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Books I Read in 2017
Orville Boyd Jenkins
As of 2 February 2018 Books I Read in 2018 Books I Read in 2016
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What I read in 2016I reached my reading goal for 2017, 80 books, with a final total of 87. I spent extensive time during the year in genealogy research and writing. I wrote few book reviews this year.
Finished (87)
Albert, Eduardo. Edwin: High King of Britain. London: Lion Fiction, 2014. 351p. Bought 4 May 2017 in Cedar Hill, Texas. Read 28 June - 14 July 2017. Historical Fiction
Anderson, Peggy. Great Quotes from Great Leaders: Words from the Leaders Who Shaped the World. Naperville, Illinois: Simple Truths, 2017. 351p. Bought by mail 1 June 2017. Read 15-18 June 2017. Business
Anderson, Peggy. Great Quotes from Great Women: From Marie Curie to Michelle Obama - inspiring words from women who have shaped out world. Naperville, Illinois: Simple Truths, 2017. 255p. Bought by mail 1 May 2017. Read 5-6 June 2017. Business
Andrews, Andy. The Little Things: Why You Really Should Sweat the Small Stuff. Nashville: W Publishing Group, 2017. 169p. Bought March 2017 in Dallas, Texas. Read 20 July - 11 August 2017. Business
Andrews, Andy. The Noticer: Sometimes all a person needs is a little perspective. Nashville: W Publishing Group, 2009. 169p. Bought 10 October 2017 in Arlington, Texas. Read 4-5 November 2017. Faith & Life
Baggot, Jim. Higgs: The Invention and Discovery of the "God Particle." Oxford: Oxford Press, 2012. 277p. Bought 5 November 2016 in Cedar Hill, Texas. Read 15-17 July 2017. Science (Particle Physics)
Bennett, William J and Seth Leibsohn. The Fight of Our Lives: Knowing the Enemy, Speaking the Truth & Choosing to Win the War Against Radical Islam. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2011. 186p. Bought 4 January 2016 in Arlington, Texas. Read 3-8 March 2017. American Politics & Culture
Bethke, Jefferson. It's Not What You Think: Why Christianity is about So Much More than going to Heaven When You Die. Nashville: Nelson Books, 2015. 214p. Bought 10 October 2017 in Arlington, Texas. Read 5-6 December 2017. Theology (Biblical Interpretation, Application)
Bernis, Jonathan. A Rabbi Looks at the Supernatural: A Revealing Look at Angels, Demons, Miracles, Heaven and Hell. Minneapolis: Chosen (Baker), 2018. 185p. Bought 15 October 2017 in Cedar Hill, Texas. Read 16-20 October 2017. Theology
Borg, Marcus. The Heart of Christianity: Rediscovering a Life of Faith. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1989. 234p. Bought 17 December 2016 from Amazon. Read 8-12 January 2017. Theology (Bible)
Borg, Marcus J. Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time: The Historical Jesus and the Heart of Contemporary Faith. Grand Rapids: BrazosPress, 2015. 191p. Bought 10 October 2017 in Arlington, Texas. Read 26 November - 4 December 2017. Theology (Biblical Interpretation)
Borg, Marcus J and John Dominic Crossan. The First Paul: Reclaiming the Radical Visionary Behind the Church's Conservative Icon. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Co, 1976. 720p. (One book in a series of three by these authors about the Apostle Paul and the events around the writing of the New Testament documents.) Bought 20 January 2017 from Amazon. Read 23-27 March 2017. Bible Backgrounds (Theology)
Budde, Michael and Robert W Brimlow. Christianity Incorporated. Grand Rapids: Brazos Press (Baker), 2002. 191p. Bought 28 October 2016 in Arlington, Texas. Read 26-31 January 2017. Church & Culture
Burrell, David B. Aquinas: God and Action. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979. 194p. Bought May 1985 in Little Rock, Arkansas. Read in 3 March 2007. Reread 20-28 August 2017. Philosophy
