture and history in New York and the western world.  This detailed and riveting story itself reads like one of Poe's suspense thrillers.  This case led to the reformation of the New York police system and the establishment of the first professional, full time police force for New York City in 1845.  Many characteristics of first Sherlock Holmes were based directly on Poe's character Inspector Dupin.  The Holmes mystery by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a rework of one of Poe's most famous short-story mysteries, “The Purloined Letter.”  Poe was the first to make use of the deductive logic we so take for granted in murder mysteries now.  (See my review of this book on this website.  See this book with my review on Amazon.)  Bought 17 March 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 4-7 May 2011.  History (Biography, Literature)

Stowell, Joseph M.  Radical Reliance:  Living 24/7 with God at the Center.  Grand Rapids:  Discovery House, 2006.  171p.  Received as a gift 25 December 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 28-29 December 2011.  Theology

Strobel, Lee.  The Case for the Real Jesus.  Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 2007.  309p.  Borrowed July 2011.  Read 7-11 August 2011.  Bible Backgrounds (History, Theology)

Strobel, Lee and Garry Poole.  Exploring the DaVinci Code:  Investigating the Issues Raised by the Book and the Movie.  Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 2006.  110p.  Bought and read in Arlington, Texas, 3 February 2011.  History (Religion)

Sykes, Bryan.  Saxons, Vikings, and Celts:  The Genetic Roots of Britain and Ireland (UK Title: Blood of the Isles).  NY:  W W Norton, 2006.  306p.  Bought 17 August 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 17-20 August 2011.  Science

Thompson, Mary R.  The Mary of Magdala:  What the Da Vinci Code Misses.  NY:  Paulist Press, 2006.  156p.  Bought 2 February 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 6-8 February 2011.  Bible Backgrounds (History)

Titus, Larry. The Teleios Man:  Your Ultimate Identity. Oviedo, Florida:  Higher Life Development Services, 2010. 219p. Bought 18 November 2011 in Arlington, Texas. Read 25-28 December 2011. Faith and Life

Tjorhom, Ola, Ed.  Apostolicity and Unity:  Essays on the Porvoo Common Statement.  Geneva:  WCC Publications, 2002.  271p.  Bought 1 July 2010 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 12-13 December 2011.  Theology and Christian Faith

Trump, Donald J with Meredith McIver, Foreword by Robert Kiyosaki.  Think Like a Champion.  NY:  Vanguard Press, 2009.  204p.  Bought and read 20 January 2011 in Ridgeland, Mississippi.  Business

Tsanoff, Radoslav A.  Civilization and Progress.  Lexington:  University Press of Kentucky, 1971.  376p.  (A study of the concept of Social Progress in light of the societies of history.  A study across the millennia.  Tsanoff compares ancient documents, looking at Hebrew and other ancient religious sources that shed light on theories and practice of society and order.)  Read 25-28 April 2011.  Philosophy

Victor, Barbara.  Army of Roses:  Inside the World of Palestinian Women Suicide Bombers.  (No, Location:) Rodale Press, 2003.  300p.  Bought 20 May 2010 in Richmond, Virginia.  Read 7-9 June 2011.  Peoples and Cultures

Von Hagen, Victor Wolfgang.  The Ancient Sun Kingdoms of the Americas.  Cleveland and NY:  World Publishing Co, 1961.  617p.  (This was pleasant, informative scholarly reading on the pre-Spanish cultures and peoples of the New World.  Very entertaining and time-conscious, Von Hagen tells us what else was happening in the comparable spheres of life in the classical world at the time of developments he mentions among the historical and prehistorical peoples of the New World .  Such rich volumes are hard to find in current literature.  The author reports on social and culinary aspects of life, social roles and marriage patterns lineage, medicines and mystical beliefs.)  Bought 20 April 2002 in Richmond, Virginia.  Read 9-18 February 2010.  History

Walker, James K and Bob Waldrep.  The Truth Behind the Secret.  Eugene, Oregon:  Harvest House, 2007.  168p.  Bought 24 May 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 26-27 May 2011.  Theology (Mysticism, Metaphysics)