Burrows, Dillon, Daniel Darling and Dan King. Activist Faith: From Him and For Him. Colorado Springs: NavPress, 2013. 217p. Bought 14 April 2017 in Arlington, Texas. Read 6-7 December 2017. Faith and Life
Calloway, Joe. Keep It Simple: Unclutter Your Mind to Uncomplicate Your Life. Naperville, Illinois: Simple Truths, 2016. 87p. Bought by mail 1 October 2016. Read 28 August 2017. Business
Carter, Jimmy. Christmas in Plains. NY: Simon & Schuster & Recorded Books, 2001. Audiobook. Bought 9 April 2017 in Arlington, Texas. Heard 27-28 April 2017. Memoir (American Politics & Culture)
Centineo, Joe. The Heart of Crossroads. Bedford, Texas: BurkhartBooks/Crossroads of Arlington Church, 2015. Gift from the author September 2016. (I was the editor of this edition.) Read 21-25 January 2015. Church & Culture
Chinchen, Palmer. Barefoot Tribe: Take Off You Shoes and Dare to Live the Extraordinary Life. NY: Howard Books/Simon & Schuster, 2014. 236p. Bought 9 May 2017 in Cedar Hill, Texas. Read 26 May - 5 June 2017. Faith & Life
Coben, Harlan. Stay Close. Grand Haven, Michigan: Brilliance Audio, 2012. Audiobook. Bought 9 April 2017 in Arlington, Texas. Heard 24-26 April 2017. Fiction (Murder Mystery)
Connell, Evan S. The White Lantern. NY: Herder & Herder, 1963. 254p. Bought 22 September 1984 in North Little Rock, Arkansas. Read in previous years. Reread 18-27 June 2017. History (Anthropology)
Cosper, Mike. Rhythms of Grace: How the Church's Worship Tells the Story of the Gospel. Wheaton: Crossway, 2013. 223p. Bought 31 August 2016 in Cedar Hill, Texas. Read 29 December 2016 - 3 January 2017. Faith and Life
Crossan, John Dominic. God & Empire: Jesus Against Rome, Then and Now. NY: HarperOne, 2007. Autographed by the author. 257p. Bought 19 December 2016 from Amazon. Read 12-20 February 2017. Theology
Duncan, Dee and Todd. Building High Ratings and High Trust in the Digital Age. Naperville, Illinois: Simple Truths, 2016. 157p. Read 1-2 February 2017. Business
Dunn, Jeff and Craig Bubeck. The Gospel According to Dan Brown. Colorado Springs: Victor (Cook Communications Ministries), 2006. 237p. Bought 15 April 2017 in Arlington, Texas. Read 28 October - 3 November 2017. Theology
Felten, David M and Jeff Proctor-Murphy. Living the Questions: The Wisdom of Progressive Christianity. NY: HarperOne, 2012. 271p. (This is a contextual exegesis of biblical themes, with focus on Jesus' teachings and the themes of the New Testament documents in their Jewish context of Torah and the Roman Empire in the age of the first Caesars. The authors reference historical and current Christian figures for perspective and example of implementation of the biblical vision in three broad sections. Section 1 Journey; Section 2 Reconciliation; Section 3 Transformation. See my review of this book on Amazon. Read my review of this book on GoodReads.) Bought 10 July 2017 from Amazon. Read 12-15 August 2017. Faith & Life
Fenton, Richard and Andrea White. Go For No. Courage Crafters: http://couragecrafters.com, 2010. 74p. Read 17-18 July 2017. Business
Fisher, Suzanne Woods. The Heart of the Amish: Life Lessons on Peacemaking and the Power of Forgiveness. Grand Rapids: Revell (Baker Books), 2015. 178p. Bought 31 December 2016 in Arlington, Texas. Read 21-22 February 2017. Faith & Life
Ford, Lance. Revangelical: Becoming the good News People We're Meant to Be. Carol Stream, Illinois: Tyndale Momentum, 2014. 239p. Bought 28 October 2016. Read 8-12 April 2017. Church & Culture
Gallagher, B J, Foreword by Ken Blanchard. The Leadership Secrets of OZ: Strategies from great and powerful to flying monkeys - unleash some magic in your management! Naperville, Illinois: Simple Truths, 2017. 125p. Bought by mail 1 June 2017. Read 22-24 June 2017. Business
Gant, Andrew. The Carols of Christmas: A Celebration of the Surprising Stories Behind Your Favorite Holiday Songs. Nashville: Nelson Books, 2015. 216p. Bought 3 June 2017 in Arlington, Texas. Read 7-8 December 2017. Church & Culture
George, Timothy. Is the Father of Jesus the God of Muhammad?: Understanding the Differences Between Christianity and Islam. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2002. 159p. Bought 21 May 2017 in Irving, Texas. Read 26-27 October 2017. Religions (Islam)
Habib, Samaa. Face to Face with Jesus: A Former Muslim's Extraordinary Journey to Heaven and Encounter with the God of Love. Minneapolis: Chosen (Baker Books), 2014. 268p. Bought 2 February 2012 in Arlington, Texas. Read 9-15 March 2017. Faith & Life
Hamm, Dennis, SJ. Philippians, Colossians, Philemon. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 1998. 154p. (A volume in the Catholic Commentary of Sacred Scripture.) Bought 27 April 2017 in Cedar Hill, Texas. (1) Read 16-21 August 2017. (2) Studied again November-December, finished 13 December 2017. Bible
Higgins, Jack. Rough Justice. Grand Haven, Michigan: Brilliance Audio, 2009. Audiobook. (The book was originally published in 2008.) Bought 9 April 2017 in Arlington, Texas. Heard 10-12 April 2017. Fiction (International Intrigue)
Johnson, Mat. The Great Negro Plot: A Tale of Conspiracy and Murder in Eighteenth-Century New York. NY: Bloomsbury, 2007. 213p. (See my review on Amazon.) Bought 25 September 2016 in Arlington, Texas. Read 4-7 January 2017. History
Johnston, Mark G. Our Creed: For Every Culture and For Every Generation. Phillipsburg, New Jersey: P & R Publishing, 2012. 124p. Bought 9 May 2017 in Cedar Hill, Texas. Read 17 June 2017. Theology
Jones, Martin. Unlocking the Past: How Archaeologists Are Rewriting Human History with Ancient DNA. NY: Arcade Publishing, 2016. 338p. () Bought 2 January 2017 from Amazon. Portions read for reference in January 2017. Read 30 August - 8 September 2017. Science (DNA/Paleoanthropology)
Kallenberg, Brad J. Live to Tell: Evangelism for a Postmodern Age. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2002. 138p. Bought 1 January 2017 in Arlington, Texas. Read 23 February 2017. Church & Culture
Klein, John and Adam Spears. Devils and Demons and the Return of the Nephilim. 207p. (The authors spin out their theory of the spirit world, attempting to present a systematic structure of the variety of evil spirits and beings referred to by different words in different languages from different cultural and religious origins, with a Jewish spin. They include a quite good summary of an important part of the Book of Enoch, which they consider an inspired part of the biblical canon, where the first-century BC writer of Enoch develops a story of the key archangels and ties them to the simple reference introduction to Genesis 6, referring to the "sons of the god," or "the sons of god." Read my review of this book on GoodReads. Read my review of this book on Amazon.) Bend, Oregon: Xulon Press, 2005, 2001. Read 21-25 October 2017. Theology and Religion (Eschatology)
Kraybill, J Nelson. Apocalypse and Allegiance: Worship, Politics, and Devotion in the Book of Revelation. Grand Rapids: Brazos Press, 2010. 224p. (Kraybill provides an excellent commentary on the theme and background of the book of Revelation (the Apocalypse) to bring to life the current setting of the late first century of the Christian Era, early in the period of such growing pressure and persecution under Emperor Domitian in the early 90s. Kraybill provides helpful insights on the geography and commercial, religious or political significance of each of the 7 cities addressed in the book of the Revelation. Read my review on Amazon. Read my review of this book on GoodReads.) Bought 2 December 2011 in Arlington, Texas. First read 30-31 December 2011. Reread in a new study of the Revelation 4-13 October 2017. Bible Backgrounds (History, Revelation)