Wellman, Paul.  The Comancheros.  Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Company, 1952.  223p.  (This is an original edition of the novel on which the classic John Wayne western movie was based.  Setting:  Texas during the Republic.  Texas Rangers are ordered by President Houston to stop the Comancheros supplying guns to the Comanches on the western frontier, in the Staked Plains.)  Bought 2010 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 28 May – 6 June 2011.  Fiction

Whitney, Russ.  Building Wealth System.  Cape Coral, Florida:  Whitney Education Group, 2001.  Audiobook.  (This is a basic introduction and overview to the key information and procedures involved in dealing with Real Estate.  Every session by Russ is personal, not the reading of a prior published script.  There is a lot of meat here, on which he goes into greater detail in other audio courses.)  Bought January 2001 in Richmond, Virginia.  Heard 3-4 April 2011.  Business (Real Estate)

Whitney, Russ.  Communication, Negotiation & Salesmanship.  Cape Coral, Florida:  Whitney Education Group, 2001.  Audiobook.  (This and its companion audiobook courses are rightly labeled as unique.  Russ is doing his own teaching here, not just reading a script text of a book.  These CDs are packed with details of procedure, knowledge and relational guidance for dealing with various aspects of interaction in regard to Real Estate.  Russ deals with the dynamics of relationships with the many types of people involved in real estate transactions, from sellers to realtors, bankers, to buyers, county clerks and title companies.  These topics are packed with practical and personal details to fill gaps in other course, long or short.  I like that Russ always advocates a compassionate and helpful approach to all involved.  The investor is never to take advantage of anyone, but to seek to meet needs and solve problems while structuring deals so everyone will come away from the table a winner.  His vivid way of portraying encounters and his natural way of representing relationships and encounters is excellent guidance.)  Bought January 2001 in Richmond, Virginia.  Heard 31 March – 1 April 2011.  Business (Real Estate)

Whitney, Russ.  Starting from Zero.  Cape Coral, Florida:  Whitney Education Group, 2001.  Audiobook.  (This is a teaching production of Russ on basics of Real Estate, with many practical steps and details I have missed in other books and courses.  Russ is actually teaching extemporaneously here for several hours on the 6-CD set, not just reading the text of a print book he has published.  He introduces the business factors and knowledge you need to know, but also deals with the relationships involved in Real Estate business interaction.)  Bought January 2001 in Richmond, Virginia.  Heard 31 March – 1 April 2011.  Business (Real Estate)

Wilkerson, Isabel.  The Warmth of Other Suns:  the Epic Story of America's Great Migration.  NY:  Random House, 2010.  719p.  Received in October 2010 as a publisher's review copy.  Read 23-31 March 2011.  History

Wills, Garry.  Head and Heart.  NY:  Penguin, 2007.  626p.  (Wills explores in great detail the streams of thought in religion and philosophy behind the American Revolution and the founding of the American Republic.  This is a formidable and understandable analysis of the tug of war between religion and politics in the history of the United States.  He underscores the ignored fact that the period of the Revolution and establishment of the new nation was the time of the lowest formal confession of Christian faith in the history of America.  Active professing Christians were only 17% at the birth of the new nation, and evangelicalism has made gains ever since.  The Great Awakening in the early 1700s faded fast, and Enlightenment Deism with its focus on natural law and Reason ruled.  Wills provides excellent discussion of every major stream of philosophical and social theory through the history of the US and how these religious and social movements affected the political and legal discussions and decisions in American life and government.  An excellent, informative and challenging read.  (See my full review of this book on this website.  See this book with my review on Amazon.)  Bought 13 April 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 7-15 May 2011.  American Politics and Culture (History)

Wilson, Ken.  Mystically Wired: Exploring New Realms in Prayer.  Nashville:  Thomas Nelson, 2009.  192p.  Bought 3 September 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 24 November 2011.  Faith and Life

Wyman, David S.  The Abandonment of the Jews.  NY:  Pantheon (Random House), 1984 (republished by TSR, NY).  150p.  Bought 12 January 2011 in Ruidoso, New Mexico.  Read 13 January 2011.  History

Zacharias, Ravi.  Jesus Among Other Gods:  The Absolute Claims of the Christian Message.  Nashville:  Thomas Nelson, 2000.  195p.  Bought 4 August 2011 in Arlington, Texas.  Read 12-14 November 2011.  Religions (Christianity and other religions)

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