Küng, Hans, trans Edward Quinn. Does God Exist?: an Answer for Today. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Co, 1980. 839p. Bought March 1981 in Dallas, Texas. Portions read previously and used for reference. Read 6-21 February 2017. Theology
Küng, Hans, trans Edward Quinn. On Being Christian. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Co, 1976. 720p. Bought March 1981 in Dallas, Texas. Portions read previously and used for reference. Read 16-23 March 2017. Theology
Le Donne, Anthony. Near Christianity: How Journeys Along Jewish-Christian Borders Saved My Faith in God. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2016. 232p. Bought 9 May 2017. Read 17-19 July 2017. Religions
Leidner, Gordon. The Leadership Secrets of Hamiliton: 7 Steps to Revolutionary Leadership from Alexander Hamilton and the Founding Fathers. Naperville, Illinois: Simple Truths, 2017. 157p. Bought by mail 1 March 2017. Read 4-5 March 2017. Business
Lockwood, Charles. The Human Story: Where We Came From and How We Evolved. London: Natural History Museum, 2007. 112p. Bought 17 December 2016 from Amazon. Read 1-3 January 2017. Science (Paleoanthropology)
Longman, Tremper III. Making Sense of the Old Testament: Three Crucial Questions. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 1998. 154p. Bought 10 October 2017 in Arlington, Texas. Read 7-9 November 2017. Bible
Lucado, Max. Glory Days: Living Your Promised Land Life Now. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2015. 169p. Bought 3 June 2017 in Arlington, Texas. Read 9-11 September 2017. Faith & Life
MacPherson, Dave. The Incredible Coverup: Exposing the Origins of Rapture Theories. 166p. (The author traces down and fully documents the origins of the Pre-tribulation "Rapture" belief in the ecstatic prophetic utterance of a Margaret McDonald in Glasgow in 1830. The idea of a first secret coming, then a later dramatic militaristic coming, from an ecstatic vision by Margaret, was developed by John Nelson Darby of the Plymouth Brethren into a component of his new Dispensationalist view he was developing in the mid 1850s. Read my updated review of this book on my website.) Medford, Oregon: Omega Publications, 1975, 2001. Bought April 2005. First read 25 October 2005. Reread 27-28 October 2017. Theology and Religion (Eschatology)
Makary, Marty and Ellen Vaughn. Mama Maggie: The Untold Story of One Woman's Mission to Love the Forgotten Children of Egypt's Garbage Slums. Nashville: Nelson Books, 2015. 241p. Bought 1 July 2017 in Arlington, Texas. Read 4, 13-17 December 2017. Biography (Theology)
Mansfield, Stephen. Ask The Question: Why We Must Demand Religious Clarity from Our Presidential Candidates. Grand Rapids: BakerBooks, 2016. 252p. Bought 14 April 2017 in Arlington, Texas. Read 18-21 November 2017. American Politics and Culture
Matthews, Michael. Position to Receive. Houston: Dominion Global Publishing, 2007. 109p. Bought 9 May 2017 in Cedar Hill, Texas. Read 2 August 2017. Business
McLaren, Brian D. A Search for What Makes Sense: Finding Faith. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2006. 157p. Bought 2 February 2017 in Arlington, Texas. Read 4-6 February 2017. Faith & Life
McManus, Erwin Raphael. Chasing Daylight: Sieze the Power of Every Moment. Nashville: Nelson Books, 2002. 259p. Bought 2 February 2017 in Arlington, Texas. Read 8-10 August 2017. Faith & Life
Mendell, David. Obama: From Promise to Power. NY: Amistad (HarperCollins), 2007. 406p. Received as a gift, Christmas 2016. Read 20-28 July 2017. American Politics and Culture (History)
Moore, Johnnie. Defying ISIS: Preserving Christianity in the Place of its Birth. Nashville: W Publishing (Thomas Nelson), 2015. 169p. Bought 31 December 2016 in Arlington, Texas. Read 3 January 2017. Church and Culture
Olson, Jeff, with John David Mann. The Slight Edge. Plano, Texas: Success, 2013. 280p. (Eighth Anniversary Edition.) Bought by mail early 2017. Read 29 August - 21 November 2017. Business
Parshall, Phil. Bridges to Islam: A Christian Perspective on Folk Islam. Atlanta: Authentic, 2007. 159p. Bought 12 August 2017 on Amazon. Read 13-16 April 2017. Religions
Petersen, Randy. The Printer and the Preacher: Ben Franklin, George Whitfield, and the Surprising Friendship that Invented America. Colorado Springs: Nelson Books, 2015. 281p. Bought 34 April 2017 in Arlington, Texas. Read 11-15 May 2017. American Politics and Culture (History)
Rector, John. Lost Things. Grand Haven, Michigan: Brilliance Audio, 2012. Audiobook. Bought 9 April 2017 in Arlington, Texas. Heard 15, 24 April 2017. Fiction (Psychological Murder Mystery)
Ripken, Nik, with Barry Stricker. The Insanity of Obedience: Walking with Jesus in Tough Places. Nashville: Broadman and Holman, 2014. 303p. Bought 21 May 2017 in Irving, Texas. Read 11 September - 15 October 2017. Faith and Life
Roberts, Nora. The Liar. Grand Haven, Michigan: Brilliance Audio, 2015. Audiobook. Bought 9 April 2017 in Arlington, Texas. Heard 9 June - 1 July 2017. Fiction
Roloff, Jürgen. Revelation. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1993. 275p. (A volume in the Continental Commentary. Roloff has done an excellent job of summarizing the historical factors behind the symbols and images in Revelation, explaining how every one of them fits the current situation of the young Christian community in the precarious Roman environment of growing pressure in Asia Minor to publicly participate in Emperor Worship. Roloff traces themes, images and concerns, even specific phrasing, in the Revelation to Jewish-Christian sources, and distinguishes these influences from the Gentile Christian influences in the mixed cultural setting of Asia Minor. He maintains the integrity of the text, rightly rejecting the modern popular-culture "Rapture" cult of prediction and linear end-time scenario, to place the book of encouragement and hope in its proper historical and cultural context. (See my review of this book on this website. See this book with my review on Amazon. Read my review of this book on GoodReads.) Bought 10 January 2012 in Arlington, Texas. Read 10-16 January 2012. Reread 23 September - 5 October 2017 Bible
Schuller, Bobby. Happiness According to Jesus. Franklin, Tennessee: Worthy Books, 2015. 238p. (Schuller provides a dynamic and practical exegesis of the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew's Gospel. This author explains Jesus' great attraction to the common people, so oppressed by the formalities of religion in the face of the hard daily life they had to deal with. Schuller explains in understandable, practical terms what Jesus meant by saying his burden on the people was light, compared to the legalistic approach of the Pharisees. Jesus takes us beyond legalism into the internalization of intent and purpose of Torah in life, the original meaning of Torah, Instruction: tutoring for a successful and righteous life. See my review of this book on Amazon Read my review of this book on GoodReads.) Bought 10 October 2017 in Arlington, Texas. Read 11-17 November 2017. Bible
Sheldon, Sidney. Windmills of the Gods. NY: William Morrow & Co, 1987; Reader's Digest Select Editions, 1987. 145p. Borrowed and read 19 January 2017 in Lindsay, Oklahoma. Fiction (International Intrigue)
Sider, Ronald J. Nonviolent Action: What Christian Ethics Demands but Most Christians Have Never Really Tried. NY: HarperSanFrancisco, 1994. 150p. Bought 28 November 2017 from Amazon. Read 28 November - 1 December 2017. Theology (Ethics; Faith and Life)
Suddendorf, Thomas. The Gap: The Science of What Separates Us From the Other Animals. NY: Basic Books, 2013. 358p. Bought 5 January 2017 on Amazon. Read 12-18 January 2017. Science (Paleoanthropology)
Sweet, Leonard. Viral: How Social Networking is Poised to Ignite Revival. Colorado Springs: Waterbrook Press, 2012. 229p. Bought 1 July 2017 in Arlington, Texas. Read 22-26 November 2017. Church & Culture
Sweet, Leonard and Brian D McLaren and Jerry Haselmayer. A is for Abductive: The Language of the Emerging Church. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2003. 338p. Read 16-21 April 2017. Church & Culture
Sykes, Bryan. The Seven Daughters of Eve: The Science that Reveals our Genetic Ancestry. NY: W W Norton, 2001. 307p. (Bryan Sykes is one of the world's leading genetic anthropologist, working with DNA identification and comparison to understand the biological history of the human race. He has been part of a growing worldwide coordinated effort in DNA gathering and comparison, and worked with various other specialists to reconstruct the migration and cultural portraits of humans. After analyzing the DNA patterns of thousands of subjects all across Europe, Sykes realized they all fell into a pattern of only 7 groups, thus deriving form only 7 ancestral women for about 95% of the population of current Europe. Read my review of this book on GoodReads.) Bought 8 December 2017 on Amazon. Read 23-30 December 2017. Science (Paleoanthropology)
Tattersall, Ian. Masters of the Planet: The Search for Our Human Origins. NY: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2012. 373p. Bought 17 December 2016 from Amazon. Read 7-15 June 2017. Science (Paleoanthropology)
Thavis, John. The Vatican Diaries: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Power, Personalities, and Politics at the Heart of the Catholic Church. NY: Penguin, 2014. 336p. Bought 26 August 2016 in Arlington, Texas. Read 3-7 August 2017. History
Theodoret of Cyrus (critical Greek text revised by John F Petruccione, trans Robert C Hill). The Questions on the Octateuch: Vol 1 On Genesis and Exodus. Washington DC: Catholic Univ of America Press, 2007. 345p. (Written by Theodoret, Bishop of Cyrus, about 100 miles north of Antioch, Syria, around 450 CE; first volume in his commentary series on the first 8 books of the Old Testament. Theodoret is associated with the Antiochene school of church leaders and theologians. The work is more valuable for the insight it provides into the worldview and theology of the era and region than for its views on the books.) Bought 22 July 2016 in Cedar Hill, Texas. Read 23 April - 4 May 2017. Bible (Genesis-Exodus, Theology)
Tracy, Brian. Your Most Valuable Asset: 7 Steps to Growing Rich. Naperville, Illinois: Simple Truths, 2016. 93p. Bought by mail 1 March 2017. Read 8 March 2017. Business
Varki, Ajit and Danny Brower. Denial: Self-Deception, False Beliefs, and the Origins of the Human Mind. NY: Twelve (Hachette Book Co), 2013. 373p. Bought 26 August 2016 in Arlington, Texas. Read 24 February - 2 March 2017. Science (Neurology/Paleoanthropology)
Wallis, Jim. America's Original Sin: Racism, White Privilege, and the Bridge to a New America. Grand Rapids: BrazosPress, 2016. 238p. Bought 3 June 2017 in Arlington, Texas. Read 9, 17-22 December 2017. Church & Culture
Warren, Kay. The Mother & Child Project: Raising Our Voices for Health and Hope. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2015. 234p. Bought 9 August 2016 in Arlington, Texas. Read 14-15 May 2017. Inspiration
Wilke, Steve and Rebecca. Answers to Anxiety: A Prescription for Peace. San Diego: LEADOn Publishing, 2010. 64p. Bought January 2017 in Plano, Texas. Read 18 June 2017, while going through 2 courses with LEADon University. Psychology
Wilke, Steve and Rebecca. Corporate Family Matters: Creating and Developing Organizational Dynasties. San Diego: LEADon Publishing, 2010. 120p. (I received this book from Steve Wilke in August 2016 in an initial meeting introducing LEADon University business-oriented personal leadership development. After reading this in October 2016, I reread it in February 2017, while going through 2 6-month courses with LEADon University in the Dallas area. Steve, who wrote this and other books together with his wife Dr Rebecca Wilke, has developed excellent training and planning resources for team building and personal development. They conduct training sessions in corporate America and also work with church staffs. See this short review quote with a summary of the book at GoodReads.) Received from Steve Wilke 24 August 2016 in Allen, Texas. First read in October 2016. Reread 20-23 February 2017, while going through 2 courses with LEADon University. Business
Wilke, Steve and Rebecca. Dealing With Depression: Hope & Healing For a Brighter Future. San Diego: LEADon Publishing, 2010. 54p. Bought January 2017 in Plano, Texas. Read 18 June 2017, while going through 2 courses with LEADon University. Psychology
Wilke, Steve and Rebecca. The Leading Edge: 9 Strategies for Improving Internal and Intentional Leadership. San Diego: LEADon Publishing, 2010. 229p. (This volume is filled with excellent practical content for self-development and team development. I first read it in October 2016, when first attending a seminar introducing LEADon University, then read it in February 2017. Steve and his wife Dr Rebecca Wilke have written several books related to team and corporate health. They have developed instruments to assess how well teams and company employees understand purposes, strategies and goals of the company or team. In various courses and online resources, they have developed guides for clarifying and developing Visions, Missions and Strategies for teams and companies. See this short review quote with a summary of the book at GoodReads.) Received from Steve Wilke 24 August 2016 in Allen, Texas. Previously read in October 2016. Read again 17-18 February 2017, while going through 2 courses with LEADon University. Business
Wilcock, David. The Synchronicity Key: The Hidden Intelligence Guiding the Universe and You. NY: Dutton, 2013. 511p. (Wilcock writes with a view to showing how all events in our lives and history reflect a coherent pattern, with key factors coming together at key times in various places among unconnected persons. He writes eclectically in a New Age style, attempting to filling gaps between different popular and scientific sources of knowledge and between different historical civilizations and technologies. He presents some interesting and informative facts and concepts and presents challenging considerations. He concludes there is some intelligence in the Universe directing things. It was an interesting read. I am familiar with other works along this line by Wilcock, and find him an engaging, readable writer. He sometimes glides past possible problems or objections to his sweeping theories and conclusions, but presents much for thought. See this short review quote with a summary of the book at GoodReads.) Received as a gift Christmas 2016. Read 27 March - 8 April 2017. Science (Religion & Mysticism
Winkelhofer, Alois. The Coming of the Kingdom: A Theology of Last Things. NY: Herder & Herder, 1963. 254p. Bought 25 September 2016 in Arlington, Texas. Read 4-10 May 2017. Theology
Woods, Stuart. Worst Fears Realized. NY: HarperCollins & Recorded Books, 1999. Audiobook. Bought 9 April 2017 in Arlington, Texas. Heard 30 April - 4 May 2017. Fiction (Murder Mystery)
Wright, N T. What Saint Paul Really Said: Was Paul of Tarsus the Real Founder of Christianity?. Grand Rapids: William B Eerdmans, 1997. 233p. Bought 31 December 2016 in Cedar Hill, Texas. Read 16-25 May 2017. Bible (Theology)
Yancey, Philip, Oswald Chambers, Bruce Wilkerson, Josh McDowell and David Jeremiah. Miracles All Around Us: True-Life Stories of Heaven Touching Earth. Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House, 2016. 252p. Bought 10 October 2017 in Arlington, Texas. Read 4-5 December 2017. Faith and Life
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